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Last active February 16, 2018 04:52
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quick way to change background image in hyper terminal
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# change hyper background image given a file
python3 $HOME/ $1
# change this to your own hyper config
cp $HOME/.hyper.js /path/to/windows/.hyper.js
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import colorthief as ct
import colour as color
import fileinput
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
def stringify(c):
return hex((int(hex(int(*255)), base=16) << 0x10) + (int(hex(int(*255)), base=16) << 0x08) + int(hex(int(*255)), base=16))
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("need a file path")
argc = 1
if sys.argv[0].lower().startswith('python'):
argc = 2
p = subprocess.Popen(['cat', '/proc/version'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
x, _ = p.communicate()
IS_WSL = 'microsoft' in x.decode().lower()
CONF_PATH = os.path.expanduser('~/.hyper.js')
img_path = sys.argv[argc]
if not os.path.exists(img_path): # check path using native module
print("{} does not exist!".format(img_path))
img = ct.ColorThief(img_path)
tbg = img.get_color()
bg = color.Color(red=tbg[0]/255, green=tbg[1]/255, blue=tbg[2]/255)
fgl = 1 if bg.luminance < 0.5 else 0
fg = color.Color(hue=bg.hue, saturation=bg.saturation, luminance=fgl)
if IS_WSL: # but if env is WSL, change path to windows path for hyper's sake
p = subprocess.Popen(['wslpath', '-m', sys.argv[argc]], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
x, _ = p.communicate()
img_path = x.decode()[:-1]
r = re.compile(r"(css: '\.terms_terms ){( background: url\()(.+)(\) center;.+)}(',)")
found = False
with open(CONF_PATH) as conf:
for line in conf:
match =
if match:
found = True
if not found:
for line in fileinput.input(CONF_PATH, inplace=True):
line = re.sub(r"(foregroundColor: ').+(',)$", r"\g<1>{}\g<2>".format(stringify(fg)), line)
line = re.sub(r"css: '',$", "css: '.terms_terms {{ background: url(file://{}) center; background-size: cover; }}',".format(img_path), line)
sys.stdout.write(re.sub(r"termCSS: '',$", "termCSS: 'x-screen { background: transparent !important; }',", line))
for line in fileinput.input(CONF_PATH, inplace=True):
line = re.sub(r"(foregroundColor: ').+(',)$", r"\1{}\2".format(str(fg)), line)
line = r.sub(r'\1{{\2"file://{}"\4}}\5'.format(img_path), line)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# change hyper background to a random image given a directory
ls $1 | sort -R | tail -1 | while read file; do
$HOME/cbg $1/$file
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HotelCalifornia commented Feb 15, 2018

yeah, maybe this could be a hyper plugin, but this stems from a prototype of something I was working on in my fork of the Pokemon Terminal.

but anyway, this is a fun way to make your terminal display random pictures in the background. add rcbg to your bashrc or set up a crontab rule.

note that if you are running hyper with WSL, you should make available a copy of your .hyper.js in your home directory. otherwise, anything goes with the image path (thanks to the handy wslpath command -- though you may need to be on an insider build). will attempt to set the terminal's foreground color to contrast with the new image's dominant color, but I make no guarantees on any other colors that decorate your terminal. it's also probably best to use images with simple colors.

finally, note that if you already have custom css or termCSS defined this will likely not work.

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for an extra fun time, you can also add the rcbg command to the PROMPT_COMMAND shell variable, so every time you hit enter (or after a program completes) you'll get a new, random background

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