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Last active March 18, 2022 21:34
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  • Save HuemanInstrument/c2281c4efb3e9f2c516d77bc0cf2dd7d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save HuemanInstrument/c2281c4efb3e9f2c516d77bc0cf2dd7d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Lali Puna Faking The Books
"text_prompts": {
"0": [
"museum books library antique"
"70": [
"museum books library antique"
"179": [
"museum books library antique"
"267": [
"museum books library antique"
"358": [
"museum books library antique | end of the world artstation"
"449": [
"museum books library antique | end of the world artstation"
"543": [
"museum books library antique | phoenix bird illustration artstation art picture flaming depiction mythology hell"
"633": [
"museum books library antique | phoenix bird illustration artstation art picture flaming depiction mythology hell"
"723": [
"museum books library antique | end of the world Fantasy alien planet artstation"
"813": [
"museum books library antique | end of the world Fantasy alien planet artstation"
"903": [
"museum books library antique | dysonsphere artists concept artstation star ai alien megastructure universe space orbit dyson sphere"
"993": [
"museum books library antique | dysonsphere artists concept artstation star ai alien megastructure universe space orbit dyson sphere"
"1083": [
"museum books library antique | artstation past nature abandoned places"
"1173": [
"museum books library antique | artstation abandoned buildings nature mall"
"1263": [
"museum books library antique | building cities artstation"
"1353": [
"museum books library antique | building cities artstation futuristic"
"1443": [
"museum books library antique | becoming artstation forest life green mist"
"1533": [
"museum books library antique | Earth and a beautiful nebula Conceptual composite image artstation sunrise"
"1623": [
"museum books library antique | walking around artstation rain"
"1713": [
"museum books library antique | rainy day artstation street"
"1806": [
"museum books library antique | artstation crowded street people aerial view"
"1986": [
"museum books library antique | working crowds artstation aerial"
"2166": [
"museum books library antique | red glow rain street artstation"
"2346": [
"museum books library antique | red glow rain street artstation reflection"
"2523": [
"museum books library antique | happy people walking crowd"
"2613": [
"museum books library antique | life in the past old pictures"
"2703": [
"museum books library antique | koyaanisqatsi scene"
"2793": [
"museum books library antique | koyaanisqatsi scene"
"2883": [
"museum books library antique | life in the past old pictures"
"2973": [
"museum books library antique | old picture of people in the 50s past"
"3063": [
"museum books library antique | Architecture Photograph black and white"
"3153": [
"museum books library antique | Architecture Photograph black and white artstation"
"3243": [
"museum books library antique | people in urban landscape artstation "
"3333": [
"museum books library antique | people in urban landscape"
"3423": [
"museum books library antique | futuristic buildings HDR black and white urban"
"3513": [
"museum books library antique | building cities artstation futuristic black and white"
"3603": [
"museum books library antique | becoming artstation forest life green mist"
"3693": [
"museum books library antique | Earth and a beautiful nebula Conceptual composite image artstation sunrise"
"3783": [
"museum books library antique | rainy day bookshop book store artstation"
"3873": [
"museum books library antique | raining bookstore artstation"
"3963": [
"museum books library antique | artstation crowded street people aerial view"
"4053": [
"museum books library antique | working crowds artstation aerial"
"4143": [
"museum books library antique | red glow rain street artstation"
"4233": [
"museum books library antique | red glow rain street artstation reflection"
"4323": [
"museum books library antique | large crowds of people | oil canvas art close up building"
"4413": [
"museum books library antique | large crowds of people artstation | oil canvas art close up building artstation"
"4503": [
"museum books library antique | clock timeartstation"
"4593": [
"museum books library antique | spiral clock art artstation time quantum physics"
"4683": [
"museum books library antique | large crowds of people | oil canvas art close up building"
"4773": [
"museum books library antique | large crowds of people artstation | oil canvas art close up building artstation"
"4863": [
"museum books library antique | clock timeartstation"
"4953": [
"museum books library antique | spiral clock art artstation time quantum physics"
"5043": [
"museum books library antique | artstation crowded street people aerial view"
"5133": [
"museum books library antique | working crowds artstation aerial"
"5223": [
"museum books library antique | red glow rain street artstation"
"5313": [
"museum books library antique | red glow rain street artstation reflection"
"5403": [
"museum books library antique | large crowds of people | oil canvas art close up building"
"5493": [
"museum books library antique | large crowds of people artstation | oil canvas art close up building artstation"
"5583": [
"museum books library antique | clock timeartstation"
"5673": [
"museum books library antique | spiral clock art artstation time quantum physics"
"5763": [
"museum books library antique | end of the world artstation"
"5853": [
"museum books library antique | end of the world artstation"
"5943": [
"museum books library antique | end of the world Fantasy alien planet artstation"
"6033": [
"museum books library antique | end of the world Fantasy alien planet artstation"
"6123": [
"museum books library antique | artstation past nature abandoned places"
"6213": [
"museum books library antique | artstation abandoned buildings nature mall"
"6303": [
"museum books library antique | building cities artstation"
"6393": [
"museum books library antique | building cities artstation futuristic"
"6483": [
"museum books library antique | artstation crowded street people aerial view"
"6573": [
"museum books library antique | working crowds artstation aerial"
"6663": [
"museum books library antique | red glow rain street artstation"
"6753": [
"museum books library antique | red glow rain street artstation reflection"
"6843": [
"museum books library antique | electronic board electronic circuit board close up microscope"
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