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Created July 12, 2022 14:54
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Hardware Setup

for each hardware piece we need the following components:

  • OS
  • Container runtime
  • Network Connection to a control plane (or be configured itself to be a control plane)
  • Potentially storage software
    • Ceph looks good here
    • Mayastor is new and quite promising
  • Things to setup:
  • Network connectivity. Kubernetes services need a way to access a "real" IP
    • MetalLB works well even for off-the-shelve routers
  • Storage Provider
    • Connect to what you've chosen above
  • Ingress software
    • Traefik (Proxy) is very proven and works incredibly well
  • Mesh software
    • Traefik (Mesh) looks good
    • Istio is known
    • Linkered looks good and is very simple
    • Hashicorp consul is enterprise-focused software.
  • Metrics
    • Prometheus is standard
      • a secondary long-term storage is required.
    • Grafana Mimir looks good
    • Everyone and their mom comes with a custom prometheus instance. Replace them all.
    • Make a list of things to plug into this as you setup other things
  • Dashboarding / Grafana Setup
    • A lot of things have dashboard presets. Make a list and add.
  • Tracing
    • Jaeger appears to be standard
    • Grafana Tempo looks very good.
    • OpenTelemetry compatability seems important
  • S3-compatible thing for storage
    • Where possible use kubernetes backed storage
    • looks good for providing self-hosted, kubernetes based, S3 compatible storage.
    • Ceph has ootb S3 storage. Not sure whether I like it.

The above are the "basics" below are some often used things that will come in handy while you build your first cloud-native app.


Some messaging platform will be criticial to exchange messages between your services. Here are the options:

  • no backbone. Use distributed gRPC / HTTP / etc. instead.
    • I don't like this, it can become hard to manage and bottlenecks are hard to observe.
    • You don't have to maintain extra infrastructure, but this feels irrelevant given the above setup...
  • message based backbone.
    • The standard here is RabbitMQ.
    • IF you can do with just pub/sub Redis can be used. I doubt you'll make this work.
  • Stream based backbone.
    • Kafka is the standard here, but newer alternatives exist (ie Apache pulsar) this choice is very nuanced.
    • You need to model your app around this, while simple messaging can be easier to work with.
    • Look at RisingWave too here

Database & Caching

  • SQL & NoSQL options available. This is fairly nuanced and imo there is no clear winner.
  • Redis is the pretty clear winner when it comes to basic caching. Memcached exists.
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