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Last active October 20, 2022 17:52
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The code given here is a very simplified example and not for production usage.

The following snippet demonstrates TAP Task Synchronization using SemaphoreSlims in the context of upgrading an existing EAP application which relies on lock statements. This snippet of code doesn't do anything particularly useful, because it isn't supposed to - it is only to demonstrate one way of migrating from the EAP model to the TAP model.

See the blog entry for more information.

namespace Hotrian.com_Tutorials
public static class Program
public static async void Main()
var obj = new SensitiveResource();
// Store the values X = 10, Y = 20 in a single operation
// obj.SetResource(10, 20);
// Retrieve the resource values in a single operation
// var resource = obj.GetResource();
// Console.WriteLine($"X: {resource.Item1}, Y: {resource.Item2}"); // X: 10, Y: 20
// Store the values X = 10, Y = 20 in a single operation
await obj.SetResourceAsync(10, 20);
// Retrieve the resource values in a single operation
var resourceAsync = await obj.GetResourceAsync();
Console.WriteLine($"X: {resourceAsync.Item1}, Y: {resourceAsync.Item2}"); // X: 10, Y: 20
public class SensitiveResource
private readonly SemaphoreSlim _semaphoreSlim = new(1, 1);
private int _x;
private int _y;
// Remap the old EAP stubs to our new TAP methods, so older code can synchronize properly with newer code
/// <inheritdoc cref="GetResourceAsync"/>
public Tuple<int, int> GetResource() => GetResourceAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
/// <inheritdoc cref="SetResourceAsync"/>
public void SetResource(int x, int y) => SetResourceAsync(x, y).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
/// <summary> Gets the Resources stored in a single operation. </summary>
public async Task<Tuple<int, int>> GetResourceAsync()
// Wait until the resource handle is available for us to block
await _semaphoreSlim.WaitAsync();
// Do sensitive operation
return new Tuple<int, int>(_x, _y);
// Release the resource handle for the next thread
/// <summary> Sets the Resources to <paramref name="x"/> and <paramref name="y"/> in a single operation. </summary>
public async Task SetResourceAsync(int x, int y)
// Wait until the resource handle is available for us to block
await _semaphoreSlim.WaitAsync();
// Do sensitive operation
_x = x;
_y = y;
// Release the resource handle for the next thread
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