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Created December 10, 2018 03:36
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import Control.Monad
import Data.IORef
import Data.Sequence
import Data.Foldable
-- application-specific request
-- data Request a
data Request a where
WriteLog :: String -> Request String
data FetchStatus a
= NotFetched
| FetchSuccess a
-- wrap `Request a` with `IORef (FetchStatus a)`
data BlockedRequest =
forall a . BlockedRequest (Request a)
(IORef (FetchStatus a))
-- Result blocked by seq of blocked requests and a continuation
data Result a
= Done a
| Blocked (Seq BlockedRequest) (Fetch a)
-- Fetch is an IO action of some Result
-- "record syntax", which is just syntactic sugar
-- data Fetch a = Fetch (IO (Result a))
newtype Fetch a = Fetch { unFetch :: IO (Result a) }
instance Applicative Fetch where
pure = return
Fetch f <*> Fetch x = Fetch $ do
f' <- f
x' <- x
case (f', x') of
(Done g, Done y ) -> return (Done (g y))
(Done g, Blocked br c ) -> return (Blocked br (g <$> c))
(Blocked br c, Done y ) -> return (Blocked br (c <*> return y))
(Blocked br1 c, Blocked br2 d) -> return (Blocked (br1 >< br2) (c <*> d)) -- concat seq
instance Monad Fetch where
return a = Fetch $ return (Done a)
Fetch m >>= k = Fetch $ do
r <- m
case r of
Done a -> unFetch (k a)
Blocked br c -> return (Blocked br (c >>= k))
instance Functor Fetch where
fmap f x = pure f <*> x
dataFetch :: Request a -> Fetch a
dataFetch request = Fetch $ do
box <- newIORef NotFetched
let br = BlockedRequest request box
let cont = Fetch $ do
FetchSuccess a <- readIORef box
return $ Done a
return (Blocked (singleton br) cont) -- singleton :: a -> Seq a
-- abstract application-specific fetch
fetch :: [BlockedRequest] -> IO ()
fetch = mapM_ doOne
doOne :: BlockedRequest -> IO ()
doOne (BlockedRequest (WriteLog str) var) = do
putStrLn $ "log:" ++ str -- side effect
putSuccess var str
putSuccess :: IORef (FetchStatus a) -> a -> IO ()
putSuccess r a = writeIORef r (FetchSuccess a)
runFetch :: Fetch a -> IO a
runFetch (Fetch h) = do
r <- h
case r of
Done a -> return a
Blocked br cont -> do
fetch (toList br)
runFetch cont
writelog :: String -> Fetch String
writelog str = dataFetch (WriteLog str)
logM :: Fetch String
logM = do
a <- writelog "Hello"
if a == "" then writelog "World" else writelog "Haxl"
logA :: Fetch String
logA = (++) <$> writelog "Hello" <*> writelog "World"
main :: IO String
main = do
runFetch logM
-- runFetch logA
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