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Last active September 27, 2019 09:32
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  • Save Huang-Libo/c63c5267e2d50d79e115b5153ac3d75f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Huang-Libo/c63c5267e2d50d79e115b5153ac3d75f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Objective-C 中的颜色工具
/// 参考 WeexSDK `WXConvert.m` 中的 `+UIColor:` 方法 (且在其基础上添加了对 #rrggbbaa 格式的支持)
/// @param colorString 颜色字符串, 支持以下格式:
/// #fff
/// #rrggbb
/// #rrggbbaa
/// rgb(r,g,b)
/// rgba(r,g,b,a)
+ (UIColor *)colorWithColorString:(NSString *)colorString {
// 1. check cache
static NSCache *colorCache;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
colorCache = [[NSCache alloc] init];
colorCache.countLimit = 64;
if ([colorString isKindOfClass:[NSNull class]] || !colorString) {
return nil;
UIColor *color = [colorCache objectForKey:colorString];
if (color) {
return color;
// Default color is white
double red = 255, green = 255, blue = 255, alpha = 1.0;
if([colorString isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]){
/* `WXConvert.m` 中的 knownColors 相关功能用不上, 已删除*/
NSString *rgba = colorString;
if ([rgba hasPrefix:@"#"]) {
// #fff
if ([rgba length] == 4) {
unichar f = [rgba characterAtIndex:1];
unichar s = [rgba characterAtIndex:2];
unichar t = [rgba characterAtIndex:3];
rgba = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"#%C%C%C%C%C%C", f, f, s, s, t, t];
uint32_t colorValue = 0;
sscanf(rgba.UTF8String, "#%x", &colorValue);
if ([rgba length] == 7) {
// #rrggbb
red = ((colorValue & 0xFF0000) >> 16) / 255.0;
green = ((colorValue & 0x00FF00) >> 8) / 255.0;
blue = (colorValue & 0x0000FF) / 255.0;
} else if ([rgba length] == 9) {
// #rrggbbaa
red = ((colorValue & 0xFF000000) >> 24) / 255.0;
green = ((colorValue & 0x00FF0000) >> 16) / 255.0;
blue = ((colorValue & 0x0000FF00) >> 8) / 255.0;
alpha = (colorValue & 0x000000FF) / 255.0;
} else if ([rgba hasPrefix:@"rgb("]) {
// rgb(r,g,b)
int r,g,b;
sscanf(rgba.UTF8String, "rgb(%d,%d,%d)", &r, &g, &b);
red = r / 255.0;
green = g / 255.0;
blue = b / 255.0;
} else if ([rgba hasPrefix:@"rgba("]) {
// rgba(r,g,b,a)
int r,g,b;
sscanf(rgba.UTF8String, "rgba(%d,%d,%d,%lf)", &r, &g, &b, &alpha);
red = r / 255.0;
green = g / 255.0;
blue = b / 255.0;
color = [UIColor colorWithRed:red green:green blue:blue alpha:alpha];
// 6. cache color
if (color && colorString) {
[colorCache setObject:color forKey:colorString];
return color;
// WeexSDK `WXConvert.m` 中的 `+UIColor:` 方法
+ (UIColor *)UIColor:(id)value
// 1. check cache
static NSCache *colorCache;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
colorCache = [[NSCache alloc] init];
colorCache.countLimit = 64;
if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSNull class]] || !value) {
return nil;
UIColor *color = [colorCache objectForKey:value];
