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RTree implementation for 2D spatial data
An immutable R-Tree implementation in F#.
Based on: (licensed on Apache 2.0)
Author: Bartosz Sypytkowski <b.sypytkowski at>
namespace Demos.RTree
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices
open System.Text
open Demos
type SplitStrategy =
| Linear = 1
| Quadratic = 2
type Config =
{ minCap: int // minimal number of elements that a node must store - otherwise nodes must be merged
maxCap: int // maximal number of elements that a node can store - otherwise it must be split in two
strategy: SplitStrategy } // strategy used for splitting
/// Interface implemented by an item type that's about to be stored in RTree.
type Spatial =
abstract Boundary: Rect
and [<Struct;NoComparison;CustomEquality>] Point =
{ x: float; y: float }
static member (+) (a: Point, b: Point) : Point = { x = a.x + b.x ; y = a.y + b.y }
static member (-) (a: Point, b: Point) : Point = { x = a.x - b.x; y = a.y - b.y }
member a.Compare(b: Point) =
if a.x = b.x && a.y = b.y then ValueSome 0
elif a.x <= b.x && a.y <= b.y then ValueSome -1
elif a.x >= b.x && a.y >= b.y then ValueSome 1
else ValueNone
override a.Equals(o: obj) = match o with :? Point as b -> a.x = b.x && a.y = b.y
override a.GetHashCode() = HashCode.Combine(a.x.GetHashCode(), a.y.GetHashCode())
override a.ToString() = sprintf "(%s,%s)" (string a.x) (string a.y)
interface Spatial with
member this.Boundary = { low = this; high = this }
and [<Struct;NoComparison>] Rect =
{ low: Point
high: Point }
override a.ToString() = sprintf "{%s,%s}" (string a.low) (string a.high)
interface Spatial with
member this.Boundary = this
module Point =
let gt (a: Point) (b: Point) : bool = a.Compare b = ValueSome 1
let lt (a: Point) (b: Point) : bool = a.Compare b = ValueSome -1
let eq (a: Point) (b: Point) : bool = a.Compare b = ValueSome 0
let gte (a: Point) (b: Point) : bool = match a.Compare b with ValueSome 1 | ValueSome 0 -> true | _ -> false
let lte (a: Point) (b: Point) : bool = match a.Compare b with ValueSome -1 | ValueSome 0 -> true | _ -> false
let inline min a b = { x = Math.Min(a.x, b.x); y = Math.Min(a.y, b.y) }
let inline max a b = { x = Math.Max(a.x, b.x); y = Math.Max(a.y, b.y) }
let inline mean a b = { x = (a.x + b.x) / 2.0; y = (a.y + b.y) / 2.0 }
let inline anyMatch a b = a.x = b.x || a.y = b.y
module Rect =
let inline create a b c d : Rect =
let low = { x = a; y = b }
let high = { x = c; y = d }
assert (Point.gte high low)
{ low = low; high = high }
/// Checks if `a` is completely covering `b`.
let contains (a: Rect) (b: Rect) : bool when 'k :> Spatial =
Point.lte a.low b.low && Point.gte a.high b.high
/// Checks if twp rectangles intersect with one another.
let intersects (a: Rect) (b: Rect) : bool =
not ( a.low b.high || a.high b.low)
/// Returns a `Rect` which contains both rectangles.
let wrap (a: Rect) (b: Rect) : Rect =
{ low = Point.min a.low b.low ; high = Point.max a.high b.high }
/// Returns an area of a given rectangle.
