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M to loop through modes of time signature
time_signatures = {0: [' 2 / 4', (2, 4)], 1: [' 3 / 4',(3 ,4)], 2: [' 4 / 4',(4, 4)], 3: [' 2 / 2',(2, 2)],
4: [' 6 / 8',(6, 8)], 5: [' 9 / 8',(9, 8)], 6: ['12/ 8',(12, 8)],
7: [' * / 4',(-1, 4)], 8: [' * / 2',(-1,2)], 9: [' * / 8',(-1,8)]}
def key_pressed(event):
global ON, ts_mode, time_signatures
if event.char == ' ':
ON = not ON
elif event.char == 't':
elif event.char =='m':
ts_mode.set((ts_mode.get() + 1)%len(time_signatures))
elif event.char == 'q':
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