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Last active February 21, 2017 09:55
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What do you get? and what is the difference betw this an Arch base install?
You can install real, plain, simple Arch the old-fashioned way from inside Antergos Live media.
There are a couple reasons you might want to do this:
* You have a Chromium, so the docs are right there the whole time. copypasta your way to glory!
(obligatory warning: don't copy commands from you web browser into your terminal unless you know the risks involved)
GParted ('nuff said)
* multiple terminal windows without a need for using other TTYs/screen/tmux
* u/gabriel_3 reminded me in the comments about having networkmanager!
you like all the above stuff, but you don't want the extra packages/pre-configuration of Antergos
The only possible downside is that you don't have the wonderful grml-zsh setup that comes on the standard install media
(though it is available with pacman if desired).
So this is what you do:
* Make and boot Antergos live media. Refer to their website.
* Partition with GParted.
* Open a terminal and follow the install instructions on the Arch wiki
(from a Chromium window on the host!) after the part about partitioning. profit!
You may want to remember to install a desktop environment or window manager before you reboot,
so you don't have to try and install one of those without the assistance of the wiki.
That's it! pacstrap and archroot are on the Antergos install media, and they work in the normal way.
You won't have any of the extra Antergos packages or repositories after this process.
This is how I've installed Arch the last few times. Easy-peazy lemon squeezy.
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