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Created November 21, 2016 15:14
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[matchbox.core :as m]
[rum.core :as rum]))
(def root (m/connect ""))
(m/auth-anon root)
;; real time listen-to listen-children
root [:users :mike :friends]
(fn [[event-type data]] (println data)))
(def mikes-friends (m/get-in root [:users :mike :friends]))
;; write data
(m/reset! mikes-friends [{:name "Kid A"} {:name "Kid B"}])
(m/conj! mikes-friends {:name "Jean"})
;; read data
;; @ == deref
(fn [k]
(println k)))
(rum/defc form []
[:div {:class "mdl-layout mdl-js-layout mdl-color--grey-100"} "\t"
[:main {:class "mdl-layout__content"} "\t\t"
[:div {:class "mdl-card mdl-shadow--6dp"} "\t\t\t"
[:div {:class "mdl-card__title mdl-color--primary mdl-color-text--white"} "\t\t\t\t"
[:h2 {:class "mdl-card__title-text"} "Something else Co."] "\t\t\t"] "\t \t"
[:div {:class "mdl-card__supporting-text"} "\t\t\t\t"
[:form {:action "#"} "\t\t\t\t\t"
[:div {:class "mdl-textfield mdl-js-textfield"} "\t\t\t\t\t\t"
[:input {:class "mdl-textfield__input", :type "text", :id "username"}] "\t\t\t\t\t\t"
[:label {:class "mdl-textfield__label", :for "username"} "Username"] "\t\t\t\t\t"] "\t\t\t\t\t"
[:div {:class "mdl-textfield mdl-js-textfield"} "\t\t\t\t\t\t"
[:input {:class "mdl-textfield__input", :type "password", :id "userpass"}] "\t\t\t\t\t\t"
[:label {:class "mdl-textfield__label", :for "userpass"} "Password"] "\t\t\t\t\t"] "\t\t\t\t"] "\t\t\t"] "\t\t\t"
[:div {:class "mdl-card__actions mdl-card--border"} "\t\t\t\t"
[:button {:class "mdl-button mdl-button--colored mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect"} "Log in"] "\t\t\t"] "\t\t"] "\t"]])
(rum/defc label [text]
[:div {:class "mdl-layout mdl-js-layout mdl-layout--fixed-header"}
[:div {:class "android-header mdl-layout__header mdl-layout__header--waterfall"}
[:div {:class "mdl-layout__header-row"}
[:span {:class "android-title mdl-layout-title"}
[:img {:class "android-logo-image", :src "images/android-logo.png"}]]
[:div {:class "android-header-spacer mdl-layout-spacer"}]
[:div {:class "android-search-box mdl-textfield mdl-js-textfield mdl-textfield--expandable mdl-textfield--floating-label mdl-textfield--align-right mdl-textfield--full-width"}
[:label {:class "mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--icon", :for "search-field"}
[:i {:class "material-icons"} "search"]]
[:div {:class "mdl-textfield__expandable-holder"}
[:input {:class "mdl-textfield__input", :type "text", :id "search-field"}]]]
[:div {:class "android-navigation-container"}
[:nav {:class "android-navigation mdl-navigation"}
[:a {:class "mdl-navigation__link mdl-typography--text-uppercase"} "Tablets"]
[:a {:class "mdl-navigation__link mdl-typography--text-uppercase"} "Wear"]
[:a {:class "mdl-navigation__link mdl-typography--text-uppercase"} "TV"]
[:a {:class "mdl-navigation__link mdl-typography--text-uppercase"} "Auto"]
[:a {:class "mdl-navigation__link mdl-typography--text-uppercase"} "One"]
[:a {:class "mdl-navigation__link mdl-typography--text-uppercase"} "Play"]]]
[:span {:class "android-mobile-title mdl-layout-title"}
[:img {:class "android-logo-image", :src "images/android-logo.png"}]]
[:button {:class "android-more-button mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--icon mdl-js-ripple-effect", :id "more-button"}
[:i {:class "material-icons"} "more_vert"]]
[:ul {:class "mdl-menu mdl-js-menu mdl-menu--bottom-right mdl-js-ripple-effect", :for "more-button"}
[:li {:class "mdl-menu__item"} "5.0 Lollipop"]
[:li {:class "mdl-menu__item"} "4.4 KitKat"]
[:li {:disabled true :class "mdl-menu__item"} "4.3 Jelly Bean"]
[:li {:class "mdl-menu__item"} "Android History"]]]]
[:div {:class "android-drawer mdl-layout__drawer"}
[:span {:class "mdl-layout-title"}