if (color) {
return color;
// Default color is white
double red = 255, green = 255, blue = 255, alpha = 1.0;
if([value isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]){
// 2. check if is color keyword or transparent
static NSDictionary *knownColors;
static dispatch_once_t onceTokenKnownColors;
dispatch_once(&onceTokenKnownColors, ^{
knownColors = @{
@"aliceblue": @"#f0f8ff",
@"antiquewhite": @"#faebd7",
@"aqua": @"#00ffff",
@"aquamarine": @"#7fffd4",
@"azure": @"#f0ffff",
@"beige": @"#f5f5dc",
@"bisque": @"#ffe4c4",
@"black": @"#000000",
@"blanchedalmond": @"#ffebcd",
@"blue": @"#0000ff",
@"blueviolet": @"#8a2be2",
@"brown": @"#a52a2a",
@"burlywood": @"#deb887",
@"cadetblue": @"#5f9ea0",
@"chartreuse": @"#7fff00",
@"chocolate": @"#d2691e",
@"coral": @"#ff7f50",
@"cornflowerblue": @"#6495ed",
@"cornsilk": @"#fff8dc",
@"crimson": @"#dc143c",
@"cyan": @"#00ffff",
@"darkblue": @"#00008b",
@"darkcyan": @"#008b8b",
@"darkgoldenrod": @"#b8860b",
@"darkgray": @"#a9a9a9",
@"darkgrey": @"#a9a9a9",
@"darkgreen": @"#006400",
@"darkkhaki": @"#bdb76b",
@"darkmagenta": @"#8b008b",
@"darkolivegreen": @"#556b2f",
@"darkorange": @"#ff8c00",
@"darkorchid": @"#9932cc",
@"darkred": @"#8b0000",
@"darksalmon": @"#e9967a",
@"darkseagreen": @"#8fbc8f",
@"darkslateblue": @"#483d8b",
@"darkslategray": @"#2f4f4f",
@"darkslategrey": @"#2f4f4f",
@"darkturquoise": @"#00ced1",
@"darkviolet": @"#9400d3",
@"deeppink": @"#ff1493",
@"deepskyblue": @"#00bfff",
@"dimgray": @"#696969",
@"dimgrey": @"#696969",
@"dodgerblue": @"#1e90ff",
@"firebrick": @"#b22222",
@"floralwhite": @"#fffaf0",
@"forestgreen": @"#228b22",
@"fuchsia": @"#ff00ff",
@"gainsboro": @"#dcdcdc",
@"ghostwhite": @"#f8f8ff",
@"gold": @"#ffd700",
@"goldenrod": @"#daa520",
@"gray": @"#808080",
@"grey": @"#808080",
@"green": @"#008000",
@"greenyellow": @"#adff2f",
@"honeydew": @"#f0fff0",
@"hotpink": @"#ff69b4",
@"indianred": @"#cd5c5c",
@"indigo": @"#4b0082",
@"ivory": @"#fffff0",
@"khaki": @"#f0e68c",
@"lavender": @"#e6e6fa",
@"lavenderblush": @"#fff0f5",
@"lawngreen": @"#7cfc00",
@"lemonchiffon": @"#fffacd",
@"lightblue": @"#add8e6",
@"lightcoral": @"#f08080",
@"lightcyan": @"#e0ffff",
@"lightgoldenrodyellow": @"#fafad2",
@"lightgray": @"#d3d3d3",
@"lightgrey": @"#d3d3d3",
@"lightgreen": @"#90ee90",
@"lightpink": @"#ffb6c1",
@"lightsalmon": @"#ffa07a",
@"lightseagreen": @"#20b2aa",
@"lightskyblue": @"#87cefa",
@"lightslategray": @"#778899",
@"lightslategrey": @"#778899",
@"lightsteelblue": @"#b0c4de",
@"lightyellow": @"#ffffe0",
@"lime": @"#00ff00",
@"limegreen": @"#32cd32",
@"linen": @"#faf0e6",
@"magenta": @"#ff00ff",
@"maroon": @"#800000",
@"mediumaquamarine": @"#66cdaa",
@"mediumblue": @"#0000cd",
@"mediumorchid": @"#ba55d3",
@"mediumpurple": @"#9370db",
@"mediumseagreen": @"#3cb371",
@"mediumslateblue": @"#7b68ee",
