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Created June 11, 2020 19:02
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Sticky digraphs
" File: D2567.vim
" Created: 2020 Jun 11
" Last Change: 2020 Jun 11
" Version: 0.1
" Author: Andy Wokula <>
" License: Vim License, see :h license
" Provides: sticky-digraphs
" Usage: (Insert mode)
" Type <C-K><C-K> to enter sticky digraphs mode, hit <Esc> or <C-K> to
" stop. In "sticky digraphs" mode, all keys you type enter digraphs.
" The mode does not time out automatically.
" Example:
" <C-K><C-K>abcdef is short for <C-K>ab<C-K>cd<C-D>ef
imap <C-K> <Plug>(sticky-digraphs)
imap <Plug>(sticky-digraphs) <SID>__<lt>C-K>__
imap <SID>__<lt>C-K>__<C-K> <SID>(init)<SID>__digr0__
ino <SID>__<lt>C-K>__ <C-K>
imap <expr> <SID>(init) <sid>Init()
imap <SID>__digr0__<C-K> <Nop>
imap <SID>__digr0__<Esc> <Nop>
imap <expr> <SID>__digr0__ <sid>Getch(0) ? '<SID>__digr1__' : '<C-R>_<SID>__digr0__'
imap <SID>__digr1__<C-K> <Nop>
imap <SID>__digr1__<Esc> <Nop>
ino <expr><script> <SID>__digr1__ <sid>Getch(1) ? '<C-K>'. <sid>Chars(). '<SID>__digr0__' : '<C-R>_<SID>__digr1__'
func! <sid>Init()
let s:chars = ['', '']
return ''
func! <sid>Getch(n)
let chr = getchar(1) ? s:GetChar() : ""
if chr != ""
let s:chars[a:n] = chr
return 1
return 0
func! <sid>Chars()
return join(s:chars, '')
func! s:GetChar()
let chr = getchar()
return chr != 0 ? nr2char(chr) : chr
" vim:et:
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