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Last active October 20, 2023 13:23
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Openapi-fetch + tanstack-query
import { browser } from '$app/environment';
import { PUBLIC_EXTERNAL_URL, PUBLIC_INTERNAL_URL, PUBLIC_IS_DOCKER } from '$env/static/public';
import type { paths } from '$lib/openapi'; // generated from openapi-typescript
import type { StrictOmit, StrictPick } from '$lib/utils/types'; // these are just Omit|Pick but with autocomplete
import createClient, { type FetchOptions } from 'openapi-fetch';
const baseUrl = browser ? undefined : PUBLIC_IS_DOCKER ? PUBLIC_INTERNAL_URL : PUBLIC_EXTERNAL_URL;
export const api = createClient<paths>({ baseUrl });
type Api = typeof api;
type HttpVerb = keyof Api;
type PathId = keyof paths;
type Options =
// Post requests
| FetchOptions<{ requestBody?: { content?: { [x: `${string}/${string}`]: unknown } } }>
// Patch requests
| FetchOptions<{
requestBody?: { content?: { [x: `${string}/${string}`]: unknown } };
parameters: unknown;
// Get requests & the rest
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
| FetchOptions<any>;
type InputOptions = StrictPick<Options, 'params' | 'body'>;
type ExtraOptions<O extends Options | undefined = Options> = StrictOmit<
'params' | 'body'
* Key used to identify queries/mutations.
* Consists of two elements - domain and input.
* Domain itself consists of two elements - path and http-verb.
* Allows to invalidate queries hierarchically - all queries on a given path for specific or all verbs, with or w/o input
type DataKey<RequireVerb extends boolean = true> = [
[path: PathId, ...(RequireVerb extends true ? [verb: HttpVerb] : [verb?: HttpVerb])],
type Query<A extends Options = Options, R = unknown> = {
* Run a network query to specified resource.
* @param opts these options will be merged with the options from create{Verb}Query
runQuery: (opts?: ExtraOptions<A>) => R;
* Unique key to identify that query including path, verb & input.
key: DataKey;
type Mutation<A extends unknown[] = unknown[], R = unknown> = {
* Run a network mutation to specified resource.
* @param opts input accepted by the resource.
runMutation: (...opts: A) => R;
* Unique key to identify that mutation including path & verb.
key: DataKey;
* Generic function to create API queries.
* @param apiFn api call function like api.GET/HEAD/OPTIONS/TRACE
* @param verb verb corresponding to {@link apiFn}
* @returns a function which returns a {@link Query}
function createApiQuery<P extends PathId, O extends [Options?], V extends HttpVerb, R>(
apiFn: (path: P, ...opts: O) => R,
verb: V
) {
return function (path: P, ...[opts]: O): Query<NonNullable<O[0]>, R> {
return {
runQuery: (arg?: ExtraOptions<O[0]>) =>
apiFn(path, ...([arg ? { ...opts, ...arg } : opts] as unknown as O)),
get key() {
return createKey(path, verb, opts);
* Generic function to create API mutations.
* @param apiFn api call function like api.POST/PATCH/DELETE/PUT
* @param verb verb corresponding to {@link apiFn}
* @returns a function which returns a {@link Mutation}
function createApiMutation<P extends PathId, O extends [Options?], V extends HttpVerb, R>(
apiFn: (path: P, ...opts: O) => R,
verb: V
) {
return function (path: P): Mutation<O, R> {
return {
runMutation: (...opts: O) => apiFn(path, ...opts),
get key() {
return createKey(path, verb);
function createKey(path: PathId, verb: HttpVerb, opts?: InputOptions): DataKey {
const domainKey: DataKey[0] = [path, verb];
if (!opts) return [domainKey];
return [domainKey, { body: opts.body, params: opts.params }];
export const createGetQuery = createApiQuery(api.GET, 'GET');
export const createHeadQuery = createApiQuery(api.HEAD, 'HEAD');
export const createOptionsQuery = createApiQuery(api.OPTIONS, 'OPTIONS');
export const createTraceQuery = createApiQuery(api.TRACE, 'TRACE');
export const createPostMutation = createApiMutation(api.POST, 'POST');
export const createPutMutation = createApiMutation(api.PUT, 'PUT');
export const createDeleteMutation = createApiMutation(api.DELETE, 'DELETE');
export const createPatchMutation = createApiMutation(api.PATCH, 'PATCH');
* A helper to get query key with required precision
* @param query your {@link Query}
* @param type whether the key should invalidate all verbs on a given path or only the current one
export function getQueryKey(
{ key }: StrictPick<Query | Mutation, 'key'>,
type?: 'invalidate route' | 'invalidate verb'
): DataKey<false> {
switch (type) {
case 'invalidate route':
return [[key[0][0]]];
case 'invalidate verb':
return [key[0]];
return key;
* Alias for {@link getQueryKey}
export const getMutationKey = getQueryKey;
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