@"mediumspringgreen": @"#00fa9a",
@"mediumturquoise": @"#48d1cc",
@"mediumvioletred": @"#c71585",
@"midnightblue": @"#191970",
@"mintcream": @"#f5fffa",
@"mistyrose": @"#ffe4e1",
@"moccasin": @"#ffe4b5",
@"navajowhite": @"#ffdead",
@"navy": @"#000080",
@"oldlace": @"#fdf5e6",
@"olive": @"#808000",
@"olivedrab": @"#6b8e23",
@"orange": @"#ffa500",
@"orangered": @"#ff4500",
@"orchid": @"#da70d6",
@"palegoldenrod": @"#eee8aa",
@"palegreen": @"#98fb98",
@"paleturquoise": @"#afeeee",
@"palevioletred": @"#db7093",
@"papayawhip": @"#ffefd5",
@"peachpuff": @"#ffdab9",
@"peru": @"#cd853f",
@"pink": @"#ffc0cb",
@"plum": @"#dda0dd",
@"powderblue": @"#b0e0e6",
@"purple": @"#800080",
@"rebeccapurple": @"#663399",
@"red": @"#ff0000",
@"rosybrown": @"#bc8f8f",
@"royalblue": @"#4169e1",
@"saddlebrown": @"#8b4513",
@"salmon": @"#fa8072",
@"sandybrown": @"#f4a460",
@"seagreen": @"#2e8b57",
@"seashell": @"#fff5ee",
@"sienna": @"#a0522d",
@"silver": @"#c0c0c0",
@"skyblue": @"#87ceeb",
@"slateblue": @"#6a5acd",
@"slategray": @"#708090",
@"slategrey": @"#708090",
@"snow": @"#fffafa",
@"springgreen": @"#00ff7f",
@"steelblue": @"#4682b4",
@"tan": @"#d2b48c",
@"teal": @"#008080",
@"thistle": @"#d8bfd8",
@"tomato": @"#ff6347",
@"turquoise": @"#40e0d0",
@"violet": @"#ee82ee",
@"wheat": @"#f5deb3",
@"white": @"#ffffff",
@"whitesmoke": @"#f5f5f5",
@"yellow": @"#ffff00",
@"yellowgreen": @"#9acd32",
@"transparent": @"rgba(0,0,0,0)",
NSString *rgba = knownColors[value];
if (!rgba) {
rgba = value;
if ([rgba hasPrefix:@"#"]) {
// #fff
if ([rgba length] == 4) {
unichar f = [rgba characterAtIndex:1];
unichar s = [rgba characterAtIndex:2];
unichar t = [rgba characterAtIndex:3];
rgba = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"#%C%C%C%C%C%C", f, f, s, s, t, t];
// 3. #rrggbb
uint32_t colorValue = 0;
sscanf(rgba.UTF8String, "#%x", &colorValue);
red = ((colorValue & 0xFF0000) >> 16) / 255.0;
green = ((colorValue & 0x00FF00) >> 8) / 255.0;
blue = (colorValue & 0x0000FF) / 255.0;
} else if ([rgba hasPrefix:@"rgb("]) {
// 4. rgb(r,g,b)
int r,g,b;
sscanf(rgba.UTF8String, "rgb(%d,%d,%d)", &r, &g, &b);
red = r / 255.0;
green = g / 255.0;
blue = b / 255.0;
} else if ([rgba hasPrefix:@"rgba("]) {
// 5. rgba(r,g,b,a)
int r,g,b;
sscanf(rgba.UTF8String, "rgba(%d,%d,%d,%lf)", &r, &g, &b, &alpha);
red = r / 255.0;
green = g / 255.0;
blue = b / 255.0;
} else if([value isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) {
NSUInteger colorValue = [value unsignedIntegerValue];
red = ((colorValue & 0xFF0000) >> 16) / 255.0;
green = ((colorValue & 0x00FF00) >> 8) / 255.0;
blue = (colorValue & 0x0000FF) / 255.0;
color = [UIColor colorWithRed:red green:green blue:blue alpha:alpha];
// 6. cache color
if (color && value) {
[colorCache setObject:color forKey:value];
return color;
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