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Last active September 21, 2018 05:18
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Test AD Password Complexity v3
Tests a string against Active Directory default password complexity requirements
Checks password length, and whether it meets 3 out of 4 of the following:
- Lowercase character a-z
- Uppercase character A-Z
- Digit 0-9
- Special character !,#,-, etc.
PS C:\> Test-PasswordComplexity -Password 'letmein'
Password IsLongEnough Complexity Result
-------- ------------ ---------- ------
letmein False 1 of 4 Fail
PS C:\> Test-PasswordComplexity -Password 'letmein' -Quiet
PS C:\> 'letmein', 'Let.Me.In' | Test-PasswordComplexity
Password IsLongEnough Complexity Result
-------- ------------ ---------- ------
letmein False 1 of 4 Fail
Let.Me.In True 3 of 4 Pass
PS C:\> Test-PasswordComplexity 'Letmein' | Format-List -Property *
Password : Letmein
IsLongEnough : False
HasLowercase : True
HasUppercase : True
HasDigit : False
HasNonAlpha : False
IsComplexEnough : False
Result : Fail
NumCharTestsPassed : 2
Complexity : 2 of 4
A string containing a possible password, or an array of them.
function Test-PasswordComplexity
$Quiet = $false
begin {
$requiredPasswordLength = 9
$TypeData = @{
TypeName = 'PasswordComplexityTestResults'
DefaultDisplayPropertySet = 'Password', 'IsLongEnough', 'Complexity', 'Result'
Update-TypeData @TypeData -Force
process {
foreach ($p in $Password)
$testResults = [ordered]@{
PSTypeName = 'PasswordComplexityTestResults'
Password = $p
IsLongEnough = $p.Length -ge $requiredPasswordLength
HasLowercase = $p -cmatch '[a-z]'
HasUppercase = $p -cmatch '[A-Z]'
HasDigit = $p -cmatch '[0-9]'
HasNonAlpha = $p -cmatch '[^a-zA-Z0-9]'
if ($p.Length -lt $requiredPasswordLength)
$testResults.IsComplexEnough = $false
$testResults.Result = 'Fail'
$testResults.NumCharTestsPassed = @(
$testResults.HasLowercase, $testResults.HasUppercase, $testResults.HasDigit, $testResults.HasNonAlpha
$testResults.Complexity = '{0} of 4' -f $testResults.NumCharTestsPassed
if ($testResults.NumCharTestsPassed -lt 3)
$testResults.IsComplexEnough = $false
$testResults.Result = 'Fail'
# If there was no reason to fail the password, it must be good enough
if (-not $testResults.Contains('IsComplexEnough'))
$testResults.IsComplexEnough = $true
$testResults.Result = 'Pass'
# Output just a True/False if the -Quiet switch is passed,
# or a full detailed answer
if ($Quiet)
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