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Created November 16, 2022 17:16
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create a new branch or switch to an existing branch (either local or remote) by JIRA issue reference
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import sys
from git import Head, RemoteReference, Repo
from subprocess import check_output
def checkout_branch(r, b):
if isinstance(b, RemoteReference):
# if it's remote we need to do some chicanery
r.create_head((n :='origin/')
[-1]), b).set_tracking_branch(b).checkout()
print(, n)
elif isinstance(b, Head):
# otherwise it's already local so we can just check it out i think
raise ValueError(
'branch argument is neither a local nor a remote branch')
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print('Error: expected an argument')
print('Usage: git switch-issue ISSUE_REF')
issue = sys.argv[1]
repo = Repo(os.getcwd())
# prioritize local branches by only querying the remote if we find no matches
# locally so that we don't get prompted for multiple matches when there's a
# local and a remote branch that reference the issue number
branches = [b for b in repo.branches if issue in]
if len(branches) == 0:
branches = [b for b in repo.remote().refs if issue in]
if len(branches) > 1:
print('Multiple matching branches found')
print(os.linesep.join([f'\t[{i}] {}' for i, b in zip(range(len(branches)), branches)]))
while (choice := int(input(f'Select a match: [0-{len(branches) - 1}]: '))) not in range(len(branches)):
print('Error: invalid choice')
checkout_branch(repo, branches[choice])
elif len(branches) == 1:
checkout_branch(repo, branches[0])
print('No matches found')
choice = input('Would you like to create a branch? (y/n): ')
if choice == 'y':
ok = 'n'
while ok == 'n':
branch_types = ['feature', 'bugfix', 'hotfix', 'release']
while (branch_type := input(f'Enter an issue type: ({branch_types}): ')) not in branch_types:
print('Error: Invalid branch type selected')
name = input('Enter a branch name (spaces ok): ').replace(' ', '-')
new_branch = f'{branch_type}/{issue}-{name}'
ok = input(f'Create branch {new_branch} from develop? (y/n): ')
repo.create_head(new_branch, repo.branches['develop']).checkout()
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