[:img {:class "android-logo-image", :src "images/android-logo-white.png"}]]
[:nav {:class "mdl-navigation"}
[:a {:class "mdl-navigation__link"} "Phones"]
[:a {:class "mdl-navigation__link"} "Tablets"]
[:a {:class "mdl-navigation__link"} "Wear"]
[:a {:class "mdl-navigation__link"} "TV"]
[:a {:class "mdl-navigation__link"} "Auto"]
[:a {:class "mdl-navigation__link"} "One"]
[:a {:class "mdl-navigation__link"} "Play"]
[:div {:class "android-drawer-separator"}]
[:span {:class "mdl-navigation__link"} "Versions"]
[:a {:class "mdl-navigation__link"} "Lollipop 5.0"]
[:a {:class "mdl-navigation__link"} "KitKat 4.4"]
[:a {:class "mdl-navigation__link"} "Jelly Bean 4.3"]
[:a {:class "mdl-navigation__link"} "Android history"]
[:div {:class "android-drawer-separator"}]
[:span {:class "mdl-navigation__link"} "Resources"]
[:a {:class "mdl-navigation__link"} "Official blog"]
[:a {:class "mdl-navigation__link"} "Android on Google+"]
[:a {:class "mdl-navigation__link"} "Android on Twitter"]
[:div {:class "android-drawer-separator"}]
[:span {:class "mdl-navigation__link"} "For developers"]
[:a {:class "mdl-navigation__link"} "App developer resources"]
[:a {:class "mdl-navigation__link"} "Android Open Source Project"]
[:a {:class "mdl-navigation__link"} "Android SDK"]]]
[:div {:class "android-content mdl-layout__content"}
[:a {:name "top"}]
[:div {:class "android-be-together-section mdl-typography--text-center"}
[:div {:class "logo-font android-slogan"} "be together. not the same."]
[:div {:class "logo-font android-sub-slogan"} "welcome to android... be yourself. do your thing. see what's going on."]
[:div {:class "logo-font android-create-character"}
[:a {}
[:img {:src "images/andy.png"}] " create your android character"]]
[:a {:id "screens"}
[:button {:class "android-fab mdl-button mdl-button--colored mdl-js-button mdl-button--fab mdl-js-ripple-effect"}
[:i {:class "material-icons"} "expand_more"]]]]
[:div {:class "android-screen-section mdl-typography--text-center"}
[:a {:name "screens"}]
[:div {:class "mdl-typography--display-1-color-contrast"} "Powering screens of all sizes"]
[:div {:class "android-screens"}
[:div {:class "android-wear android-screen"}
[:a {:class "android-image-link"}
[:img {:class "android-screen-image", :src "images/wear-silver-on.png"}]
[:img {:class "android-screen-image", :src "images/wear-black-on.png"}]]
[:a {:class "android-link mdl-typography--font-regular mdl-typography--text-uppercase"} "Android Wear"]]
[:div {:class "android-phone android-screen"}
[:a {:class "android-image-link"}
[:img {:class "android-screen-image", :src "images/nexus6-on.jpg"}]]
[:a {:class "android-link mdl-typography--font-regular mdl-typography--text-uppercase"} "Phones"]]
[:div {:class "android-tablet android-screen"}
[:a {:class "android-image-link"}
[:img {:class "android-screen-image", :src "images/nexus9-on.jpg"}]]
[:a {:class "android-link mdl-typography--font-regular mdl-typography--text-uppercase"} "Tablets"]]
[:div {:class "android-tv android-screen"}
[:a {:class "android-image-link"}
[:img {:class "android-screen-image", :src "images/tv-on.jpg"}]]
[:a {:class "android-link mdl-typography--font-regular mdl-typography--text-uppercase"} "Android TV"]]
[:div {:class "android-auto android-screen"}
[:a {:class "android-image-link"}
[:img {:class "android-screen-image", :src "images/auto-on.jpg"}]]
[:a {:class "android-link mdl-typography--font-regular mdl-typography--text-uppercase mdl-typography--text-left"} "Coming Soon: Android Auto"]]]]
[:div {:class "android-wear-section"}
[:div {:class "android-wear-band"}
[:div {:class "android-wear-band-text"}
[:div {:class "mdl-typography--display-2 mdl-typography--font-thin"} "The best of Google built in"]
[:p {:class "mdl-typography--headline mdl-typography--font-thin"} "Android works perfectly with your favourite apps like Google Maps,\n Calendar and YouTube."]