let area (a: Rect) : float =
let p = (a.high - a.low)
p.x * p.y
type Node<'k,'v when 'k :> Spatial> =
{ level: int; entries: Entry<'k,'v>[] }
override n.ToString() = Array.string n.entries
and Entry<'k,'v when 'k :> Spatial> =
| Leaf of key:'k * value:'v
| Branch of key:Rect * Node<'k,'v>
override e.ToString() =
match e with
| Leaf(key, value) -> sprintf "%s => %s" (string key) (string value)
| Branch(key, node) -> sprintf "%s => %s" (string key) (string node)
type RTree<'k,'v when 'k :> Spatial> =
{ root: Node<'k,'v>
config: Config }
type Group<'k,'v when 'k :> Spatial> = ValueTuple<Entry<'k,'v>[], Rect>
/// Struct storing statistics for a single dimension
type private DimStats =
{ mutable minLow: float
mutable maxHigh: float
mutable maxLow: float
mutable lowIndex: int
mutable minHigh: float
mutable highIndex: int }
module private DimStats =
let create () =
{ minLow = Double.MaxValue
maxHigh = Double.MinValue
maxLow = Double.MinValue
minHigh = Double.MaxValue
lowIndex = 0
highIndex = 0 }
let inline vertFarest (s: DimStats inref) = Math.Abs(s.maxHigh - s.minLow)
let inline vertNearest (s: DimStats inref) = Math.Abs(s.minHigh - s.maxLow)
module private Entry =
let inline boundary e =
match e with
| Leaf(key, _) -> key.Boundary
| Branch(rect, _) -> rect
module private SplitStrategy =
let inline private computeDim (s: DimStats byref) (lo: float) (hi: float) (i: int) =
s.minLow <- Math.Min(s.minLow, lo)
s.maxHigh <- Math.Max(s.maxHigh, hi)
if lo > s.maxLow then
s.maxLow <- lo
s.lowIndex <- i
if hi < s.minHigh then
s.minHigh <- hi
s.highIndex <- i
let linear (entries: #IReadOnlyList<Entry<'k,'v>>) =
let mutable x = 0
let mutable y = 1
/// Entry statistics on X dimension
let mutable dx = DimStats.create ()
/// Entry statistics on Y dimension
let mutable dy = DimStats.create ()
if entries.Count > 2 then
for i in 0..(entries.Count-1) do
let e = entries.[i]
let rect = Entry.boundary e
computeDim &dx rect.low.x rect.high.x i
computeDim &dy rect.low.y rect.high.y i
let lenX, lenY = DimStats.vertFarest &dx, DimStats.vertFarest &dy
let sepX, sepY = DimStats.vertNearest &dx, DimStats.vertNearest &dy
let normX, normY = (sepX / lenX), (sepY / lenY)
let lowIdx, highIdx = if normX > normY then dx.lowIndex, dx.highIndex else dy.lowIndex, dy.highIndex
x <- lowIdx
y <- highIdx
let cmp = x.CompareTo y
if cmp < 0 then struct(x, y)
elif cmp > 0 then struct(y, x)
elif x = 0 then struct(0, 1)
else struct(0, y)
let quadratic (entries: #IReadOnlyList<Entry<'k,'v>>) =
let mutable x = 0
let mutable y = 1
let mutable maxDiff = Double.MinValue
if entries.Count > 2 then
for i in 0..(entries.Count-1) do
for j in 1..(entries.Count-1) do
let first = Entry.boundary entries.[i]
let second = Entry.boundary entries.[j]
let combined = Rect.wrap first second
let diff = (Rect.area combined) - (Rect.area first) - (Rect.area second)
if diff > maxDiff then
maxDiff <- diff
x <- i
y <- j
struct(x, y)
let inline split (entries: #IReadOnlyList<Entry<'k,'v>>) (strategy: SplitStrategy) =
match strategy with
| SplitStrategy.Linear -> linear entries
| SplitStrategy.Quadratic -> quadratic entries
let inline nextLinear (entries: #IReadOnlyList<Entry<'k,'v>>) boundary =
let rect = Rect.wrap boundary (Entry.boundary entries.[0])
struct(0, rect, 0)
let private preference (e: Entry<'k,'v>) rect1 rect2 =
let bound = (Entry.boundary e)
let wrap1 = Rect.wrap rect1 bound
let diff1 = Rect.area wrap1 - Rect.area rect1
let wrap2 = Rect.wrap rect2 bound
let diff2 = Rect.area wrap2 - Rect.area rect2
struct(diff1, wrap1, diff2, wrap2)
let private selectGroup rect1 rect2 len1 len2 diff1 diff2 =
if diff1 < diff2 then 0
