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Last active March 14, 2017 09:59
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# Create user type
UserType = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do
name 'User'
description 'Our user model/type for GraphQL'
# specify what fields this type has
field :id, !types.ID
field :email, !types.String
field :username, !types.String
# Specify what queries our graphQL end point has
QueryType = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do
name 'Query'
description 'The root of all queries'
# query 1
# take an ID and return a user
field :user do
type UserType
argument :id, !types.ID
description 'The user with a given ID'
resolve -> (obj, args, ctx) { User.find(args[:id]) }
# query 2
# return all users
field :allUsers do
type types[UserType]
description 'All users in the DB'
resolve -> (obj, args, ctx) { User.all }
# setup Schema
Schema = GraphQL::Schema.define do
query QueryType
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