[:a {:class "mdl-typography--font-regular mdl-typography--text-uppercase android-alt-link"} "See what's new in the Play Store "
[:i {:class "material-icons"} "chevron_right"]]]]]]
[:div {:class "android-customized-section"}
[:div {:class "android-customized-section-text"}
[:div {:class "mdl-typography--font-light mdl-typography--display-1-color-contrast"} "Customised by you, for you"]
[:p {:class "mdl-typography--font-light"} "Put the stuff that you care about right on your home screen: the latest news, the weather or a stream of your recent photos."
[:a {:class "android-link mdl-typography--font-light"} "Customise your phone"]]]
[:div {:class "android-customized-section-image"}]]
[:div {:class "android-more-section"}
[:div {:class "android-section-title mdl-typography--display-1-color-contrast"} "More from Android"]
[:div {:class "android-card-container mdl-grid"}
[:div {:class "mdl-cell mdl-cell--3-col mdl-cell--4-col-tablet mdl-cell--4-col-phone mdl-card mdl-shadow--3dp"}
[:div {:class "mdl-card__media"}
[:img {:src "images/more-from-1.png"}]]
[:div {:class "mdl-card__title"}
[:h4 {:class "mdl-card__title-text"} "Get going on Android"]]
[:div {:class "mdl-card__supporting-text"}
[:span {:class "mdl-typography--font-light mdl-typography--subhead"} "Four tips to make your switch to Android quick and easy"]]
[:div {:class "mdl-card__actions"}
[:a {:class "android-link mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-typography--text-uppercase"} "Make the switch"
[:i {:class "material-icons"} "chevron_right"]]]]
[:div {:class "mdl-cell mdl-cell--3-col mdl-cell--4-col-tablet mdl-cell--4-col-phone mdl-card mdl-shadow--3dp"}
[:div {:class "mdl-card__media"}
[:img {:src "images/more-from-4.png"}]]
[:div {:class "mdl-card__title"}
[:h4 {:class "mdl-card__title-text"} "Create your own Android character"]]
[:div {:class "mdl-card__supporting-text"}
[:span {:class "mdl-typography--font-light mdl-typography--subhead"} "Turn the little green Android mascot into you, your friends, anyone!"]]
[:div {:class "mdl-card__actions"}
[:a {:class "android-link mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-typography--text-uppercase"} ""
[:i {:class "material-icons"} "chevron_right"]]]]
[:div {:class "mdl-cell mdl-cell--3-col mdl-cell--4-col-tablet mdl-cell--4-col-phone mdl-card mdl-shadow--3dp"}
[:div {:class "mdl-card__media"}
[:img {:src "images/more-from-2.png"}]]
[:div {:class "mdl-card__title"}
[:h4 {:class "mdl-card__title-text"} "Get a clean customisable home screen"]]
[:div {:class "mdl-card__supporting-text"}
[:span {:class "mdl-typography--font-light mdl-typography--subhead"} "A clean, simple, customisable home screen that comes with the power of Google Now: Traffic alerts, weather and much more, just a swipe away."]]