elif diff2 < diff1 then 1
elif Rect.area rect1 < Rect.area rect2 then 0
elif Rect.area rect2 < Rect.area rect1 then 1
elif len1 < len2 then 0
elif len2 < len1 then 1
else 0
let inline nextQuadratic (entries: #IReadOnlyList<Entry<'k,'v>>) rect1 rect2 len1 len2 =
let mutable idx = 0
let mutable e = entries.[idx]
let struct(pref1, exp1, pref2, exp2) = preference e rect1 rect2
let mutable maxPreferenceDiff = Math.Abs(pref1 - pref2)
let mutable group = selectGroup rect1 rect2 len1 len2 pref1 pref2
let mutable expanded = if group = 0 then exp1 else exp2
for i in 1..(entries.Count - 1) do
let e = entries.[i]
let struct(pref1, exp1, pref2, exp2) = preference e rect1 rect2
let preferenceDiff = Math.Abs(pref1 - pref2)
if maxPreferenceDiff <= preferenceDiff then
maxPreferenceDiff <- preferenceDiff
idx <- i
group <- selectGroup rect1 rect2 len1 len2 pref1 pref2
expanded <- if group = 0 then exp1 else exp2
struct(idx, expanded, group)
type private Split<'k,'v when 'k :> Spatial> =
// Node was updated but no need for splitting it up
| NoSplit of node:Node<'k,'v>
// Node was updated, but number of children surpassed the threshold, therefore it needs to be split
| Split of left:Entry<'k,'v> * right:Entry<'k,'v>
module private Node =
let root =
{ entries = [||]
level = 0 }
let inline isLeaf n = n.level = 0
let length n = n.entries.Length
let find (area: Rect) (n: Node<'k,'v>) =
let rec loop (acc: ResizeArray<'v>) (area: Rect) (n: Node<'k,'v>) =
for e in n.entries do
match e with
| Leaf(key, value) when Rect.contains area key.Boundary -> acc.Add value
| Branch(r, child) when Rect.intersects area r -> loop acc area child
| _ -> ()
let found = ResizeArray()
loop found area n
let split (config: Config) (n: Node<'k,'v>) =
let split (config: Config) (entries: Entry<'k,'v>[]) : ValueTuple<Group<'k,'v>,Group<'k,'v>> =
let struct(i1, i2) = SplitStrategy.split entries config.strategy
let entries = ResizeArray(entries)
// `i2` is always greater than `i1`
let seed2 = entries.[i2]
let seed1 = entries.[i1]
entries.RemoveAt i2
entries.RemoveAt i1
let mutable bound1 = Entry.boundary seed1
let group1 = ResizeArray<_>(config.minCap)
group1.Add seed1
let mutable bound2 = Entry.boundary seed2
let group2 = ResizeArray<_>(config.minCap)
group2.Add seed2
while entries.Count > 0 do
if entries.Count + group1.Count = config.minCap then
for e in entries do
bound1 <- Rect.wrap bound1 (Entry.boundary e)
group1.Add e
entries.Clear ()
elif entries.Count + group2.Count = config.minCap then
for e in entries do
bound2 <- Rect.wrap bound2 (Entry.boundary e)
group2.Add e
entries.Clear ()
let struct(idx, expanded, group) =
match config.strategy with
| SplitStrategy.Linear -> SplitStrategy.nextLinear entries bound1
| SplitStrategy.Quadratic -> SplitStrategy.nextQuadratic entries bound1 bound2 group1.Count group2.Count
let e = entries.[idx]
entries.RemoveAt idx
if group = 0 then
bound1 <- expanded
group1.Add e
bound2 <- expanded
group2.Add e
let first: Group<'k,'v> = struct(group1.ToArray(), bound1)
let second: Group<'k,'v> = struct(group2.ToArray(), bound2)
printfn "split group in two\n\t%s=%s\n\t%s=%s" (string bound1) (Array.string (group1.ToArray())) (string bound1) (Array.string (group2.ToArray()))
struct(first, second)
let struct(struct(group1, bound1), struct(group2, bound2)) = split config n.entries
let first = Entry.Branch(bound1, { level = n.level; entries = group1 })
let second = Entry.Branch(bound2, { level = n.level; entries = group2 })
struct(first, second)
let private addLeaf config item n =
let rect = Entry.boundary item
let idx = n.entries |> Array.tryFindIndex (function Leaf(k, _) -> k.Boundary = rect | _ -> false)
