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Hribek25 /
Last active September 24, 2019 10:30
Generating IOTA addresses from a seed: API call Get_new_addresses()
# The snippet is a part of the IOTA Developer Essentials project. You can reach it at
# Complete description and story behind the snippet is available at:
# Requirement: PyOTA library (!pip install pyota)
import iota
from pprint import pprint
# For this particular task the Node URL is not important as it will not be contacted at all
# However it has to be well-formatted URI
NodeURL = ""
Hribek25 /
Last active September 24, 2019 10:30
Generating a seed: IOTA-facing-library-based approach
# The snippet is a part of the IOTA Developer Essentials project. You can reach it at
# Complete description and story behind the snippet is available at:
# Requirement: PyOTA library (!pip install pyota)
from iota.crypto.types import Seed #importing PyOTA library to interact with
NewSeed = Seed.random()
print("Length: %s" % len(NewSeed))
Hribek25 /
Last active September 24, 2019 10:30
Generating a seed: a general approach
# The snippet is a part of the IOTA Developer Essentials project. You can reach it at
# Complete description and story behind the snippet is available at:
import random
chars=u'9ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' #27 characters - max number you can express by one Tryte - do you remember?
rndgenerator = random.SystemRandom() #cryptographically secure pseudo-random generator
NewSeed = u''.join(rndgenerator.choice(chars) for _ in range(81)) #generating 81-chars long seed. This is Python 3.6+ compatible
print("Length: %s" % len(NewSeed))
Hribek25 /
Last active September 24, 2019 10:30
Basic node interaction: API call Get_node_info()
# The snippet is a part of the IOTA Developer Essentials project. You can reach it at
# Complete description and story behind the snippet is available at:
# Requirement: PyOTA library (!pip install pyota)
import iota #importing PyOTA library to interact with
from pprint import pprint
NodeURL = ""
api=iota.Iota(NodeURL) # ctor initialization of the PyOTA library
Hribek25 /
Last active September 24, 2019 10:30
Conversion: trytes and trits
# The snippet is a part of the IOTA Developer Essentials project. You can reach it at
# Complete description and story behind the snippet is available at:
# Requirement: PyOTA library (!pip install pyota)
import iota #importing PyOTA library to interact with
from pprint import pprint
TrytesAsBytes = b"YZJEATEQ9JKLZ" # some data encoded in Trytes (byte string in Python, not unicode string)
Trytes = iota.TryteString(TrytesAsBytes) # initializing TryteString type from the PyOTA library - great help while dealing with Trytes/Trits, etc.
pprint(Trytes) # getting the same data however using TryteString type of PyOTA library