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Bundling Design Systems/Component Libraries

First of all you need to decide who will be your target consumers based on the following:

  1. They have the same environment(webpack config, babel config) setup as you where you built your design system(this is mostly possible if you use monorepos/same configs where all the teams share the same environment).

  2. They don't have the same environment which is the case when you work in bigger teams and you want to distribute your design system as any other npm package which is already built and can be used directly.

If your use case falls under case no. 1 then you can just compile the source babel src -d build and leave the bundling to the consumer projects tools(webpack/rollup)

dmolsen / Facebook + Twitter Fan Count
Created September 27, 2010 15:47
Pulls the Facebook fan count and Twitter follower count for the specified accounts.
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var f_page = "wvumountaineers"; // the page name for your fan page, e.g. the 'wvumountaineers' part of
var t_page = "westvirginiau"; // the account name for your main twitter account
function add_commas(number) {
if (number.length > 3) {
var mod = number.length % 3;