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Created June 16, 2021 22:16
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CS 252 malloc implementation
#include <errno.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "myMalloc.h"
#include "printing.h"
/* Due to the way assert() prints error messges we use out own assert function
* for deteminism when testing assertions
inline static void assert(int e) {
if (!e) {
const char* msg = "Assertion Failed!\n";
write(2, msg, strlen(msg));
#include <assert.h>
* Mutex to ensure thread safety for the freelist
static pthread_mutex_t mutex;
* Array of sentinel nodes for the freelists
header freelistSentinels[N_LISTS];
* Pointer to the second fencepost in the most recently allocated chunk from
* the OS. Used for coalescing chunks
header* lastFencePost;
* Pointer to maintian the base of the heap to allow printing based on the
* distance from the base of the heap
void* base;
* List of chunks allocated by the OS for printing boundary tags
header* osChunkList [MAX_OS_CHUNKS];
size_t numOsChunks = 0;
* direct the compiler to run the init function before running main
* this allows initialization of required globals
static void init (void) __attribute__ ((constructor));
// Helper functions for manipulating pointers to headers
static inline header* get_header_from_offset(void* ptr, ptrdiff_t off);
static inline header* get_left_header(header* h);
static inline header* ptr_to_header(void* p);
// Helper functions for allocating more memory from the OS
static inline void initialize_fencepost(header* fp, size_t left_size);
static inline void insert_os_chunk(header* hdr);
static inline void insert_fenceposts(void* raw_mem, size_t size);
static header* allocate_chunk(size_t size);
// Helper functions for freeing a block
static inline void deallocate_object(void* p);
// Helper functions for allocating a block
static inline header* allocate_object(size_t raw_size);
// Helper functions for verifying that the data structures are structurally
// valid
static inline header* detect_cycles();
static inline header* verify_pointers();
static inline bool verify_freelist();
static inline header* verify_chunk(header* chunk);
static inline bool verify_tags();
static void init();
static bool isMallocInitialized;
* @brief Helper function to retrieve a header pointer from a pointer and an
* offset
* @param ptr base pointer
* @param off number of bytes from base pointer where header is located
* @return a pointer to a header offset bytes from pointer
static inline header* get_header_from_offset(void* ptr, ptrdiff_t off) {
return (header*)((char*) ptr + off);
* @brief Helper function to get the header to the right of a given header
* @param h original header
* @return header to the right of h
header* get_right_header(header* h) {
return get_header_from_offset(h, get_size(h));
* @brief Helper function to get the header to the left of a given header
* @param h original header
* @return header to the right of h
inline static header* get_left_header(header* h) {
return get_header_from_offset(h, -h->left_size);
* @brief Fenceposts are marked as always allocated and may need to have
* a left object size to ensure coalescing happens properly
* @param fp a pointer to the header being used as a fencepost
* @param left_size the size of the object to the left of the fencepost
inline static void initialize_fencepost(header* fp, size_t left_size) {
set_size(fp, ALLOC_HEADER_SIZE);
fp->left_size = left_size;
* @brief Helper function to maintain list of chunks from the OS for debugging
* @param hdr the first fencepost in the chunk allocated by the OS
inline static void insert_os_chunk(header* hdr) {
if (numOsChunks < MAX_OS_CHUNKS) {
osChunkList[numOsChunks++] = hdr;
* @brief given a chunk of memory insert fenceposts at the left and
