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Created September 19, 2020 04:58
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Inferred dependency injection over async bindings.
open System
[<Struct>] type Effect<'env, 'out> = Effect of ('env -> Async<'out>)
module Effect =
/// Create value with no dependency requirements.
let inline value (x: 'out): Effect<'env,'out> = Effect (fun _ -> async.Return x)
/// Create value which uses depenendency.
let inline apply (fn: 'env -> Async<'out>): Effect<'env,'out> = Effect fn
let run (env: 'env) (Effect fn): Async<'out> = fn env
let inline bind (fn: 'a -> Effect<'env,'b>) effect =
Effect (fun env -> async {
let! x = run env effect // compute result of the first effect
return! run env (fn x) // run second effect, based on result of first one
type EffectBuilder =
member inline __.Return value = Effect.value value
member inline __.Zero () = Effect.value (Unchecked.defaultof<_>)
member inline __.ReturnFrom (effect: Effect<'env, 'out>) = effect
member inline __.Bind(effect, fn) = Effect.bind fn effect
module EffectExpression =
let effect = EffectBuilder()
module Demo =
type User =
{ Id: int
Name: string
Hash: byte[]
Salt: byte[] }
type ChangePassword =
{ UserId: int
OldPass: string
NewPass: string }
type LogLevel =
| Debug
| Info
| Warn
| Error
type ILogger =
abstract Log: level:LogLevel * line:string -> unit
[<Interface>] type ILog = abstract Logger: ILogger
module Log =
let private log level line = Effect.apply (fun (env: #ILog) -> async.Return (env.Logger.Log(level, line)))
let debug fmt = Printf.kprintf (log LogLevel.Debug) fmt
let info fmt = Printf.kprintf (log LogLevel.Info) fmt
let warn fmt = Printf.kprintf (log LogLevel.Warn) fmt
let error fmt = Printf.kprintf (log LogLevel.Error) fmt
type IDatabase =
abstract Query: string * 'i -> Async<'o>
abstract Execute: string * 'i -> Async<unit>
[<Interface>] type IDb = abstract Database: IDatabase
module Db =
let fetchUser userId = Effect.apply <| fun (env: #IDb) ->
env.Database.Query("select * from users where user_id = @userId", {| userId = userId |})
let updateUser user = Effect.apply <| fun (env: #IDb) ->
env.Database.Execute("update users set name = @Name, hash = @Hash, salt = @Salt where user_id = @UserId", user)
[<Interface>] type IRandom = abstract Random: Random
module Random =
let bytes length = Effect.apply <| fun (env: #IRandom) ->
let buf = Array.zeroCreate length
env.Random.NextBytes buf
async.Return buf
let bcrypt salt pass = failwith "not impl"
// changePass: ChangePassword -> Effect<'a, Result<unit,string>> when 'a :> IDb and 'a :> ILog and 'a:> IRandom
let changePass req = effect {
let! user = Db.fetchUser req.UserId
if user.Hash = bcrypt user.Salt req.OldPass then
let! salt = Random.bytes 32
do! Db.updateUser { user with Salt = salt; Hash = bcrypt salt req.NewPass }
do! "Changed password for user %i" user.Id
return Ok ()
do! Log.error "Password change unauthorized: user %i" user.Id
return Error "Old password is invalid"
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