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DrSammyD /
Last active January 30, 2022 00:06
A double-spend protocol to make 0-confirmation transactions secured by consensus rules.

0-Confirmation Double-Spend Protocol

The problem

Bitcoin-accepting merchants want to receive payment and provide services instantly. However, block construction times can be as much as 10 minutes after the moment a bitcoin transaction is broadcast. In the time after a transaction but before a block’s creation, that transaction can be superseded by another transaction with a larger fee paid to miners.

With the change in the mempool protocol from first-seen-first-included and the rejection of conflicting double spends, to the inclusion of double spends and prioritizing transactions with larger fees attached, 0-conf transactions can no longer be reasonably secure for any sized transaction.

The idea of replace-by-fee was that miners will follow their immediate self-interest, and if miners sporadically act that way, could potentially decrease trust in the system. Now that this approach has been assumed and is the default behavior of miner software, we might consider amending t

dbtdsilva /
Last active January 21, 2018 15:24
VideoLAN libcloudstorage integration (GSoC'17)

Project: libcloudstorage integration in VLC

Official Project Description:

Description and Milestones Overview

The idea of this project was to add direct support inside VLC allowing the user to manipulate cloud storages (e.g. Google Drive). Several milestones had to be set up in order to achieve the final product:

  1. Access and services discovery module
  2. Add support for multiple users