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Last active October 9, 2022 10:40
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  • Pull up bar
  • Dumbells (mine had regulated weight: 40kg total)
  • Rubber band (mine is 25kg)
  • Workout 2 uses gymnastics rings
  • Workouts 9 and 10 use bars with higher weights


Mostly for waist upward parts of the body.

Warmup includes 2x rounds (no breaks) of:

  • Lay on belly, feets together:
    • 10x arm raises (legs on the floor)
    • 10x leg raises (arms on the floor)
    • 10x boat on belly (arms then legs raises)
  • Lay on back, feets together:
    • 10x arm raises (legs on the floor)
    • 10x leg raises (arms on the floor)
    • 10x boat on back (arms then legs raises)
  • Lay on side, feets together (2x - 1x per side):
    • 10x arm raises (legs on the floor)
    • 10x leg raises (arms on the floor)
    • 10x side boats (arms then leg raises)

Arm to shoulder tap in hand stand (near the wall): 20x total

Forearm stretches: side ways (10x) / wrist facing out (10x) / palms facing down (10x)

Palm to finger stand while in plank: 15x

Palm facing down to fist while in plank: 15x

Straighten/crunch legs while in table stance: 10x

Head stand rolls with legs on the ground: 10x right / 10x left.

Side to side one leg straight squats (with bend leg's knee to the floor in between).

Workout 1

Calisthenics: lower backs, shoulders + handstand technique.

5 rounds - no breaks in between:

  • Pistol squats: 10x right / 10x left
  • Romanian deadlifts with dumbells (2x20kg): 20x
  • Hand stand push ups (or pike presses): 10x
  • Lower back leg raises: 10x
  • Hand stand: 1.5min

Burnout (optional) - 3 rounds:

  • Military pushups (hands narrow and as low as possible): 20x
  • Straight leg rises while in head stand: 10x

Workout 2

Calisthenics: back and shoulders with balance and muscle up prep.

3 rounds - each excercise is max reps. For first two rounds, make 3 attempts to max out until failure (or when the form starts to shift down). Last round - one attempt to max out:

  • L-sit pull ups
  • Australian pull ups on rings (legs on chair)
  • Muscle ups on rings (can be with rubber band or chair assist)
  • Ring dips with hold
  • Around the worlds
  • Ring archer push ups (can be on knees)
  • Push up + hip raise to hand stand press (feet in rings or on slipy surface)
  • Pull ups on rings (with twist from overhand to underhand)

Workout 3

Muay thai session - 5 rounds:

Round 1:

  • Shadow boxing: 1min
  • Jabs: 25x/side
  • Jab + cross: 25x/side
  • Jab + cross + hook: 25x/side
  • Jab + cross + hook + uppercut: 25x/side

Round 2:

  • Jab + low cross body blow: 25x/side
  • Tip kick: 30x/side
  • Knee kick: 20x + 20x accelerated / side
  • Roundhouse kick: 20x + 20x accelerated / side

Round 3:

  • Low kick: 20x/side
  • Jab + cross + switch legs: 15x/side
  • Hook + uppercut + switch legs: 15x/side
  • Block + jab + cross: 25x/side
  • Kick block (shins): 48x/side

Round 4:

  • Hook blocks: 30x/side
  • Jab/cross dodge: 30x
  • Hook dodge: 30x
  • Jab + cross + dodge: 20x
  • Hook + hook + dodge: 20x

Round 5:

  • Hook + uppercut + knee kick: 10x / side
  • Tip kick + roundhouse kick: 15x / side
  • Jab + cross + low kick + roundhouse kick: 15x / side
  • Elbow series (3x per rep): 30x
  • Uppercut acceleration: 2min

Workout 4

Full body HIIT with no weights. Basically Thenx. 5 rounds - 45s/15s, 2min rest between rounds:

  • High knee burpees
  • Jumping jacks
  • Russian twists
  • In and outs
  • Leg flutters
  • Plank knees to elbows

Workout 5

Legs and endurance HIIT.

P90X plyometrics. 6 double rounds (each round is done twice) - 30s/10s, 30s rest between double rounds:

Round 1:

  • Squat jumps
  • Run-stance squats
  • Airborne Heisman
  • Swing kicks (60s)

Round 2:

  • Squat reach jumps
  • Run-stance squat switch pick-ups
  • Double airborne Heisman
  • Circle run (60s)

Round 3:

  • Jump knee tucks
  • Mary Katherine lunges
  • Leapfrog squats
  • Twist combo (60s)

Round 4:

  • Side rockstar hops
  • Gap jumps
  • Squat jacks
  • Military march (60s)

Round 5:

  • Run squat 180 jump switch
  • Lateral leapfrog squats
  • Truck tires
  • 1-leg hops (30s per side)

Burnout - only one round:

  • Pitch and catch: 30s per side
  • Jump shot: 30s per side
  • Football drill: 60s

Workout 6

Balance and endurance in isometric position, mostly for body core.

