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Last active March 29, 2022 09:38
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Typed actor refs snipped for Akka.NET
using System;
namespace Akka.Testing
public interface IMyMessage { }
public sealed class MessageA : IMyMessage { }
public sealed class MessageB : IMyMessage { }
public class MyActor : Actor<IMyMessage>
protected override void OnReceive(IMyMessage message) => message.Match()
.With<MessageA>(_ => Console.WriteLine("Received A"))
.With<MessageB>(_ => Console.WriteLine("Received B"))
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
using (var system = Actor.ActorSystem.Create("sys"))
var a = system.ActorOf(Props<IMyMessage>.Create(() => new MyActor()));
a.Tell(new MessageA());
a.Tell("error"); // doesn't compile
using System;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using Akka.Actor;
using Akka.Util;
namespace Akka
public struct TypedRef<T> : IActorRef
public TypedRef(IActorRef aref) : this()
if (aref == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(aref), $"{this} has received null instead of {nameof(IActorRef)}");
Ref = aref;
public IActorRef Ref { get; }
void ICanTell.Tell(object message, IActorRef sender) => Ref.Tell(message, sender);
public void Tell(T message, IActorRef sender) => Ref.Tell(message, sender);
public void Tell(T message) => Ref.Tell(message, ActorCell.GetCurrentSelfOrNoSender());
public bool Equals(IActorRef other) =>
other is TypedRef<T> ? Ref.Equals(((TypedRef<T>)other).Ref) : Ref.Equals(other);
public int CompareTo(IActorRef other) =>
other is TypedRef<T> ? Ref.CompareTo(((TypedRef<T>)other).Ref) : Ref.CompareTo(other);
public ISurrogate ToSurrogate(ActorSystem system) => new TypeRefSurrogate<T>(Ref.ToSurrogate(system));
public int CompareTo(object obj)
if (obj is IActorRef) return CompareTo((IActorRef)obj);
throw new ArgumentException($"Cannot compare {obj} to {this}");
public ActorPath Path => Ref.Path;
public override int GetHashCode() => Ref.GetHashCode();
public override bool Equals(object obj) => obj is IActorRef && Equals((IActorRef)obj);
public override string ToString() => Ref.ToString();
public struct Props<T> : ISurrogated
public readonly Props Underlying;
public Props(Props props) : this()
if (props == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(props), $"{this} has received null instead of {nameof(Props)}");
this.Underlying = props;
public static Props<T> Create<TActor>(Expression<Func<TActor>> fac) where TActor : Actor<T>
=> new Props<T>(Props.Create(fac));
public ISurrogate ToSurrogate(ActorSystem system) => new TypedPropsSurrogate<T>(Underlying.ToSurrogate(system));
internal struct TypedPropsSurrogate<T> : ISurrogate
public readonly ISurrogate PropsSurrogate;
public TypedPropsSurrogate(ISurrogate propsSurrogate) : this()
PropsSurrogate = propsSurrogate;
public ISurrogated FromSurrogate(ActorSystem system) => new Props<T>((Props)PropsSurrogate.FromSurrogate(system));
internal struct TypeRefSurrogate<T> : ISurrogate
public readonly ISurrogate RefSurrogate;
public TypeRefSurrogate(ISurrogate refSurrogate) : this()
RefSurrogate = refSurrogate;
public ISurrogated FromSurrogate(ActorSystem system) => new TypedRef<T>((IActorRef)RefSurrogate.FromSurrogate(system));
public abstract class Actor<T> : UntypedActor
protected abstract void OnReceive(T message);
protected override void OnReceive(object message)
if (message is T)
else Unhandled(message);
public static class TypedExtensions
public static TypedRef<T> ActorOf<T>(this IActorRefFactory fac, Props<T> props) =>
new TypedRef<T>(fac.ActorOf(props.Underlying));
public static TypedRef<T> ActorOf<T>(this IActorRefFactory fac, Props<T> props, string name) =>
new TypedRef<T>(fac.ActorOf(props.Underlying, name));
public static TypedRef<T> Watch<T>(this IActorContext ctx, TypedRef<T> tref)
return tref;
public static TypedRef<T> Unwatch<T>(this IActorContext ctx, TypedRef<T> tref)
return tref;
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