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Created February 15, 2022 03:03
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  • Save HughParsonage/121da6cc47c5135ad7b92311362191fb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save HughParsonage/121da6cc47c5135ad7b92311362191fb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#' @return Character vector of postcodes on 2016 basis
latlon2poa <- function(lat, lon, shapefile.dir = Sys.getenv("POA_2016_SHAPEFILE_DIR")) {
stopifnot(!anyNA(lat), !anyNA(lon), is.numeric(lat), is.numeric(lon),
# Basic check for lat=lon mixup
max(lat) <= 90)
if (!dir.exists(shapefile.dir)) {
tempf <- tempfile()
exts <- c("dbf", "prj", "shp", "shx", "xml")
# Base URL
ub <- ""
for (ext in exts) {
s <- download.file(url = paste0(ub, ext),
mode = "wb",
destfile = file.path(tempf, paste0("POA_2016_AUST.", ext)),
quiet = TRUE)
if (s) {
stop("Error #", s, " downloading\n\t", paste0(ub, ext))
shapefile.dir <- tempf
# to avoid downloading multiply same session
Sys.setenv("POA_2016_SHAPEFILE_DIR" = shapefile.dir)
# rgdal expects no trailing slash
if (endsWith(shapefile.dir, "/")) {
shapefile.dir <- sub("/$", "", shapefile.dir)
# Warning messages:
# 1: In OGRSpatialRef(dsn, layer, morphFromESRI = morphFromESRI, dumpSRS = dumpSRS, :
# Discarded datum Geocentric_Datum_of_Australia_1994 in CRS definition: +proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +no_defs
# 2: In rgdal::readOGR(shapefile.dir) : Dropping null geometries: 2669, 2670
shapefile <- rgdal::readOGR(shapefile.dir, verbose = FALSE)
points <- sp::SpatialPoints(coords = sp::coordinates(data.frame(x = lon, y = lat)),
proj4string = shapefile@proj4string)
out <- sp::over(points, shapefile)
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