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Last active May 16, 2018 19:49
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Save HurtzDonut/4c6c39389ce08853167aeb6bfb62fa3a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sets custom NTFS permissions on a desginated folder.
Resets NTFS permissions on the target folder. Then grants\removes permissions based on User selection.
Target folder to set NTFS permissions on.
Designated owner of target folder once function is complete. For domain user, must be entered as 'domain\username'.
Specifies additional accounts to grant access rights to.
.PARAMETER AccessLevel
Designates what level of access the accounts specified in GrantACL are given. All accounts specified, receive this level of access.
.PARAMETER Inheritance
Designates if inheritance should be enabled, disabled and ACEs copied, or disabled and all ACEs removed. Disabled is default.
Specifies what accounts, if any, are removed from the ACL for the target folder.
Defines the location of the log file.
Defines the location of the log file for the current session. A new file is created every run.
PS C:\> Set-CustomNTFSPermissions -Folder 'C:\Test' -Owner 'domain\User1' -GrantACL 'domain\User2','domain\User3' -AccessLevel M -RemoveACL 'Users','Authenticated Users' -Verbose
VERBOSE: Changing owner to local Administrators group.
VERBOSE: Resetting ACLs to default inherited.
VERBOSE: Changing owner to "domain\User1"
VERBOSE: Granting "SYSTEM", "FullControl" access rights.
VERBOSE: Granting "domain\User1", "FullControl" access rights.
VERBOSE: Additional access rights requested.
VERBOSE: Granting "domain\User2", "Modify" access rights.
VERBOSE: Additional access rights requested.
VERBOSE: Granting "domain\User3", "Modify" access rights.
VERBOSE: Setting inheritance to "d":"Disable and copy ACEs"
VERBOSE: Request to remove access rights detected
VERBOSE: Removing acecss rights for: "Users"
VERBOSE: Request to remove access rights detected
VERBOSE: Removing acecss rights for: "Authenticated Users"
PS C:\> Set-CustomNTFSPermissions -Folder 'C:\Test' -Owner 'domain\User1' -Inheritance e
PS C:\> Set CustomNTFSPermissions -Folder 'C:\Test' -Owner 'domain\User2' -Inheritance r -Grant 'domain\DocAdmins','Backup Operators' -Access F
AUTHOR: /u/_Cabbage_Corp_
CREATED: April 16, 2018
Function Set-CustomNTFSPermissions{
HelpMessage="For a domain account, enter 'domain\username'."
HelpMessage="Owner is granted full control by default. For a domain account, enter 'domain\username'."
HelpMessage="FullControl is granted by default. All accounts specified will receive the same rights."
$AccessLevel = "F",
HelpMessage='Disable inheritance is selected by default.'
$Inheritance = "d",
HelpMessage="For a domain account, enter 'domain\username'."
[string]$Log = "C:\Temp\Logs\CustomNTFS_$(Get-Date -f 'yyMMddhhmm').log",
[string]$SessionLog = "C:\Temp\Logs\Session.CustomNTFS.log"
$s = [datetime]::now
# Display folder permissions before run
Write-Host -Fore Yellow ('Permissions for "{0}" currently:' -F $Folder)
(Get-Item $Folder).GetAccessControl().Access | Format-Table -Auto
# Create $Log and $SessionLog
New-Item -Path $Log -ItemType File -Force | Out-Null
New-Item -Path $SessionLog -ItemType File -Force | Out-Null
# Add Start time to $Log
Add-Content $Log "[$s] START:`t$Folder" -Force
} # Begin Block
# Takeown /F(FileName) <..> /A(Give ownership to Admin group) /R(Recurse) /D(Default answer to prompt) <..>
Write-Verbose 'Changing owner to local Administrators group.'
&takeown /F $Folder /A /R /D Y | Out-File $SessionLog -Append -Force
# Icacls <..> /reset(Sets ACLs to default inherited) /T(Preform on all matching files) /C(Continue on error)
Write-Verbose 'Resetting ACLs to default inherited.'
&icacls $Folder /reset /T /C | Out-File $SessionLog -Append -Force
# Icacls <..> /setowner(changes owner of all matching files) <..> /T(^) /C(^)
Write-Verbose ('Changing owner to "{0}"' -f $Owner)
&icacls $Folder /setowner $Owner /T /C | Out-File $SessionLog -Append -Force
# Icacls <..> /grant(grants specified user access rights) <..> (ObjectInherit)(ContainterInherit)FullControl
Write-Verbose 'Granting "SYSTEM", "FullControl" access rights.'
&icacls $Folder /grant SYSTEM':(OI)(CI)F' | Out-File $SessionLog -Append -Force
Write-Verbose ('Granting "{0}", "FullControl" access rights.' -f $Owner)
&icacls $Folder /grant $Owner':(OI)(CI)F' | Out-File $SessionLog -Append -Force
ForEach($GAccount in $GrantACL){
# Regex '\S' matches any non-whitespace character
# I had to do it this way, because wether I specified an account or not, the loop tried to run.
If($GAccount -match '\S'){
Write-Verbose 'Additional access rights requested.'
'N'{$V = 'No'}
'F'{$V = 'FullControl'}
'M'{$V = 'Modify'}
'RX'{$V = 'Read and Execute'}
'R'{$V = 'Read-Only'}
'W'{$V = 'Write-Only'}
'D'{$V = 'Delete'}
Write-Verbose ('Granting "{0}", "{1}" access rights.' -f $GAccount,$V)
&icacls $Folder /grant $GAccount':(OI)(CI)'$AccessLevel | Out-File $SessionLog -Append -Force
} else {
Write-Verbose 'No additional access rights requested.'
# Icacls <..> /inheritance:d(disable inheritance and copy the ACEs)
'd'{$V2='Disable and copy ACEs'}
'r'{$V2='Remove all inherited ACEs'}
Write-Verbose ('Setting inheritance to "{0}":"{1}"' -f $Inheritance,$V2)
&icacls $Folder /inheritance:$Inheritance | Out-File $SessionLog -Append -Force
# Icacls <..> /remove(Removes all occurrences of the SID in the ACL) <..>
ForEach($RAccount in $RemoveACL){
# Regex '\S' matches any non-whitespace character
# I had to do it this way, because wether I specified an account or not, the loop tried to run.
If($RAccount -Match '\S'){
Write-Verbose 'Request to remove access rights detected'
Write-Verbose ('Removing acecss rights for: "{0}"' -f $RAccount)
&icacls $Folder /remove $RAccount | Out-File $SessionLog -Append -Force
} else {
Write-Verbose 'No request to remove access rights detected.'
} # Process Block
$e = [datetime]::now
$TotalTime = $e -$s
Add-Content $Log "[$e] END:`t$Folder" -Force
Add-Content $Log "Processed in: $($TotalTime.Hours)h $($TotalTime.Minutes)m $($TotalTime.Seconds)s" -Force
Add-Content $Log "--------------------" -Force
# Display folder permissions after run
Write-Host -Fore Cyan ('Permissions for "{0}" now:' -F $Folder)
(Get-Item $Folder).GetAccessControl().Access | Format-Table -Auto
} # End Block
} # Function Set-CustomNTFSPermissions
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