* right boundaries of the block to prevent coalescing outside of the
* block
* @param raw_mem a void pointer to the memory chunk to initialize
* @param size the size of the allocated chunk
inline static void insert_fenceposts(void* raw_mem, size_t size) {
// Convert to char* before performing operations
char* mem = (char*) raw_mem;
// Insert a fencepost at the left edge of the block
header* leftFencePost = (header*) mem;
initialize_fencepost(leftFencePost, ALLOC_HEADER_SIZE);
// Insert a fencepost at the right edge of the block
header* rightFencePost = get_header_from_offset(mem, size - ALLOC_HEADER_SIZE);
initialize_fencepost(rightFencePost, size - 2 * ALLOC_HEADER_SIZE);
* @brief Allocate another chunk from the OS and prepare to insert it
* into the free list
* @param size The size to allocate from the OS
* @return A pointer to the allocable block in the chunk (just after the
* first fencpost)
static header* allocate_chunk(size_t size) {
void* mem = sbrk(size);
insert_fenceposts(mem, size);
header* hdr = (header*) ((char*)mem + ALLOC_HEADER_SIZE);
set_state(hdr, UNALLOCATED);
set_size(hdr, size - 2 * ALLOC_HEADER_SIZE);
hdr->left_size = ALLOC_HEADER_SIZE;
return hdr;
* @brief Helper function to get freelist index from size
* @param sz size of block
* @return the appropriate freelist index
static size_t get_fl_idx(size_t sz) {
/* subtract 3 to get 32 byte blocks in index 1 */
size_t idx = (sz / 8) - 3;
return idx >= N_LISTS ? N_LISTS - 1 : idx;
static void insert_into_fl(size_t fl_idx, header* node) {
header* sentinel = &freelistSentinels[fl_idx];
node->next = sentinel->next;
node->prev = sentinel;
sentinel->next = node;
node->next->prev = node;
static void remove_from_fl(header* node) {
node->prev->next = node->next;
node->next->prev = node->prev;
* @brief Helper allocate an object given a raw request size from the user
* @param raw_size number of bytes the user needs
* @return A block satisfying the user's request
static inline header* allocate_object(size_t raw_size) {
/* determine request size */
size_t alloc_size = raw_size + ALLOC_HEADER_SIZE;
/* round request size to nearest 8 byte modulo */
if (alloc_size % 8) alloc_size += 8 - (alloc_size % 8);
/* ensure there is room for free list pointers later */
alloc_size = sizeof(header) > alloc_size ? sizeof(header) : alloc_size;
size_t fl_idx = get_fl_idx(alloc_size);
header* node;
for (size_t i = fl_idx; i < N_LISTS; i++) {
node = &freelistSentinels[i];
if (i == N_LISTS - 1) {
/* final list: check all nodes for one large enough to satisfy request */
header* sentinel = node;
while (node->next != sentinel) {
/* found big enough block */
if (get_size(node) >= alloc_size) break;
node = node->next;
/* check that there's a free block in list */
} else if (node->next != node) {
node = node->next;
if (node->next == node || get_size(node) == 0 || get_size(node) < alloc_size) { /* sentinel or block too small; request more memory from OS */
header* block = allocate_chunk(ARENA_SIZE);
header* prevFencePost = get_header_from_offset(block, -ALLOC_HEADER_SIZE);
if (get_header_from_offset(prevFencePost, -ALLOC_HEADER_SIZE) == lastFencePost) { /* adjacent chunks; coalesce */
header* new_header;
if (get_state(get_left_header(lastFencePost)) == UNALLOCATED) { /* unallocated memory at the end of last chunk to coalesce with */
new_header = get_left_header(lastFencePost);
set_size(new_header, get_size(new_header) + (2 * ALLOC_HEADER_SIZE) + get_size(block));
/* move to appropriately sized freelist */
insert_into_fl(get_fl_idx(get_size(new_header)), new_header);
} else { /* just clobber last fence post */
new_header = lastFencePost;
set_size_and_state(new_header, 2*ALLOC_HEADER_SIZE + get_size(block), UNALLOCATED);
/* and then insert into freelist */
insert_into_fl(N_LISTS - 1, new_header);
// numOsChunks--;
