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Created April 8, 2024 14:59
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Drizzle ORM SQLite Trigger migrations
// has to be exported - triggers should be stored in the same folder as table schemas
export const insertTrigger = new Trigger({
name: "update_product_meta_on_new_review",
type: "INSERT",
on: review,
when: ({ newRow }) => eq(newRow.isPrivate, false),
do: ({ newRow }) =>
barcode: sql`${newRow.barcode}`,
publicReviewCount: 1,
publicTotalRating: sql`${newRow.rating}`,
target: productMeta.barcode,
set: {
publicReviewCount: sql`${productMeta.publicReviewCount} + 1`,
publicTotalRating: sql`${productMeta.publicTotalRating} + ${alias(productMeta, "excluded").publicTotalRating}`,
// This is the file which you can run as a script to generate a migration for your triggers
import { Trigger, breakpoint, createDropTriggerStatement } from "@/server/database/schema/trigger";
import type { Query, SQL } from "drizzle-orm";
import { sql } from "drizzle-orm";
import { SQLiteSyncDialect } from "drizzle-orm/sqlite-core";
import { exec } from "node:child_process";
import { readFile, readdir, writeFile } from "node:fs/promises";
import { resolve } from "node:path";
import { promisify } from "node:util";
function execAsync(command: string) {
return promisify(exec)(command).then(({ stderr, stdout }) => {
if (stderr) {
return stdout;
export default function main() {
const triggers = getTriggers();
const dropPreviousTriggers = getPreviousTriggers().then((triggers) =>,
const migrationSql = Promise.all([dropPreviousTriggers, triggers]).then(
([prevTriggers, triggers]) =>
createMigration(...prevTriggers, => trigger.statement)),
const migration = migrationSql.then(serializeQuery);
const migrationFilePath = generateCustomMigrationFile();
return Promise.all([migrationFilePath, migration]).then(([path, migration]) =>
writeFile(path, migration),
const schemaDirectory = "./src/server/database/schema";
function getTriggers() {
return readdir(schemaDirectory, { recursive: true })
.then((files) =>
.filter((file) => file.endsWith(".ts") || file.endsWith(".js"))
.map((file) => resolve(schemaDirectory, file)),
.then((files) => Promise.all( => import(file))))
.then((modules: unknown[]) =>
.flatMap((module) => module && Object.values(module))
.filter((value): value is Trigger => value instanceof Trigger),
const migrationsDirectory = "./database/migrations";
const triggerNameRegExp = /CREATE TRIGGER\s*['"`]?(\w+)['"`]?/g;
function getPreviousTriggers() {
return readdir(migrationsDirectory)
.then((files) =>
.filter((file) => file.endsWith(".sql"))
.map((file) => resolve(migrationsDirectory, file)),
.then((files) => Promise.all( => readFile(file, "utf-8"))))
.then((migrations) =>
migrations.flatMap((migration) =>
.map((match) => match[1])
.filter((match): match is NonNullable<typeof match> => !!match),
function generateCustomMigrationFile() {
return execAsync("pnpm drizzle-kit generate:sqlite --custom").then((stdour) => {
const file = stdour.match(/Your SQL migration file.+migrations\/(.+\.sql)/)?.[1];
if (!file) throw Error("Could not resolve migration file path");
return resolve(migrationsDirectory, file);
const sqlite = new SQLiteSyncDialect();
function createMigration(...statements: Array<SQL>) {
return sqlite.sqlToQuery(sql.join(statements, breakpoint));
function serializeQuery(query: Query) {
return `${query.sql
.map((chunk, i) => {
if (!chunk) return "";
if (!(i in query.params)) return chunk;
const param = query.params[i];
const stringified = typeof param === "string" ? `"${param}"` : param;
return `${chunk}${String(stringified)}`;
// This is the file which mainly exports Trigger - a class to create new Triggers
import type { SQL, SQLWrapper } from "drizzle-orm";
import { sql } from "drizzle-orm";
import type { BuildAliasTable, SQLiteTable } from "drizzle-orm/sqlite-core";
import { alias } from "drizzle-orm/sqlite-core";
type TableColumn<TTable extends SQLiteTable> = TTable["_"]["columns"][keyof TTable["_"]["columns"]];
type TriggerType = "INSERT" | "UPDATE" | "DELETE";
type TriggerRow<TType extends TriggerType, TTable extends SQLiteTable> = Record<
TType extends Exclude<TriggerType, "DELETE"> ? "newRow" : never,
BuildAliasTable<TTable, "new">
> &
TType extends Exclude<TriggerType, "INSERT"> ? "oldRow" : never,
BuildAliasTable<TTable, "old">
type BaseTriggerData<TType extends TriggerType, TTable extends SQLiteTable> = {
/** Trigger name */
name: string;
/** On which operations should trigger activate */
type: TType;
/** On which tables should trigger activate */
on: TTable;
/** Condition when trigger should activate */
when?: (row: TriggerRow<TType, TTable>) => SQLWrapper;
/** WHat operation to perform when trigger activates */
do: (row: TriggerRow<TType, TTable>) => SQLWrapper;
interface UpdateTriggerData<TTable extends SQLiteTable> extends BaseTriggerData<"UPDATE", TTable> {
/** On which column of `on` table should trigger activate */
of?: TableColumn<TTable>;
type TriggerData<
TType extends TriggerType = TriggerType,
TTable extends SQLiteTable = SQLiteTable,
> =
TType extends Extract<TriggerType, "UPDATE">
? UpdateTriggerData<TTable>
: BaseTriggerData<TType, TTable>;
const endLine = sql`;`;
const newLine = sql`\n`;
const tab = sql`\t`;
const space = sql` `;
export const breakpoint = sql`--> statement-breakpoint`.append(newLine);
export class Trigger<
TType extends TriggerType = TriggerType,
TTable extends SQLiteTable = SQLiteTable,
> {
statement: SQL;
constructor(data: TriggerData<TType, TTable>) {
const triggerTable = join(
data.type === "UPDATE" && data.of
? join([sql`OF`, sql.identifier(], space)
: undefined,
const newTable = alias(data.on, "new");
const oldTable = alias(data.on, "old");
const triggerCondition = data.when
? join([
[sql`FOR EACH ROW WHEN`, data.when({ newRow: newTable, oldRow: oldTable }).getSQL()],
: undefined;
const createStatement = join(
join([sql`CREATE TRIGGER`, sql.identifier(], space),
join([tab, triggerTable]),
join([tab,{ newRow: newTable, oldRow: oldTable }).getSQL(), endLine]),
this.statement = join([createDropTriggerStatement(, createStatement], breakpoint);
export function createDropTriggerStatement(name: string) {
return join([sql`DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS`, sql.identifier(name)], space).append(endLine);
const join: typeof sql.join = function (chunks, separator) {
return sql.join(chunks.filter(Boolean), separator);
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This is for SQLite only - pretty sure it's easy to convert these ideas to other flavors I think.

Hopefully you're not generating triggers from user input because this is not safe against SQL injections

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