Executable and Linkable Format (ELF), is the default binary format on Linux-based systems.
Based on https://support.google.com/docs/table/25273?hl=en
Name | Syntax | Description |
ARRAY_CONSTRAIN | ARRAY_CONSTRAIN(input_range, num_rows, num_cols) |
Constrains an array result to a specified size. |
BYCOL | BYCOL(array_or_range, LAMBDA) |
Groups an array by columns by application of a LAMBDA function to each column. |
Based on https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Quick-Reference.html
Directive | Description |
define variable define variable = define variable := define variable ::= define variable += define variable ?= endef |
Define multi-line variables. |
undefine variable |
Undefining variables. |