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Created April 18, 2018 03:29
Mac Cisco VPN Split Tunnel AppleScript
global done
set done to 0
on idle
set status to do shell script "scutil --nc status "VPN (Cisco IPSec)" | sed -n 1p"
# do shell script "scutil --nc start "VPN (Cisco IPSec)"
if status is "Connected" then
if done is not 1 then
display notification "VPN Connected, splitting tunnel"
set gateway to do shell script "( netstat -rn | awk '/default/ {if ( index($6, \"en\") > 0 ){print $2} }' ) # gets non-VPN default gateway"
do shell script "sudo route delete default" # deletes VPN-assigned global (UCS) default gateway
do shell script "sudo route delete default -ifscope en0" # deletes en0 interface-specific (UGScI) LOCAL non-vpn gateway that prevents it being re-added as global default gateway
do shell script "sudo route add default " & gateway # re-adds LOCAL non-vpn gateway (from get command above) as global default gateway
do shell script "sudo route add" # adds VPN route
display notification "VPN tunnel has been split"
set done to 1
end if
if done is not 2 then
display notification "VPN Disconnected"
set done to 2
end if
end if
return 5
end idle
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