P90X v3 Isometrix - 45s/15s - excercises are done in pairs (each is 45s long), each pair is repeated for right and left side:

  • One arm reach in plank (45s) / Straight up front leg while standing (45s): 1x/side
  • One arm & one leg reach in plank (45s) / Chair on one leg (45s): 1x/side
  • Side right forearm balance (45s) / Royal dancer (45s): 1x/side
  • One arm sphinx (45s) / Tree pose (45s): 1x/side
  • Side arm balance (45s) / Warrior 3 (45s): 1x/side
  • Bound dog on one arm (45s) / One leg balance (45s): 1x/side
  • Bound dog on one arm and one leg (45s) / Warrior 3 sideways (45s): 1x/side


  • Crane, Crow or Tuck Planche

Workout 7

Isometric, balance and stretching.

Yoga - including:

  • Sun salutations
  • Warrior 1 / Warrior 2 / Warrior 3 / Reverse Warrior / Bound Warrior with viniasas between
  • Triangle Pose / Reverse Triangle Pose
  • Half Moon / Reverse Half Moon / Standing Splits
  • Crane
  • Tree
  • Bridge / Wheel
  • Front leg bend
  • Plow / Shoulder Stand
  • Shivasana
  • Lotus pose

Workout 8

Calistenics: mostly muscle up progression.

5 rounds:

  • Pistol squats: 10x right / 10x left
  • Muscle ups: 6x
  • Dips on pull up bar: 6x
  • L-sit pull ups: 6x
  • Pike presses with legs on elevated surface: 20x
  • Skin the cat: 6x

Workout 9

Full body resistance training - intensified by core balance.

Exercises are done in pairs - weighted exercises are only 6 reps, so pick heavy weights:

4x series:

  • Weighted squats (100-115% body weight): 6x
  • Deadlifts (125-140% body weight): 6x

4x series:

  • Balanced deep rows (when weight is in right arm, stand on left arm and right knee on elevated surface, keep left leg straight in the air) - 24-32kg: 6x/side
  • Balanced weighted overhead circles (kneeling position on one knee, left feet / knee / right feet are in one line to force keeping the balance) - kettlebell 20-24kg: 6x circles clockwise + 6x circles counter-clockwise / side

4x series:

  • Daru press (floor press while in bridge position with one leg off the ground) - kettlebell 28-36kg: 6x reps / side
  • Weighted pull ups - 8-10kg: 6x

Workout 10

Crossfit: total body weighted AMRAP.

10x series:

  • Thrusters (with 40kg bar): 10x
  • Pull ups: 10x (try avoid kipping)

There's a time limit to finish these: 20min

Workout 11

Chest & ABS HIIT training.

There are 2 parts - this is high intensity workout to try to max out reps:

Part 1:

4 rounds - 30s/10s, 1min break between rounds:

  • Clapping or plyometric push ups
  • Diamond push ups
  • Chair dips
  • Pike presses
  • Archer push ups
  • Mountain climbers

Part 2:

4 rounds - 20s/10s, no rests between rounds:

  • Weighted situps - 10-15kg
  • Toes to bar (or toes to weight in hands while lying on backs) - 10-15kg
  • Weighted russian twists - 10-15kg
  • Deadlifts - 40kg

Workout 12

Overall endurance.

8-12km run

Workout 13

Full-body weighted training: mostly focusing on core and legs.

Full body workout with 2 x 17.5kg

Workout 14

Chest and back resistance training

P90X check and back routine. 2 rounds:

  • Standard push ups: MAX
  • Wide pull ups: MAX
  • Military push ups (arms narrow): MAX
  • Chin ups (reverse grip): MAX
  • Wide push ups: MAX
  • Close grip pull ups: MAX
  • Push ups with legs on the chair: MAX
  • Bend over rows - 2x 20kg: 8-12x
  • Diamond push ups: MAX
  • Lawnmovers - 40kg: 10-12x / side
  • Pike press to Japanese push ups: MAX
  • Back flys - 20kg: 10x
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