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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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  • Save HotelCalifornia/a968ce476c33bd145bce to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save HotelCalifornia/a968ce476c33bd145bce to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple ROBOTC program for a robot with two TETRIX DC motors, one NXT motors, and an NXT ultrasonic sensor
#pragma config( Hubs, S1, HTMotor, none, none, none )
#pragma config(Sensor, S1, hubby, sensorI2CMuxController )
#pragma config(Sensor, S2, sonar, sensorSONAR )
#pragma config( Motor, motorA, motorA, tmotorNXT, openLoop )
#pragma config( Motor, motorC, , tmotorNXT, openLoop )
#pragma config( Motor, mtr_S1_C1_1, motorD, tmotorTetrix, openLoop, driveRight)
#pragma config( Motor, mtr_S1_C1_2, motorE, tmotorTetrix, openLoop, driveLeft )
* This robot will move around autonomously, and decide *
* where to go based on ultrasonic readings taken from *
* around it. *
* The sensor/motor configuration is as follows: *
* *
* D-(UU)-D *
* \||/ *
* II *
* Legend: *
* (UU) = NXT Ultrasonic Sensor D = TETRIX DC Motor *
* (mounted on an NXT motor) *
* -- = Structure I = Omni-Wheel *
* || = Structure /\ = Structure *
* sweep left and right.
* if there is no object on the left and no object on the right, return 0.
* if there is an object on the left and an object on the right, return 2.
* if there is an object on the left and no object on the right, return -1.
* if there is no object on the left and an object on the right, return 1.
int sweep() {
bool left = false;
bool right = false;
nMotorEncoder[motorA] = 0;
bMotorReflected[motorA] = true;
nMotorEncoderTarget[motorA] = 60;
motor[motorA] = 10;
while(nMotorRunState[motorA] != runStateIdle) {//wait
motor[motorA] = 0;
if(SensorValue[S2] != 255) {
left = true;
nMotorEncoder[motorA] = 0;
bMotorReflected[motorA] = false;
nMotorEncoderTarget[motorA] = 120;
motor[motorA] = 10;
while(nMotorRunState[motorA] != runStateIdle) {//wait
motor[motorA] = 0;
if(SensorValue[S2] != 255) {
right = true;
//back to centre
nMotorEncoder[motorA] = 0;
bMotorReflected[motorA] = true;
nMotorEncoderTarget[motorA] = 60;
motor[motorA] = 10;
while(nMotorRunState[motorA] != runStateIdle) {//wait
motor[motorA] = 0;
if(left && right) {
return 2;
} else if(!left && !right) {
return 0;
} else if(left && !right) {
return -1;
} else if(!left && right) {
return 1;
return 50; //if we get here.... 0_0
* main task that runs when the program is started
task main() {
int detect_range = 30;
motor[motorD] = 0;
motor[motorE] = 0;
while(true) {
while(SensorValue[S2] >= detect_range) {
motor[motorD] = 10;
motor[motorE] = -10;
motor[motorD] = 0;
motor[motorE] = 0;
int lr = sweep();
switch(lr) {
case 2: //turn around
motor[motorD] = 20;
motor[motorE] = 20;
case 0: //turn left (nothing on either side)
motor[motorD] = 20;
motor[motorE] = 20;
case -1: //turn right
motor[motorD] = -20;
motor[motorE] = -20;
case 1: //turn left (something on right)
motor[motorD] = 20;
motor[motorE] = 20;
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