match idx with
| None ->
printfn "add %s at %s" (string item) (string n)
let n = { n with entries = Array.insertAt (Array.length n.entries) item n.entries }
if n.entries.Length > config.maxCap then
let struct(l, r) = split config n
NoSplit n
| Some idx ->
printfn "replace %s at index %i at %s" (string item) idx (string n)
let n = { n with entries = Array.replace idx item n.entries }
NoSplit n
let private addBranch item n =
let mutable minEntry = n.entries.[0]
let mutable minEntryIdx = 0
let itemBoundary = (Entry.boundary item)
let mutable minRect = Rect.wrap (Entry.boundary minEntry) itemBoundary
let mutable minDiff = Rect.area minRect - Rect.area (Entry.boundary minEntry)
for i in 1..(n.entries.Length-1) do
let e = n.entries.[i]
let bound = (Entry.boundary e)
let expanded = Rect.wrap (Entry.boundary item) bound
let diff = Rect.area expanded - Rect.area bound
if diff < minDiff then
minDiff <- diff
minRect <- expanded
minEntry <- e
minEntryIdx <- i
let (Branch(r, child)) = minEntry
printfn "add branch %s at %s" (string item) (string r)
(child, minRect, minEntryIdx)
let rec add (config: Config) level (item: Entry<'k,'v>) (n: Node<'k,'v>) : Split<'k,'v> =
match item with
| Branch _ when level = n.level ->
let n = { n with entries = Array.insertAt (Array.length n.entries) item n.entries }
if n.entries.Length > config.maxCap then
let struct(l, r) = split config n
NoSplit n
| _ ->
if isLeaf n then
addLeaf config item n
let (child, minRect, minEntryIdx) = addBranch item n
match add config level item child with
| Split(first, second) ->
let n = { n with entries = Array.append (Array.removeAt minEntryIdx n.entries) [|first;second|] }
if n.entries.Length > config.maxCap then
let struct(l, r) = split config n
NoSplit n
| NoSplit node ->
let e = Branch(minRect, node)
let n = { n with entries = Array.replace minEntryIdx e n.entries }
NoSplit n
let rec remove (config: Config) rect (n: Node<'k,'v>) =
if isLeaf n then
let idx =
|> Array.findIndex (function Leaf(k,_) -> rect = k.Boundary | _ -> false)
if idx = -1 then
(n, None, None)
let removed = n.entries.[idx]
let n = { n with entries = Array.removeAt idx n.entries }
(n, Some removed, None)
let mutable entryIdx = -1
let mutable removedOption = None
let mutable entries = Array.copy n.entries
let mutable i = 0
while i < entries.Length do
let e = entries.[i]
let r = Entry.boundary e
if Rect.contains r rect then
let (Branch(r, child)) = e
let (child, removed, orphans) = remove config rect child
match removed with
| None -> ()
| Some key ->
removedOption <- Some((removed, orphans))
let removedRect: Rect = Entry.boundary key
let r =
if Point.anyMatch removedRect.low r.low || Point.anyMatch removedRect.high r.high then
|> Entry.boundary
|> Array.reduce Rect.wrap
else r
entries.[i] <- Branch(r, child)
if child.entries.Length < config.minCap then
entryIdx <- i
i <- entries.Length // break;
i <- i + 1
let n = { n with entries = entries }
match removedOption with
| None -> (n, None, None)
| Some(removed, orphans) when entryIdx < 0 -> (n, removed, orphans)
| Some(removed, orphans) ->
let orphan = n.entries.[entryIdx]
let n = { n with entries = Array.removeAt entryIdx n.entries }
let orphans = Array.append (Option.defaultValue [||] orphans) [|orphan|]
(n, removed, Some orphans)
module RTree =
let create (minCap: int) (maxCap: int) (strategy: SplitStrategy) =
assert (minCap <= maxCap)
let config =
{ minCap = minCap
maxCap = maxCap
strategy = strategy }
{ root = Node.root
config = config }
/// Returns a list of spatial items stored in current RTree, that exists within
/// the bounds of provided `area`.