lastFencePost = get_header_from_offset(new_header, get_size(new_header));
} else { /* can't coalesce; just insert */
lastFencePost = get_header_from_offset(block, get_size(block));
/* insert chunk into the free list */
insert_into_fl(N_LISTS - 1, block);
return allocate_object(raw_size);
// return NULL;
} else { /* block at least big enough to satisfy request */
/* if block is right size or remainder is too small, allocate full block */
if (get_size(node) == alloc_size || (ptrdiff_t)(get_size(node) - alloc_size) < sizeof(header)) {
set_state(node, ALLOCATED);
/* remove from freelist */
return node;
} else { /* block is big and remainder is enough to split */
/* left from the perspective of the new header */
size_t left_size = get_size(node) - alloc_size;
set_size(node, left_size);
/* carve out new header in block */
header* new_header = get_right_header(node);
set_size_and_state(new_header, alloc_size, ALLOCATED);
new_header->left_size = left_size;
/* update left size in next header */
get_right_header(new_header)->left_size = get_size(new_header);
/* move left block to appropriate freelist */
insert_into_fl(get_fl_idx(left_size), node);
return new_header;
* @brief Helper to get the header from a pointer allocated with malloc
* @param p pointer to the data region of the block
* @return A pointer to the header of the block
static inline header* ptr_to_header(void* p) {
return (header*)((char*) p - ALLOC_HEADER_SIZE); //sizeof(header));
* @brief Helper to manage deallocation of a pointer returned by the user
* @param p The pointer returned to the user by a call to malloc
static inline void deallocate_object(void* p) {
if (!p) return;
header* block = ptr_to_header(p);
if (get_state(block) == UNALLOCATED) {
puts("Double Free Detected");
set_state(block, UNALLOCATED);
// get info about the left
header* left = get_left_header(block);
enum state left_state = get_state(left);
// get info about the right
header* right = get_right_header(block);
enum state right_state = get_state(right);
// pointer to block that needs to be inserted to freelist
header* coalesced;
if (left_state == UNALLOCATED || right_state == UNALLOCATED) { // one or both are free: coalesce
if (left_state == UNALLOCATED && right_state == UNALLOCATED) { // coalesce both
// remove right from freelist
// right->prev->next = right->next;
// right->next->prev = right->prev;
// set size of left block to toal size of the three
set_size(left, get_size(left) + get_size(block) + get_size(right));
// update left size of next block
get_right_header(left)->left_size = get_size(left);
// update final pointer
coalesced = left;
// TODO: spec says block should remain where left block was (if staying in the same list)
// but how do we determine if the list is appropriate?
} else if (left_state == UNALLOCATED) { // coalesce left only
// set size of left block to total size of left and center
set_size(left, get_size(left) + get_size(block));
// update left size of right block
right->left_size = get_size(left);
// update final pointer
coalesced = left;
// TODO: spec says block should remain where left block was (if staying in the same list)
// but how do we determine if the list is appropriate?
} else if (right_state == UNALLOCATED) { // coalese right only
// set size of center block to total size of center and right
set_size(block, get_size(block) + get_size(right));
// update left size of next block
get_right_header(block)->left_size = get_size(block);
// copy right position in freelist to block
block->prev = right->prev;
block->next = right->next;
block->prev->next = block;
block->next->prev = block;
// update final pointer
coalesced = block;
// TODO: spec says block should remain where right block was (if staying in the same list)
// but how do we determine if the list is appropriate?
