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Forked from clayg/
Created January 8, 2018 05:23
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Poke around at expired objects
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This looks at what's in the expiring objects queue, asks the object
# servers for the current real state of the objects, and then prints it all
# out.
import argparse
import sys
import itertools
import eventlet
from swift.common.storage_policy import POLICIES
from swift.common.direct_client import direct_head_object, \
from swift.common.internal_client import InternalClient, UnexpectedResponse
from swift.container.sync import ic_conf_body
from swift.common.wsgi import ConfigString
EXP_ACCOUNT = ".expiring_objects"
SWIFT_DIR = "/etc/swift"
def inspect_object(swift, ts, acc, con, obj, extra_nodes=0):
print("looking at %s/%s/%s" % (acc, con, obj))
# First, figure out the storage policy so we can ask the object servers
# about this guy
container_metadata = {
k.lower(): v
for k, v in swift.get_container_metadata(acc, con).items()}
except UnexpectedResponse as err:
print("Container %s/%s: got error %s; skipping" % (acc, con, err))
# Now go bother each node individually and see what's up
policy = POLICIES.get_by_name(container_metadata["x-storage-policy"])
ring = POLICIES.get_object_ring(policy.idx, SWIFT_DIR)
partition = ring.get_part(acc, con, obj)
node_iter = itertools.chain(
itertools.islice(ring.get_more_nodes(partition), extra_nodes))
for node_idx, node in enumerate(node_iter):
req_headers = {}
# tell the object server not to check X-Delete-At and just show me
# what it's got
req_headers["X-Backend-Replication"] = "true"
# look in the right place for the data
req_headers["X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index"] = str(policy.idx)
# be filterable out of the logs
req_headers["User-Agent"] = ""
print("Asking about %s/%s/%s node %d (%s:%d/%s)" % (
acc, con, obj, node_idx, node["ip"], node["port"], node["device"]))
resp_headers = direct_head_object(node, partition, acc, con, obj,
except DirectClientException as err:
print("Got status %d (%s)" % (err.http_status,
except eventlet.Timeout:
print("Timeout talking to node")
except Exception as err:
print("Unexpected exception: %s" % (err,))
for key, value in sorted(resp_headers.items()):
print("%s: %s" % (key, value))
if ts == resp_headers.get('X-Delete-At'):
print("\nX-Delete-At matches")
print("\nX-Delete-At does not match (queue: %s object: %r)"
% (ts, resp_headers.get('X-Delete-At')))
def parse_name(obj_name):
Now we've got an object name that looks like this:
Split that up.
ts, path = obj_name.split("-", 1)
acc, con, obj = path.split("/", 2)
return (ts, acc, con, obj)
def list_expiring_objects(swift, skip_containers=0, skip_objects=0):
List the objects in the expirer queue.
Returns an iterable of 4-tuples (timestamp, acc, con, obj).
It's all just strings.
for con_item in swift.iter_containers(EXP_ACCOUNT):
con_name = con_item["name"]
if skip_containers > 0:
print("skipping expirer-queue container %s" % con_name)
skip_containers -= 1
for obj_item in swift.iter_objects(EXP_ACCOUNT, con_name):
obj_name = obj_item["name"]
if skip_objects > 0:
print("skipping expirer-queue object %s" % obj_name)
skip_objects -= 1
print("found %s/%s/%s" % (EXP_ACCOUNT, con_name, obj_name))
yield parse_name(obj_name)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-n', type=int,
help="Number of objects to inspect")
'--skip-containers', type=int, default=0,
help="Number of expirer-queue containers to skip")
'--skip-objects', type=int, default=0,
help="Number of expirer-queue entries (objects) to skip")
'--extra-nodes', type=int, default=0,
help="Number of handoffs (non-primary) nodes to inspect")
parser.add_argument('name', nargs='?')
args = parser.parse_args()
swift = InternalClient(ConfigString(ic_conf_body), 'test', 1)
(ts, acc, con, obj) = parse_name(
inspect_object(swift, ts, acc, con, obj, extra_nodes=args.extra_nodes)
return 0
limit = args.n
inspected = 0
for ts, acc, con, obj in list_expiring_objects(
swift, skip_containers=args.skip_containers,
inspect_object(swift, ts, acc, con, obj)
inspected += 1
if inspected >= limit:
print("\nInspected %d objects; exiting as requested"
% (inspected,))
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
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