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Last active December 2, 2022 00:29
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mixup in numpy, tensorflow(keras), and pytorch
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
def mixup_np(features, labels, alpha=0.1):
# numpy version
num_examples = features.shape[0]
num_class = labels.shape[-1]
mix = np.random.beta(alpha, alpha, size=[num_examples])
features = np.swapaxes(features, 0, -1)
features = features * mix + features[::-1] * (np.ones_like(mix) - mix)
features = np.swapaxes(features, 0, -1)
labels = np.swapaxes(labels, 0, -1)
labels = labels * mix + labels[::-1] * (np.ones_like(mix) - mix)
labels = np.swapaxes(labels, 0, -1)
return features, labels
def mixup_tf(features, labels, alpha=0.2):
# tensorflow version
num_examples = features.shape[0]
mix = tf.distributions.Beta(alpha, alpha).sample([num_examples, 1, 1])
#mix = tf.maximum(mix, 1 - mix)
features = features * mix + features[::-1] * (1 - mix)
labels = labels * mix[:, 0] + labels[::-1] * (1 - mix[:, 0])
return features, labels
def mixup_pt(features, labels, alpha=0.2, use_cuda=True):
if alpha > 0:
lam = np.random.beta(alpha, alpha)
lam = 1
num_examples = features.size()[0]
if use_cuda:
index = torch.randperm(num_examples).cuda()
index = torch.randperm(num_examples)
#mix = np.maximum(mix, np.ones_like(mix) - mix)
features = mix * features + (1 - mix) * features[index, :]
labels = mix * labels + (1 - mix) * labels[index, :]
return features, labels
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