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Last active August 26, 2020 03:20
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  • Save HumanEquivalentUnit/b7289b5ffb3a7e4b1ece8041d4dd72cc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save HumanEquivalentUnit/b7289b5ffb3a7e4b1ece8041d4dd72cc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Import APLCart table.tsv and decode the links to check the code
# TIO Link verify helper for APLCart.
# Open this file in PowerShell ISE on Windows (or other Unicode-aware console, e.g. VS Code + PowerShell extension, new Windows Terminal; not basic PowerShell window)
# Update $tablePath to point to the table.
# Update the string of codes to find.
# Run.
$tablePath = "c:\sc\aplcart\table.tsv"
$codesToFind = @'
function Get-CodeFromTio {
$fieldSeparator = [char]255
# remove domain parts from URL
$hash = ($TIOLink -as [uri]).Fragment.Substring(1)
# port of some of the state decoding code from
$hashArray = $hash.split("#")
$stateString = if ($hashArray[0]) { $hashArray[0] + $fieldSeparator } else { '' }
if ($hashArray[1]) {
# convert hash to base64, pad length to multipe of 4 with =, decode to bytes
$b64 = [Net.WebUtility]::UrlDecode($hashArray[1]).Replace('@', '+').Replace('-', '+').Replace('_', '/')
$deflatedBytes = [Convert]::FromBase64String($b64 + ("=" * ((4-($b64.Length % 4)) % 4)))
# inflate() (decompress) bytes
$inflatedStream = [IO.MemoryStream]::new()
[IO.Compression.DeflateStream]::new([IO.MemoryStream]::new($deflatedBytes), [IO.Compression.CompressionMode]::Decompress).CopyTo($inflatedStream)
# convert byte array to byte string
$byteString = -join [char[]]$inflatedStream.ToArray()
$stateString += $byteString
# extract fields from state string
$rFieldString = [regex]::new("^[\x00-\xf3\xff]+", [System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::Compiled)
$languageId, $fields = $rFieldString.Matches($stateString).Groups[0].Value.Split($fieldSeparator).foreach{
# generate output string
[String]::Join("`n", @(
if ($fields[0]) { "HEADER:`n" + ($fields[0] -replace '(?m)^', ' ') }
if ($fields[1]) { "CODE:`n" + ($fields[1] -replace '(?m)^', ' ') }
if ($fields[2]) { "FOOTER:`n" + ($fields[2] -replace '(?m)^', ' ') }
if ($fields[3]) { "INPUT:`n" + ($fields[3] -replace '(?m)^', ' ') }
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$codesArray = $codesToFind -split "`r?`n" | foreach-object {$_.Trim()} | Where-Object {"" -ne $_}
Import-Csv -Path $tablePath -Delimiter "`t" |
ForEach-Object {
if ($_.Syntax -in $codesArray) {
} |
Select-Object -Property Syntax, TIO, @{Label="TIOCode"; Expression={Get-CodeFromTio $_.TIO}} |
#Out-GridView -OutputMode Multiple |
Format-List -Property *
$codesArray | ForEach-Object {
Write-Warning -Verbose -Message "$_ Not found"
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