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Created November 20, 2019 22:55
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Scripts for building Pokemon Ruby from pret through WSL
@echo off
set distro=Debian
pushd %~dp0
if "%1"=="initwsl" (
echo Configuring WSL...
wsl -d %distro% -u root -e bash -l -i -c "sudo ln -s /proc/self/mounts /etc/mtab"
wsl -d %distro% -u root -e bash -l -i -c "apt update && apt -y install wget xz-utils libxml2 gnupg build-essential libpng-dev"
wsl -d %distro% -u root -e bash -l -i -c "wget -O - | bash"
echo Done
) else if "%1"=="setup" (
if exist "game/tools/agbcc" (
echo Error: Already setup
) else (
echo Cloning Repositories...
git clone --recursive game
git clone --recursive
echo Done
rem agbcc stuff
cd agbcc
echo Compiling agbcc...
wsl -d %distro% -e bash -l -i -c "./"
echo Done
echo Configuring agbcc...
wsl -d %distro% -e bash -l -i -c "./ ../game"
echo Done
) else if "%1"=="build" (
if exist "game" (
cd game
echo Building Pokemon Ruby v1.2...
wsl -d %distro% -e bash -l -i -c "make-max ruby_rev2"
echo Done
echo Copying to Output Folder...
if not exist "..\output\" mkdir ..\output
copy pokeruby_rev2.gba ..\output\
echo Done
) else (
echo Please run poke setup before continuing.
) else if "%1"=="launch" (
if exist "output/pokeruby_rev2.gba" (
echo Launching pokeruby_rev2.gba
start visualboyadvance-m output/pokeruby_rev2.gba
) else (
echo Error: Game hasn't been built.
echo Please build the game before attempting to run it.
) else if "%1"=="all" (
cd %~dp0
call poke.bat setup
cd %~dp0
call poke.bat build
cd %~dp0
call poke.bat launch
) else (
echo Usage poke ^<setup/build/launch/all^>
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