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Last active December 12, 2018 12:39
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# Advent of Code Day 3 Puzzle 1
# Team Reindeer! (Tom and Mable)
# Read the puzzle first:
# Then to understand how this solution works, it is best
# to start with the last function in this file and work up!
# The example_claim_vector is the same example as from the
# puzzle website.
# Examples to use in the functions below
example_claim <- "#1 @ 2,0: 2x3"
example_claim_vector <- c('#1 @ 1,3: 4x4', '#2 @ 3,1: 4x4', '#3 @ 5,5: 2x2')
example_fabric_size <- c(7,7)
# Load in claims data from a .txt file and work out the
# corresponding solution to the puzzle.
# Test this by saving your puzzle input somewhere, and then using
# that path as the argument to this function.
count_overlaps_from_file <- function(path = 'TW_input_day3_p1.txt') {
claim_data <- read_lines(file = path)
# Given a list or vector of claims, calculate the number
# of squares with overlapping claims (the solution to the puzzle)
# Test this by running:
# > count_overlaps(claim_list = example_claim_list)
count_overlaps <- function(claim_list) {
fabric_size = fabric_size_needed(claim_list)
# get the number of claims covering each square
coverage_matrix <- claims_covering_each_square(claim_list, fabric_size)
# now identify elements of the matrix with more than one claim
overlaps_matrix <- coverage_matrix > 1
# count how many squares have more than one claim
# Given a list of claims, return a matrix showing the number of claims
# from the list covering each square
# Test this by running:
# > claims_covering_each_square(claim_list = example_claim_list, fabric_size = example_fabric_size)
claims_covering_each_square <- function(claim_list, fabric_size) {
list_of_coverage_matrices <- lapply(claim_list, squares_covered_by_claim, fabric_size = fabric_size)
Reduce('+', list_of_coverage_matrices)
# Function to work out minimum fabric (and hence matrix) size
# needed for a given list of claims
# Test this by running:
# > fabric_size_needed(claim_list = example_claim_list)
fabric_size_needed <- function(claim_list) {
# convert each claim to numerical data
claim_vectors <- lapply(claim_list, get_claim_spec_info)
# get the bottom right coordinates (furthest from origin) of each claim
x_coords_bottom_right <- lapply(claim_vectors, function(x) {x[2]+x[4]})
y_coords_bottom_right <- lapply(claim_vectors, function(x) {x[3]+x[5]})
# work out the largest x and y coordinates of all the
# bottom-right corners of the claims - this gives the
# dimensions of the fabric (and hence matrices) needed
# to represent the claims
# For a given claim, make a matrix whose [i,j]th element is
# 1 if the [i,j]th square is covered by the claim, and 0 if not
# Test this by running:
# > example_claim
# > squares_covered_by_claim(claim_spec = example_claim, fabric_size = example_fabric_size)
squares_covered_by_claim <- function(claim_spec, fabric_size) {
numeric_claim_spec <- get_claim_spec_info(claim_spec)
claim_matrix <- matrix(rep(0,fabric_size[1]*fabric_size[2]), nrow = fabric_size[1])
a <- numeric_claim_spec[2]
b <- numeric_claim_spec[3]
c <- a + numeric_claim_spec[4]
d <- b + numeric_claim_spec[5]
# Loop over all elements of claim_matrix, setting to 1 if the square
# is part of the claim, and 0 if not.
# This method is too slow however!
# R loops are VERY SLOW! So we need to look for another
# way to define this matrix...
#for (i in 1:fabric_size[1]) {
# for (j in 1:fabric_size[2]) {
# claim_matrix[i,j] = ifelse(i > a && i <= c && j > b && j <= d , 1, 0)
# }
# It turns out we can form the matrix using the built in
# base R function "outer"
X <- c(1:fabric_size[1]) > a & c(1:fabric_size[1]) <= c
Y <- c(1:fabric_size[2]) > b & c(1:fabric_size[2]) <= d
claim_matrix <- outer(X,Y, FUN = "&")
# Convert the string claim specification into a vector of 5 numbers:
# 1) the claim ID
# 2) the x-coordinate of the top left corner, 3) the y-coordinate
# 4) the width and 5) the height
# Test this by running:
# > example_claim
# > get_claim_spec_info(claim_spec = example_claim)
get_claim_spec_info <- function(claim_spec) {
extracted_strings <- str_extract_all(claim_spec, '[0-9]+')
vector_spec <- as.numeric(extracted_strings[[1]])
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