[:div {:class "mdl-card__actions"}
[:a {:class "android-link mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-typography--text-uppercase"} "Download now"
[:i {:class "material-icons"} "chevron_right"]]]]
[:div {:class "mdl-cell mdl-cell--3-col mdl-cell--4-col-tablet mdl-cell--4-col-phone mdl-card mdl-shadow--3dp"}
[:div {:class "mdl-card__media"}
[:img {:src "images/more-from-3.png"}]]
[:div {:class "mdl-card__title"}
[:h4 {:class "mdl-card__title-text"} "Millions to choose from"]]
[:div {:class "mdl-card__supporting-text"}
[:span {:class "mdl-typography--font-light mdl-typography--subhead"} "Hail a taxi, find a recipe, run through a temple – Google Play has all the apps and games that let you make your Android device uniquely yours."]]
[:div {:class "mdl-card__actions"}
[:a {:class "android-link mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-typography--text-uppercase"} "Find apps"
[:i {:class "material-icons"} "chevron_right"]]]]]]
[:footer {:class "android-footer mdl-mega-footer"}
[:div {:class "mdl-mega-footer--top-section"}
[:div {:class "mdl-mega-footer--left-section"}
[:button {:class "mdl-mega-footer--social-btn"}]
[:button {:class "mdl-mega-footer--social-btn"}]
[:button {:class "mdl-mega-footer--social-btn"}]]
[:div {:class "mdl-mega-footer--right-section"}
[:a {:class "mdl-typography--font-light", :id "top"} "Back to Top"
[:i {:class "material-icons"} "expand_less"]]]]
[:div {:class "mdl-mega-footer--middle-section"}
[:p {:class "mdl-typography--font-light"} "Satellite imagery: © 2014 Astrium, DigitalGlobe"]
[:p {:class "mdl-typography--font-light"} "Some features and devices may not be available in all areas"]]
[:div {:class "mdl-mega-footer--bottom-section"}
[:a {:class "android-link android-link-menu mdl-typography--font-light", :id "version-dropdown"}
[:i {:class "material-icons"} "arrow_drop_up"]]
[:ul {:class "mdl-menu mdl-js-menu mdl-menu--top-left mdl-js-ripple-effect", :for "version-dropdown"}
[:li {:class "mdl-menu__item"} "5.0 Lollipop"]
[:li {:class "mdl-menu__item"} "4.4 KitKat"]
[:li {:class "mdl-menu__item"} "4.3 Jelly Bean"]
[:li {:class "mdl-menu__item"} "Android History"]]
[:a {:class "android-link android-link-menu mdl-typography--font-light", :id "developers-dropdown"} "For Developers"
[:i {:class "material-icons"} "arrow_drop_up"]]
[:ul {:class "mdl-menu mdl-js-menu mdl-menu--top-left mdl-js-ripple-effect", :for "developers-dropdown"}
[:li {:class "mdl-menu__item"} "App developer resources"]
[:li {:class "mdl-menu__item"} "Android Open Source Project"]
[:li {:class "mdl-menu__item"} "Android SDK"]
[:li {:class "mdl-menu__item"} "Android for Work"]]
[:a {:class "android-link mdl-typography--font-light"} "Blog"]
[:a {:class "android-link mdl-typography--font-light"} "Privacy Policy"]]]]])
[{:property-type "Duplex, 2 Units"}]
(def key-details-translation
{:property-type {:en "Property type"
:vi "Loai bat dong san"}
:style {:en "Style"
:vi "Loai bat dong san"}})
(def current-lang :en)
(rum/defc test2 []
{:style {:font-weight "bold"}}
"Bold text"]
[:li "list 1"]
[:li "list 2"]]])
;; atom la gi
;; vi sao la atom
;; lam viec atom nhu the nao
;; state > thay doi
;; a: a 1 -> 0 , a = 1, a= 2, function access a, ref a
;; atom : @atom
;; (swap! atom (function)) swap! atom fn
;; reset! atom value
;; style
(rum/defcs stateful < (rum/local false ::show-details)
[state label]
(let [show-details? (::show-details state)]
[:div {:on-click (fn [_]
(reset! show-details? (not @show-details?))) }
(if @show-details? "Hide details" "Show details")]))
(rum/defcs property-details < (rum/local false ::show-hide)
[state property]
(let [show-hide? (::show-hide state)]
;; TODO: 2 , chia 2, 4 tro len > doc tren mobile
{:style {:background-color "red"}}]
{:style {:text-transform "uppercase"}}
"Key details"]
; [:div.main
; [:h6.header
; "31 days on redfin"
; [:table {:class "mdl-data-table mdl-js-data-table mdl-data-table--selectable"}
; [:tbody
; (let [data (:property/details property)]
; (let [xs (seq data)] ;; > ([:k v] [:k1 v1])
; (map
; (fn [[k v]] ;; [:k v]
; [:tr [:td {:class "mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric"}
; (get-in key-details-translation [k current-lang])]
; [:td v]])
; xs)))]]
;; toggle
; [:div {:on-click (fn [_] (reset! show-hide? (not @show-hide?)))}
; (if @show-hide?
