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Last active November 21, 2016 19:36
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  • Save HorlogeSkynet/ad662ede22c85924f44488fab52e288e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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BASH script allows user to work with Bluetooth in CLI
echo -e "\n\t\t#Bluetooth script by Horloge-Skynet.\n"
echo -e "\t\033[1;31m/!\ Be sure that your Hardware Bluetooth is running... /!\ \033[0m \n\n"
if [ -d /usr/share/doc/bluez/ ] || [ -d /usr/share/doc/bluez-utils/ ]; then
echo -e "Bluetooth of \033[1m$USER\033[0m on \033[1m$HOSTNAME\033[0m with \033[1m$SHELL\033[0m:"
while [ true ]; do
sleep 1.5
echo -e "\n\n\tMENU:"
echo -e "\n1)\t\033[37mService: Status\033[0m"
echo -e "2)\t\033[32mService: Start\033[0m"
echo -e "3)\t\033[31mService: Stop\033[0m"
echo -e "4)\t\033[36mService: Restart\033[0m"
echo -e "5)\t\033[32mShow Device.\033[0m"
echo -e "6)\t\033[31mHide Device.\033[0m"
echo -e "7)\t\033[37mDevice Informations...\033[0m"
echo -e "8)\t\033[33mChange Device Name...\033[0m"
echo -e "9)\t\033[35mScan for others Devices...\033[0m"
echo -e "10)\t\033[32mPair a Device...\033[0m"
echo -e "11)\t\033[31mUnpair a Device...\033[0m"
echo -e "12)\tExit.\n"
read -p "Choice ? " -n 2 choice
echo -e "\n"
sleep 1
case $choice in
/etc/init.d/bluetooth status
/etc/init.d/bluetooth start
/etc/init.d/bluetooth status
/etc/init.d/bluetooth stop
/etc/init.d/bluetooth status
/etc/init.d/bluetooth restart
/etc/init.d/bluetooth status
hciconfig hci0 piscan
sleep 1
echo -e "\033[32mDevice might be Showed.\033[0m"
hciconfig hci0 noscan
sleep 1
echo -e "\033[31mDevice might be Hidden.\033[0m"
hcitool dev
read -p "Device Name: " device_name
hciconfig hci0 name $device_name
/etc/init.d/bluetooth restart
/etc/init.d/bluetooth status
hcitool scan
hcitool scan
read -p "Which Device ? (line number expected) " -n 1 device
let "device += 1"
echo -e "\n"
ADDR=$(hcitool scan | sed -n '/'"$device"'/p' | cut -c 2-19);
rfcomm connect hci0 $ADDR
MAC=$(hcitool dev | grep 'hci' | cut -c 7-);
echo -e "\nDevice(s) Paired:"
if [ -e /var/lib/bluetooth/$MAC/names ]; then
while read line
echo -e "$line"
done < /var/lib/bluetooth/$MAC/names
echo -e "\n"
read -p "Do you want to delete a Device ? (y/n) " -n 1 sure
echo -e "\n"
if [ $sure = 'y' ] || [ $sure = 'Y' ]; then
read -p "Which Device to delete ? (line number expected) " -n 1 deletion
echo -e "\n"
MAC_deleted=$(sed '/'"$deletion"'/p' /var/lib/bluetooth/$MAC/names | cut -c 19-)
touch /var/lib/bluetooth/$MAC/names_temp
chmod 777 /var/lib/bluetooth/$MAC/names
chmod 777 /var/lib/bluetooth/$MAC/names_temp
sed ''"$deletion"'d' /var/lib/bluetooth/$MAC/names > /var/lib/bluetooth/$MAC/names_temp
cat /var/lib/bluetooth/$MAC/names_temp > /var/lib/bluetooth/$MAC/names
rm /var/lib/bluetooth/$MAC/names_temp
echo -e "\033[32m$MAC_deleted might be Unpaired.\033[0m"
echo -e "\nThis script will be closed."
sleep 1
exit 1
echo -e "Bad Choice.\n"
echo "\033[31mThere is no any Bluetooth Support installed, or it is broken."
read -p "Do you want to install one ? (y/n) " -n 1 check
echo -e "\n"
if [ $check = 'y' ] || [ $check = 'Y' ]; then
apt-get update && apt-get install bluetooth > /dev/null
echo -e "\nPlease, consider re-executing this script.\n\n"
echo -e "\nThis script will be closed."
sleep 1
echo 0
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