let within (area: Rect) (tree: RTree<'k,'v>) : 'v[] =
Node.find area tree.root
let private insert config level item (node: Node<'k,'v>) =
match Node.add config level item node with
| NoSplit n -> n
| Split(l, r) -> { entries = [|l;r|]; level = node.level + 1 }
let remove (key: 'k) (tree: RTree<'k,'v>) =
let rect = key.Boundary
let (root, removed, orphans) = Node.remove tree.config rect tree.root
let mutable root =
if root.entries.Length = 1 && not (Node.isLeaf root) then
match root.entries.[0] with
| Branch(_, n) -> n
| _ -> root
else root
match orphans with
| None -> ()
| Some orphans ->
for orphan in orphans do
match orphan with
| Leaf _ ->
root <- insert tree.config 0 orphan root
| Branch(_, n) ->
for e in n.entries do
root <- insert tree.config n.level e root
{ tree with root = root }
let add key item (tree: RTree<'k,'v>) =
let e = Leaf(key, item)
let root = insert tree.config 0 e tree.root
{ tree with root = root }
module Demos.RTree.Tests
open Expecto
open Demos.RTree
let private tree =
let cities =
[ (-3.11, 55.57), "Edinburgh"
(12.20, 45.26 ), "Venice"
(-6.16, 53.21), "Dublin"
(14.25, 50.05), "Prague"
(2.21, 48.51), "Paris"
(-2.59, 53.24), "Liverpool"
(-2.14, 53.28), "Manchester"
(4.54, 52.22), "Amsterdam"
(4.29, 51.56), "Rotterdam"
(-1.15, 51.45), "Oxford"
(0.07, 52.12), "Cambridge"
(0.0, 51.3), "London" ]
let tree = RTree.create 2 4 SplitStrategy.Quadratic
cities |> List.fold (fun acc ((x,y), city) -> RTree.add {x=x;y=y} city acc) tree
let tests = testList "RTree" [
test "find (not found)" {
// Rect from Cracow to Vilnus
let rect = Rect.create 19.56 50.04 25.17 54.41
let actual = tree |> RTree.within rect
Expect.isEmpty actual $"RTree.find within bounds ${rect} should not be found"
test "find 1 element" {
// Rect from Munich to Varsaw
let rect = Rect.create 14.25 50.05 14.25 50.05
let actual =
|> RTree.within rect
Expect.equal [|"Prague"|] actual $"RTree.find within bounds ${rect} should find 1 element"
test "find 5 element" {
let rect = Rect.create -4.09 50.22 1.18 54.58
let actual =
|> RTree.within rect
|> Set.ofArray
let expected = Set.ofList [ "London"; "Oxford"; "Cambridge"; "Liverpool"; "Manchester" ]
Expect.equal expected actual $"RTree within bounds ${rect} should find 5 elements"
test "remove" {
let tree = tree |> RTree.remove { x = 14.25; y = 50.05 }
let rect = Rect.create 14.25 50.05 14.25 50.05
let actual = tree |> RTree.within rect
Expect.isEmpty actual $"RTree should not found any items within removed bounds, but {actual.Length} found"
test "replace" {
let tree = tree |> RTree.add { x = 14.25; y = 50.05 } "Prague (2)"
let rect = Rect.create 14.25 50.05 14.25 50.05
let actual = tree |> RTree.within rect
Expect.equal [|"Prague (2)"|] actual $"RTree.find within bounds ${rect} should find 1 element"
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