} else { // should never happen
// TODO: check if there's a size difference
} else { // neither are free: only insert
coalesced = block;
size_t fl_idx = get_fl_idx(get_size(coalesced));
if (coalesced->prev || coalesced->next) { // header has old freelist pointers that need to be removed
// coalesced->prev->next = coalesced->next;
// coalesced->next->prev = coalesced->prev;
insert_into_fl(fl_idx, coalesced);
// header* sentinel = &freelistSentinels[fl_idx];
// coalesced->prev = sentinel;
// coalesced->next = sentinel->next;
// coalesced->next->prev = coalesced;
// sentinel->next = coalesced;
* @brief Helper to detect cycles in the free list
* @return One of the nodes in the cycle or NULL if no cycle is present
static inline header* detect_cycles() {
for (int i = 0; i < N_LISTS; i++) {
header* freelist = &freelistSentinels[i];
for (header* slow = freelist->next, * fast = freelist->next->next;
fast != freelist;
slow = slow->next, fast = fast->next->next) {
if (slow == fast) {
return slow;
return NULL;
* @brief Helper to verify that there are no unlinked previous or next pointers
* in the free list
* @return A node whose previous and next pointers are incorrect or NULL if no
* such node exists
static inline header* verify_pointers() {
for (int i = 0; i < N_LISTS; i++) {
header* freelist = &freelistSentinels[i];
for (header* cur = freelist->next; cur != freelist; cur = cur->next) {
if (cur->next->prev != cur || cur->prev->next != cur) {
return cur;
return NULL;
* @brief Verify the structure of the free list is correct by checkin for
* cycles and misdirected pointers
* @return true if the list is valid
static inline bool verify_freelist() {
header* cycle = detect_cycles();
if (cycle != NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cycle Detected\n");
print_sublist(print_object, cycle->next, cycle);
return false;
header* invalid = verify_pointers();
if (invalid != NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid pointers\n");
return false;
return true;
* @brief Helper to verify that the sizes in a chunk from the OS are correct
* and that allocated node's canary values are correct
* @param chunk AREA_SIZE chunk allocated from the OS
* @return a pointer to an invalid header or NULL if all header's are valid
static inline header* verify_chunk(header* chunk) {
if (get_state(chunk) != FENCEPOST) {
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid fencepost\n");
return chunk;
for (; get_state(chunk) != FENCEPOST; chunk = get_right_header(chunk)) {
if (get_size(chunk) != get_right_header(chunk)->left_size) {
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid sizes\n");
return chunk;
return NULL;
* @brief For each chunk allocated by the OS verify that the boundary tags
* are consistent
* @return true if the boundary tags are valid
static inline bool verify_tags() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < numOsChunks; i++) {
header* invalid = verify_chunk(osChunkList[i]);
if (invalid != NULL) {
return invalid;
return NULL;
* @brief Initialize mutex lock and prepare an initial chunk of memory for allocation
static void init() {
// Initialize mutex for thread safety
pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL);
#ifdef DEBUG
// Manually set printf buffer so it won't call malloc when debugging the allocator
setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
#endif // DEBUG
// Allocate the first chunk from the OS
header* block = allocate_chunk(ARENA_SIZE);
header* prevFencePost = get_header_from_offset(block, -ALLOC_HEADER_SIZE);
lastFencePost = get_header_from_offset(block, get_size(block));
// Set the base pointer to the beginning of the first fencepost in the first
// chunk from the OS
base = ((char*) block) - ALLOC_HEADER_SIZE; //sizeof(header);
// Initialize freelist sentinels
for (int i = 0; i < N_LISTS; i++) {
header* freelist = &freelistSentinels[i];
freelist->next = freelist;
freelist->prev = freelist;
// Insert first chunk into the free list
header* freelist = &freelistSentinels[N_LISTS - 1];
freelist->next = block;
freelist->prev = block;
block->next = freelist;
block->prev = freelist;
* External interface
void* my_malloc(size_t size) {
if (size == 0) return NULL;
header* hdr = allocate_object(size);
if (!hdr) { perror("nope.avi\n"); exit(-1); }
// if (!hdr) {
// header* block = allocate_chunk(ARENA_SIZE);
// header* prevFencePost = get_header_from_offset(block, -ALLOC_HEADER_SIZE);
// insert_os_chunk(prevFencePost);
// lastFencePost = get_header_from_offset(block, get_size(block));
// // Insert chunk into the free list
// header* freelist = &freelistSentinels[N_LISTS - 1];
// block->next = freelist->next->next;
// block->prev = freelist;
// freelist->next = block;
// block->next->prev = block;
// hdr = allocate_object(size);
// }
return hdr->data;
void* my_calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size) {
return memset(my_malloc(size * nmemb), 0, size * nmemb);
void* my_realloc(void* ptr, size_t size) {
void* mem = my_malloc(size);
memcpy(mem, ptr, size);
return mem;
void my_free(void* p) {
if (!p) return;
bool verify() {
return verify_freelist() && verify_tags();
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