; [:button {:id "demo-show-snackbar", :class "mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--raised", :type "button"} "Hide"]
; [:button {:id "demo-show-snackbar", :class "mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--raised", :type "button"} "Show"])]
;; Card
[:div {:class "demo-card-wide mdl-card mdl-shadow--2dp"}
[:h7 {:class "mdl-card__supporting-text"} "31 days on redfin"]]
[:table {:class "mdl-data-table mdl-js-data-table "}
(let [data (:property/details property)]
(let [xs (seq data)] ;; > ([:k v] [:k1 v1])
(fn [[k v]] ;; [:k v]
[:tr [:td {:class "mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric"}
(get-in key-details-translation [k current-lang])]
[:td v]])
[:div {:class "mdl-card__actions mdl-card--border" :on-click (fn [_] (reset! show-hide? (not @show-hide?)))}
(when @show-hide?
(let [info_detail [{:name "bedroom uper" :detail ["acd" "dfasfd"]} {:name "2 bath upper" :detail ["bbb"]}]]
(fn [{:keys [name detail] :as x}]
[:ul {:class "mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric"} name (for [y detail] [:li {:class "mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric"} y])])
(if @show-hide?
[:a {:class "mdl-button mdl-button--colored mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect"} "Hide"]
[:a {:class "mdl-button mdl-button--colored mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect"} "Show"])]
;; c (a ,b ) lifecycle
;; enter, rerender, unmount
;; init << goi fb lay data > assign local state
;; firebase , lay data
;; save len fb
;; properties
(def input {:land 123456
:additions 321
:total 32153
:tax 453534})
(def property-tax-fb (m/get-in root [:projects :property-tax]))
;; write data
(m/reset! property-tax-fb input)
(fn [v]
(println v)
#_(assoc s :local-props v)
(def current-lang :en)
(def translation {:en {:land "Land"
:additions "Additions"
:total "Total"
:tax "Tax"}
:vi {:land "Dat"}})
;; redfin , details page
;; details > load toan bo data project
;; project-details (property-tax data))
(def deepstream-mixin
{:will-mount (fn [s]
;; doc data ve
;; listen-children, > data thay doi > update local data
;; :should-update > update len firebase
(fn [v]
(println "abc")
#_(assoc s :local-props v)
(rum/defcs property-tax < rum/static
(rum/local false ::show-details)
(rum/local {} :local-props)
[state props]
(let [x props]
#_(js/console.log @(:local-props state))
{:style {:text-transform "uppercase"}}
"Property Tax"]
;; <div class="main">
;; div.main
;; .main
[:table {:class "mdl-data-table mdl-js-data-table mdl-data-table--selectable mdl-shadow--2dp"}
[:th {:class "mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric"}]
[:th "Taxable Value"]]]
(map (fn [item]
(let [[label v] item]
[:td {:class "mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric"}
(get-in translation [current-lang label])
#_(label translation)]
[:td v]
])) x)]]]]]))
(defn init []
(rum/mount (property-tax input)
(. js/document (getElementById "container"))))
#_(rum/mount (property-details
{:property/details {:property-type "Duplex, 2 Units"
:style "Traditional"}})
(. js/document (getElementById "container")))
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