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Forked from Dither/cssify.js
Created August 11, 2012 02:26
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Save HughxDev/3320053 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Convert XPath to CSS selector
// JavaScript function for converting simple XPath to CSS selector.
// Ported by Dither from [cssify](
// Example: `cssify('//div[@id="girl"][2]/span[@class="body"]//a[contains(@class, "sexy")]//img[1]')`
var sub_regexes = {
"tag": "([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]{0,10}|\\*)",
"attribute": "[.a-zA-Z_:][-\\w:.]*(\\(\\))?)",
"value": "\\s*[\\w/:][-/\\w\\s,:;.]*"
var validation_re =
"^id\\([\"\\']?(?P<idvalue>%(value)s)[\"\\']?\\)"+// special case! `id(idValue)`
"(?P<nav>//?(?:following-sibling::)?)(?P<tag>%(tag)s)" + // `//div`
"(?P<matched>(?P<mattr>@?%(attribute)s=[\"\\'](?P<mvalue>%(value)s))[\"\\']"+ // `[@id="well"]` supported and `[text()="yes"]` is not
"(?P<contained>contains\\((?P<cattr>@?%(attribute)s,\\s*[\"\\'](?P<cvalue>%(value)s)[\"\\']\\))"+// `[contains(@id, "bleh")]` supported and `[contains(text(), "some")]` is not
for(var prop in sub_regexes)
validation_re = validation_re.replace(new RegExp('%\\(' + prop + '\\)s', 'gi'), sub_regexes[prop]);
validation_re = validation_re.replace(/\?P<node>|\?P<idvalue>|\?P<nav>|\?P<tag>|\?P<matched>|\?P<mattr>|\?P<mvalue>|\?P<contained>|\?P<cattr>|\?P<cvalue>|\?P<nth>/gi, '');
function XPathException(message) {
this.message = message; = "[XPathException]";
// Fix for Google Chrome:
var log = window.console.log.bind(console);
function cssify(xpath) {
var prog, match, result, nav, tag, attr, nth, nodes, css, node_css = '', csses = [], xindex = 0, position = 0;
// preparse xpath:
// `contains(concat(" ", @class, " "), " classname ")` => `@class=classname` => `.classname`
xpath = xpath.replace(/contains\s*\(\s*concat\(["']\s+["']\s*,\s*@class\s*,\s*["']\s+["']\)\s*,\s*["']\s+([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)\s+["']\)/gi, '@class="$1"');
if (typeof xpath == 'undefined' || (
xpath.replace(/[\s-_=]/g,'') === '' ||
xpath.length !== xpath.replace(/[-_\w:.]+\(\)\s*=|=\s*[-_\w:.]+\(\)|\sor\s|\sand\s|\[(?:[^\/\]]+[\/\[]\/?.+)+\]|starts-with\(|\[.*last\(\)\s*[-\+<>=].+\]|number\(\)|not\(|count\(|text\(|first\(|normalize-space|[^\/]following-sibling|concat\(|descendant::|parent::|self::|child::|/gi,'').length)) {
//`number()=` etc or `=normalize-space()` etc, also `a or b` or `a and b` (to fix?) or other unsupported keywords
throw new XPathException('Invalid or unsupported XPath: ' + xpath);
var xpatharr = xpath.split('|');
while(xpatharr[xindex]) {
prog = new RegExp(validation_re,'gi');
css = [];
log('working with xpath: ' + xpatharr[xindex]);
while(nodes = prog.exec(xpatharr[xindex])) {
if(!nodes && position === 0) {
throw new XPathException('Invalid or unsupported XPath: ' + xpath);
log('node found: ' + JSON.stringify(nodes));
match = {
node: nodes[5],
idvalue: nodes[12] || nodes[3],
nav: nodes[4],
tag: nodes[5],
matched: nodes[7],
mattr: nodes[10] || nodes[14],
mvalue: nodes[12] || nodes[16],
contained: nodes[13],
cattr: nodes[14],
cvalue: nodes[16],
nth: nodes[18]
log('broke node down to: ' + JSON.stringify(match));
if(position != 0 && match['nav']) {
if (~match['nav'].indexOf('following-sibling::')) nav = ' + ';
else nav = (match['nav'] == '//') ? ' ' : ' > ';
} else {
nav = '';
tag = (match['tag'] === '*') ? '' : (match['tag'] || '');
if(match['contained']) {
if(match['cattr'].indexOf('@') === 0) {
attr = '[' + match['cattr'].replace(/^@/, '') + '*=' + match['cvalue'] + ']';
} else { //if(match['cattr'] === 'text()')
throw new XPathException('Invalid or unsupported XPath attribute: ' + match['cattr']);
} else if(match['matched']) {
switch (match['mattr']){
case '@id':
attr = '#' + match['mvalue'].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/,'').replace(/\s/g, '#');
case '@class':
attr = '.' + match['mvalue'].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/,'').replace(/\s/g, '.');
case 'text()':
case '.':
throw new XPathException('Invalid or unsupported XPath attribute: ' + match['mattr']);
if (match['mattr'].indexOf('@') !== 0) {
throw new XPathException('Invalid or unsupported XPath attribute: ' + match['mattr']);
if(match['mvalue'].indexOf(' ') !== -1) {
match['mvalue'] = '\"' + match['mvalue'].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/,'') + '\"';
attr = '[' + match['mattr'].replace('@', '') + '=' + match['mvalue'] + ']';
} else if(match['idvalue'])
attr = '#' + match['idvalue'].replace(/\s/, '#');
attr = '';
if(match['nth']) {
if (match['nth'].indexOf('last') === -1){
if (isNaN(parseInt(match['nth'], 10))) {
throw new XPathException('Invalid or unsupported XPath attribute: ' + match['nth']);
nth = parseInt(match['nth'], 10) !== 1 ? ':nth-of-type(' + match['nth'] + ')' : ':first-of-type';
} else {
nth = ':last-of-type';
} else {
nth = '';
node_css = nav + tag + attr + nth;
log('final node css: ' + node_css);
} //while(nodes
result = css.join('');
if (result === '') {
throw new XPathException('Invalid or unsupported XPath: ' + match['node']);
} //while(xpatharr
return csses.join(', ');
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