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Created March 21, 2016 07:14
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Some notes I gathered on Prolog. Consider this a mini intro to Prolog. Will improve this gist as I continue to learn Prolog.
To run this:
open command prompt execute 'swipl'
then run ['path/to/this/'].
then query away.
likes(jana, omar).
likes(omar, jana).
likes(jana, farah).
dating(X,Y) :-
friendship(X,Y) :-
% notice how ':-' mean IF,
% ';' means OR, and ',' means AND
% Querying is done (in the terminal) the same way facts are declared
% except it will be considered a question and not a fact


What is prolog?

Logic declarative programming language. Uses predicate syntax ie. it is similar to natural language.

Programs Used

  • swi-prolog

    • installed:
      brew tap homebrew/x11
      brew install swi-prolog
  • swipl compiler (command line)


What is known. Axioms of an object and its relationship to others.


  • Dana is fat.
  • The cat is white.
  • Hamad likes Mona.

The predicates are:

  • fat
  • white
  • likes

To convert it to terms which prolog would understand:

Who is fat? fat(dana).

What is white? white(cat).

Who likes who? likes(hamad, mona).

"Arity" = number of parameters passed. the first two are 1, while the last one is 2.


Rules extend the fact about object and their relationship.


These are facts
 likes(jana, omar).
 likes(omar, jana).
 likes(jana, farah).

Now we want to know if two persons are dating. We need a Rule. Let's assume that two persons(x,y) are dating if and only if x likes y and y likes x.

Prolog code:

  dating(X,Y) :-

Note how X and Y are uppercase letters. In prolog variables should be either uppercase letters of full caps words.

logical prolog operators table

Op syntax
IF :-
NOT not
OR ;


Combines the idea of facts and rules together.

in the terminal:
  likes(khaled, ahmed).
    > false (value returned)
  likes(jana, omar).
    > true (value returned)
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