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Last active June 1, 2020 12:40
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  • Save Hoxmot/2eec6a39bcd9fe2b46a8eaadea9afe27 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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An attempt to put two HowTo objects in JSON-LD on one page. The rich-text debugger says I cannot do that.
<title>Double HowTo page</title>
<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context": "",
"@graph": [
"@type": "HowTo",
"@id": "qwe",
"name": "How to tile a kitchen backsplash",
"description": "Any kitchen can be much more vibrant with a great tile backsplash. This guide will help you install one with beautiful results, like our example kitchen seen here.",
"image": {
"@type": "ImageObject",
"url": "",
"height": "406",
"width": "305"
"estimatedCost": {
"@type": "MonetaryAmount",
"currency": "USD",
"value": "100"
"supply": [
"@type": "HowToSupply",
"name": "tiles"
"@type": "HowToSupply",
"name": "thin-set mortar"
"@type": "HowToSupply",
"name": "tile grout"
"@type": "HowToSupply",
"name": "grout sealer"
"tool": [
"@type": "HowToTool",
"name": "notched trowel"
"@type": "HowToTool",
"name": "bucket"
"@type": "HowToTool",
"name": "large sponge"
"step": [
"@type": "HowToStep",
"url": "",
"name": "Prepare the surfaces",
"itemListElement": [
"@type": "HowToDirection",
"text": "Turn off the power to the kitchen and then remove everything that is on the wall, such as outlet covers, switchplates, and any other item in the area that is to be tiled."
"@type": "HowToDirection",
"text": "Then clean the surface thoroughly to remove any grease or other debris and tape off the area."
"image": {
"@type": "ImageObject",
"url": "",
"height": "406",
"width": "305"
"@type": "HowToStep",
"name": "Plan your layout",
"url": "",
"itemListElement": [
"@type": "HowToTip",
"text": "The creases created up until this point will be guiding lines for creating the four walls of your planter box."
"@type": "HowToDirection",
"text": "Lift one side at a 90-degree angle, and fold it in place so that the point on the paper matches the other two points already in the center."
"@type": "HowToDirection",
"text": "Repeat on the other side."
"image": {
"@type": "ImageObject",
"url": "",
"height": "406",
"width": "305"
"@type": "HowToStep",
"name": "Prepare your and apply mortar (or choose adhesive tile)",
"url": "",
"itemListElement": [
"@type": "HowToDirection",
"text": "Follow the instructions on your thin-set mortar to determine the right amount of water to fill in your bucket. Once done, add the powder gradually and make sure it is thoroughly mixed."
"@type": "HowToDirection",
"text": "Once mixed, let it stand for a few minutes before mixing it again. This time do not add more water. Double check your thin-set mortar instructions to make sure the consistency is right."
"@type": "HowToDirection",
"text": "Spread the mortar on a small section of the wall with a trowel."
"@type": "HowToTip",
"text": "Thinset and other adhesives set quickly so make sure to work in a small area."
"@type": "HowToDirection",
"text": "Once it’s applied, comb over it with a notched trowel."
"image": {
"@type": "ImageObject",
"url": "",
"height": "406",
"width": "305"
"@type": "HowToStep",
"name": "Add your tile to the wall",
"url": "",
"itemListElement": [
"@type": "HowToDirection",
"text": "Place the tile sheets along the wall, making sure to add spacers so the tiles remain lined up."
"@type": "HowToDirection",
"text": "Press the first piece of tile into the wall with a little twist, leaving a small (usually one-eight inch) gap at the countertop to account for expansion. use a rubber float to press the tile and ensure it sets in the adhesive."
"@type": "HowToDirection",
"text": "Repeat the mortar and tiling until your wall is completely tiled, Working in small sections."
"image": {
"@type": "ImageObject",
"url": "",
"height": "406",
"width": "305"
"@type": "HowToStep",
"name": "Apply the grout",
"url": "",
"itemListElement": [
"@type": "HowToDirection",
"text": "Allow the thin-set mortar to set. This usually takes about 12 hours. Don’t mix the grout before the mortar is set, because you don’t want the grout to dry out!"
"@type": "HowToDirection",
"text": "To apply, cover the area thoroughly with grout and make sure you fill all the joints by spreading it across the tiles vertically, horizontally, and diagonally. Then fill any remaining voids with grout."
"@type": "HowToDirection",
"text": "Then, with a moist sponge, sponge away the excess grout and then wipe clean with a towel. For easier maintenance in the future, think about applying a grout sealer."
"image": {
"@type": "ImageObject",
"url": "",
"height": "406",
"width": "305"
"totalTime": "P2D"
"@type": "HowTo",
"@id": "zxc",
"image": {
"@type": "ImageObject",
"url": ""
"name": "How to tie a tie",
"description": "The four-in-hand knot is a great look for any occasion. From formal suits to casual jacket and tie affairs, it’s a simple way to quickly look great. Once you have mastered the knot you can tie it in just a minute, so it’s also great when you’re in a pinch too. ",
"totalTime": "PT2M",
"video": {
"@type": "VideoObject",
"name": "Tie a Tie",
"description": "How to tie a four-in-hand knot.",
"thumbnailUrl": "",
"contentUrl": "",
"embedUrl": "",
"uploadDate": "2019-01-05T08:00:00+08:00",
"duration": "P1MT10S"
"supply": [
"@type": "HowToSupply",
"name": "A tie"
"@type": "HowToSupply",
"name": "A collared shirt"
"tool": [
"@type": "HowToTool",
"name": "A mirror"
"step": [
"@type": "HowToStep",
"name": "Preparations",
"text": "Button your shirt how you’d like to wear it, then drape the tie around your neck. Make the thick end about 1/3rd longer than the short end. For formal button down shirts, it usually works best with the small end of the tie between 4th and 5th button.",
"image": "",
"url": ""
"@type": "HowToStep",
"name": "Crossing once",
"text": "Cross the long end over the short end. This will form the basis for your knot.",
"image": "",
"url": ""
"@type": "HowToStep",
"name": "Second crossing",
"text": "Bring the long end back under the short end, then throw it back over the top of the short end in the other direction.",
"image": "",
"url": ""
"@type": "HowToStep",
"name": "Loop in",
"text": "Now pull the long end through the loop near your neck, forming another loop near your neck.",
"image": "",
"url": ""
"@type": "HowToStep",
"name": "Pull and tighten",
"text": "Pull the long end through that new loop and tighten to fit!",
"image": "",
"url": ""
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