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Created May 15, 2022 14:43
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Dsharpplus SlashCommands
//if you want to make a group command with like a /example function you have to make a slash group
[SlashCommandGroup("example", "for example purposes")]
public class exampleCommands : ApplicationCommandModule
public Configuration configuration { get; set; } //reference this for using configuration singleton
//Adding SlashCommands
[SlashCommand("function", "function you want to add")] //will activate on /example function
public async Task functiontobecalled(InteractionContext ctx) //this is for no Parameters
//this will make the bot go into "thinking" mode
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync(InteractionResponseType.DeferredChannelMessageWithSource);
//Your own logic here
//to reply
await ctx.EditResponseAsync(new DiscordWebhookBuilder().WithContent("function called"));
//Adding SlashCommands with parameters
[SlashCommand("functionTwo", "function you want to add now with parameters")] //will activate on /example function
public async Task functiontobecalled(InteractionContext ctx,
[Option("user", "User to be called")] DiscordUser user) //Option is used to give the user the input value, to make it optional add an = something
//this will make the bot go into "thinking" mode
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync(InteractionResponseType.DeferredChannelMessageWithSource);
//Your own logic here
//to reply
await ctx.EditResponseAsync(new DiscordWebhookBuilder().WithContent($ "{user.Mention}, function called"));
//Adding SlashCommands with dropdownMenu
[SlashCommand("functionDrop", "function you want to add now with Dropdown")] //will activate on /example function
public async Task functiontobedroppedown(InteractionContext ctx,
[Option("modrank", "just for display")] Modrank Rank = Modrank.User) //this will give a dropdown with the enum down below
//this will make the bot go into "thinking" mode
await ctx.CreateResponseAsync(InteractionResponseType.DeferredChannelMessageWithSource);
//Your own logic here
//to reply
await ctx.EditResponseAsync(new DiscordWebhookBuilder().WithContent($ "{Rank}"));
public enum Modrank : int
[ChoiceName("User")] User = 1, //Choice name is what the user sees, you only see Modrank.User for example
[ChoiceName("Moderator")] Moderator = 2,
[ChoiceName("Developer")] Dev = 3,
//Registering commands
//... Program.cs crap here
var slash = await discord.UseSlashCommandsAsync();
//...Rest of Program.cs
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