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Created April 3, 2015 15:23
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At least once delivery snapshoting desync
import akka.persistence.AtLeastOnceDelivery.AtLeastOnceDeliverySnapshot
import akka.persistence.{SnapshotOffer, PersistentActor, AtLeastOnceDelivery}
import{Props, ActorSystem, ActorPath, Actor}
case class Message(data: String)
case class Confirmable(deliveryId: Long, data: String)
case class Confirmation(deliveryId: Long)
case class Snap(snapshot: AtLeastOnceDeliverySnapshot)
class ExampleAtLeastOnceDeliveryActor(val deliveryPath: ActorPath) extends PersistentActor with AtLeastOnceDelivery {
override def persistenceId = "guaranteed-1"
override def receiveRecover: Receive = {
case SnapshotOffer(_, s: Snap) => {
println("restored undelivered: " + s.snapshot)
override def receiveCommand: Receive = {
case Message(data) => deliver(deliveryPath, id => {
println(s"sending: $data with deliveryId: $id")
Confirmable(id, data)
case Confirmation(deliveryId) => {
case "boom" => {
throw new Exception()
override def postStop = {
val unconfirmed = getDeliverySnapshot
println("stored undelivered " + unconfirmed.unconfirmedDeliveries)
class DeliveryActor extends Actor {
var confirming = false
override def receive: Actor.Receive = {
case "start" => confirming = true
case "stop" => confirming = false
case Confirmable(deliveryId, data) => {
println(s"Confirming message id: $deliveryId and data: $data")
context.sender() ! Confirmation(deliveryId)
println(s"Ignoring message id: $deliveryId and data: $data")
object HelloApp extends App {
implicit val system = ActorSystem.create("system")
val delivery = system.actorOf(Props[DeliveryActor](), "delivery")
val deliverer = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[ExampleAtLeastOnceDeliveryActor], delivery.path))
deliverer ! Message("foo")
deliverer ! "boom"
deliverer ! Message("bar")
println("Enabling confirmations")
delivery ! "start"
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