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Created August 7, 2019 16:45
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# Generate a dummy probability surface using Swaziland as an example
swz_elev <- raster::getData('alt', country="SWZ")
swz_prob <- swz_elev / cellStats(swz_elev, max)
# Generate some random points to act as sampling sites
candidate_sites <- coordinates(swz_elev)[which(![])),]
sample_pixels <- sample(1:nrow(candidate_sites), 100)
sampling_sites <- candidate_sites[sample_pixels,] %>%
# Take a binomial sample of 100 at each site
sampling_sites$prob <- raster::extract(swz_prob, sampling_sites[,c("x", "y")])
sampling_sites$n_pos <- rbinom(100, 100, sampling_sites$prob )
sampling_sites$n_neg <- 100 - sampling_sites$n_pos
# Fit a GAM with bivaruate smooth on lat/lng
gam_mod <- gam(cbind(n_pos, n_neg) ~ s(x, y, bs="gp"),
data = sampling_sites,
family = "binomial")
# Look at predicted mean
prediction_data <-
predicted_prob <- predict(gam_mod, prediction_data, type="response")
predicted_prob_raster <- swz_elev
predicted_prob_raster[which(![]))] <- predicted_prob
# Simulate from the posterior
Cg <- predict(gam_mod, prediction_data, type = "lpmatrix")
sims <- rmvn(1000, mu = coef(gam_mod), V = vcov(gam_mod, unconditional = TRUE))
fits <- Cg %*% t(sims)
fits_prob <- exp(fits) / (1 + exp(fits))
#### Aggregate simulated values over districts
# Get district boundary polygons
swz_districts <- raster::getData("GADM", level=2, country="SWZ")
# Identify which district each pixel is in
which_district <- sp::over(SpatialPoints(prediction_data, proj4string = crs(swz_districts)), swz_districts)
# Calculate the district mean per draw from the posterior
district_posterior <- apply(fits_prob, 2, function(x){tapply(x, which_district$GID_2, mean)})
# Look at the posterior for the first district
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