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Created May 12, 2017 20:39
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HugovdBerg <- function(x, method = "one", na.rm = FALSE) {
x <- unlist(x)
if (na.rm) {
x <- x[!]
# Get unique values
ux <- unique(x)
n <- length(ux)
# Get frequencies of all unique values
frequencies <- tabulate(match(x, ux))
modes <- frequencies == max(frequencies)
# Determine number of modes
nmodes <- sum(modes)
nmodes <- ifelse(nmodes==n, 0L, nmodes)
if (method %in% c("one", "mode", "") | {
# Return NA if not exactly one mode, else return the mode
if (nmodes != 1) {
} else {
} else if (method %in% c("n", "nmodes")) {
# Return the number of modes
} else if (method %in% c("all", "modes")) {
# Return NA if no modes exist, else return all modes
if (nmodes > 0) {
} else {
warning("Warning: method not recognised. Valid methods are 'one'/'mode' [default], 'n'/'nmodes' and 'all'/'modes'")
Chris <- function (x, method = "mode", na.rm = FALSE)
x <- unlist(x)
if (na.rm)
x <- x[!]
u <- unique(x)
n <- length(u)
#get frequencies of each of the unique values in the vector
frequencies <- rep(0, n)
for (i in seq_len(n)) {
if ([i])) {
frequencies[i] <- sum(
else {
frequencies[i] <- sum(x == u[i], na.rm = TRUE)
#mode if a unimodal vector, else NA
if (method == "mode" | | method == "")
#number of modes
if(method == "nmode" | method == "nmodes")
#list of all modes
if (method == "modes" | method == "modevalues")
{return(u[which(frequencies==max(frequencies), arr.ind = FALSE, useNames = FALSE)])}
#error trap the method
warning("Warning: method not recognised. Valid methods are 'mode' [default], 'nmodes' and 'modes'")
KenWilliams <- function(x) {
ux <- unique(x)
ux[which.max(tabulate(match(x, ux)))]
Tyler <- function(dataframe){
DF <-
MODE2 <- function(x){
if (is.numeric(x) == FALSE){
df <-
df <- df[order(df$Freq), ]
m <- max(df$Freq)
MODE1 <- as.vector(as.character(subset(df, Freq == m)[, 1]))
if (sum(df$Freq)/length(df$Freq)==1){
warning("No Mode: Frequency of all values is 1", call. = FALSE)
df <-
df <- df[order(df$Freq), ]
m <- max(df$Freq)
MODE1 <- as.vector(as.numeric(as.character(subset(df, Freq == m)[, 1])))
if (sum(df$Freq)/length(df$Freq)==1){
warning("No Mode: Frequency of all values is 1", call. = FALSE)
return(as.vector(lapply(DF, MODE2)))
BitScavenger <- function(x) {
x <- sort(x)
u <- unique(x)
y <- lapply(u, function(y) length(x[x==y]))
u[which( unlist(y) == max(unlist(y)) )]
L <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE, NA), 10^4, replace = TRUE)
N <- sample(c(-200:200, NaN, Inf, NA), 10^4, replace = TRUE)
C <- sample(c(LETTERS, letters, NA), 10^4, replace = TRUE)
CF <- factor(sample(c(LETTERS, letters, NA), 10^4, replace = TRUE))
mb <- microbenchmark(HugovdBerg(L), HugovdBerg(N), HugovdBerg(C), HugovdBerg(CF),
KenWilliams(L), KenWilliams(N), KenWilliams(C), KenWilliams(CF),
Chris(L), Chris(N), Chris(C), Chris(CF),
BitScavenger(L), BitScavenger(N), BitScavenger(C), BitScavenger(CF),
Tyler(L), Tyler(N), Tyler(C), Tyler(CF),
times = 200)
plt <- ggplot(mb, aes(x=expr, y=log(time))) +
geom_boxplot() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust=0.3))
ggsave('c:/temp/compareModes.png', plot = plt, width = 32, height = 24, units = 'cm')
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