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Created January 12, 2018 08:37
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-- Logs begin at Fri 2018-01-12 16:34:52 CST, end at Fri 2018-01-12 16:36:23 CST. --
Jan 12 16:35:01 ssnode1x-platform-centos7 systemd[1]: Starting firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon...
Jan 12 16:35:03 ssnode1x-platform-centos7 systemd[1]: Started firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon.
Jan 12 16:35:07 ssnode1x-platform-centos7 firewalld[680]: ERROR: NOT_ENABLED: rule '('-j', 'ssacct-in')' is not in 'ipv4:filter:INPUT'
Jan 12 16:35:08 ssnode1x-platform-centos7 firewalld[680]: ERROR: NOT_ENABLED: rule '('-j', 'ssacct-out')' is not in 'ipv4:filter:OUTPUT'
Jan 12 16:35:10 ssnode1x-platform-centos7 firewalld[680]: ERROR: NOT_ENABLED: chain 'ssacct-in' is not in 'ipv4:filter'
Jan 12 16:35:10 ssnode1x-platform-centos7 firewalld[680]: ERROR: NOT_ENABLED: chain 'ssacct-out' is not in 'ipv4:filter'
Jan 12 16:35:11 ssnode1x-platform-centos7 firewalld[680]: ERROR: NOT_ENABLED: rule '('-j', 'ssnode-in')' is not in 'ipv4:filter:INPUT'
Jan 12 16:35:12 ssnode1x-platform-centos7 firewalld[680]: ERROR: NOT_ENABLED: rule '('-j', 'ssnode-out')' is not in 'ipv4:filter:OUTPUT'
Jan 12 16:35:14 ssnode1x-platform-centos7 firewalld[680]: ERROR: NOT_ENABLED: chain 'ssnode-in' is not in 'ipv4:filter'
Jan 12 16:35:14 ssnode1x-platform-centos7 firewalld[680]: ERROR: NOT_ENABLED: chain 'ssnode-out' is not in 'ipv4:filter'
root@ssnode1x-platform-centos7:~$ iptables -L
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination
ssvpn-in all -- anywhere anywhere
ssacct-in all -- anywhere anywhere
ssnode-in all -- anywhere anywhere
ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED
ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere
INPUT_direct all -- anywhere anywhere
INPUT_ZONES_SOURCE all -- anywhere anywhere
INPUT_ZONES all -- anywhere anywhere
DROP all -- anywhere anywhere ctstate INVALID
REJECT all -- anywhere anywhere reject-with icmp-host-prohibited
Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination
ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED
ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere
FORWARD_direct all -- anywhere anywhere
FORWARD_IN_ZONES_SOURCE all -- anywhere anywhere
FORWARD_IN_ZONES all -- anywhere anywhere
FORWARD_OUT_ZONES_SOURCE all -- anywhere anywhere
FORWARD_OUT_ZONES all -- anywhere anywhere
DROP all -- anywhere anywhere ctstate INVALID
REJECT all -- anywhere anywhere reject-with icmp-host-prohibited
Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination
ssvpn-out all -- anywhere anywhere
OUTPUT_direct all -- anywhere anywhere
Chain FORWARD_IN_ZONES (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
FWDI_public all -- anywhere anywhere [goto]
FWDI_public all -- anywhere anywhere [goto]
FWDI_public all -- anywhere anywhere [goto]
FWDI_public all -- anywhere anywhere [goto]
Chain FORWARD_IN_ZONES_SOURCE (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
Chain FORWARD_OUT_ZONES (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
FWDO_public all -- anywhere anywhere [goto]
FWDO_public all -- anywhere anywhere [goto]
FWDO_public all -- anywhere anywhere [goto]
FWDO_public all -- anywhere anywhere [goto]
Chain FORWARD_OUT_ZONES_SOURCE (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
Chain FORWARD_direct (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
Chain FWDI_public (4 references)
target prot opt source destination
FWDI_public_log all -- anywhere anywhere
FWDI_public_deny all -- anywhere anywhere
FWDI_public_allow all -- anywhere anywhere
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere
Chain FWDI_public_allow (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
Chain FWDI_public_deny (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
Chain FWDI_public_log (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
Chain FWDO_public (4 references)
target prot opt source destination
FWDO_public_log all -- anywhere anywhere
FWDO_public_deny all -- anywhere anywhere
FWDO_public_allow all -- anywhere anywhere
Chain FWDO_public_allow (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
Chain FWDO_public_deny (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
Chain FWDO_public_log (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
Chain INPUT_ZONES (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
IN_public all -- anywhere anywhere [goto]
IN_public all -- anywhere anywhere [goto]
IN_public all -- anywhere anywhere [goto]
IN_public all -- anywhere anywhere [goto]
Chain INPUT_ZONES_SOURCE (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
Chain INPUT_direct (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
Chain IN_public (4 references)
target prot opt source destination
IN_public_log all -- anywhere anywhere
IN_public_deny all -- anywhere anywhere
IN_public_allow all -- anywhere anywhere
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere
Chain IN_public_allow (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:ssh ctstate NEW
Chain IN_public_deny (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
Chain IN_public_log (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
Chain OUTPUT_direct (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
ssacct-out all -- anywhere anywhere
ssnode-out all -- anywhere anywhere
Chain ssacct-in (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:http /* [SwiftStack] proxy_in */
Chain ssacct-out (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp spt:http /* [SwiftStack] proxy_out */
Chain ssnode-in (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
ACCEPT all -- anywhere
ACCEPT vrrp -- anywhere anywhere
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:http
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere multiport dports 6001:6002
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere multiport dports 6004:6005
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere multiport dports x11,6006:6008
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:6003
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:memcache
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:rsync
ACCEPT udp -- anywhere anywhere udp dpt:ntp
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:58318
Chain ssnode-out (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
Chain ssvpn-in (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere
DROP all -- anywhere anywhere
Chain ssvpn-out (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:6040
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:6050
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:9915
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:9914
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