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Created September 2, 2019 18:12
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Find minetest sunlight
-- See daynightratio.h:23
local dnrvalues = {
{4250 + 125, 150},
{4500 + 125, 150},
{4750 + 125, 250},
{5000 + 125, 350},
{5250 + 125, 500},
{5500 + 125, 675},
{5750 + 125, 875},
{6000 + 125, 1000},
{6250 + 125, 1000},
local function time_to_daynight_ratio(tod)
tod = tod * 24000
assert(tod >= 0 and tod <= 24000, "invalid time of day")
if tod > 12000 then
tod = 24000 - tod
for i = 1,#dnrvalues do
if dnrvalues[i][1] > tod then
if i == 1 then
return dnrvalues[1][2]
local td0 = dnrvalues[i][1] - dnrvalues[i - 1][1]
local f = (tod - dnrvalues[i - 1][1]) / td0
return f * dnrvalues[i][2] + (1.0 - f) * dnrvalues[i - 1][2]
return 1000
-- the offsets for neighbouring nodes with given order
local dirs = {
{x=-1, y=0, z=0}, {x=1, y=0, z=0}, {x=0, y=0, z=-1}, {x=0, y=0, z=1},
{x=0, y=-1, z=0}, {x=0, y=1, z=0}
-- walks nodes to find the daylight when it's not known
local function find_sunlight(pos)
local found_light = 0
local todo = {{pos, 0}}
local sp = 1
local dists = {}
dists[core.hash_node_position(pos)] = 0
while sp > 0 do
local pos, dist = unpack(todo[sp])
sp = sp - 1
dist = dist + 1
for i = 1, 6 do
local p = vector.add(pos, dirs[i])
local h = core.hash_node_position(p)
if not dists[h]
or dist < dists[h] then
-- position to walk
local node = core.get_node(p)
local def = core.registered_nodes[]
if def and def.sunlight_propagates then
-- can walk here
local daylight = node.param1 % 16
local possible_finlight = daylight - dist
if possible_finlight > found_light then
-- from here brighter sunlight could come from
local nightlight = math.floor(node.param1 / 16)
if daylight > nightlight then
-- found a valid daylight
found_light = possible_finlight
-- sunlight may be darker, so walk it's neighbours
sp = sp + 1
todo[sp] = {p, dist}
dists[h] = dist
-- avoid testing propagation at the same position again
dists[h] = -1
return found_light
-- See light.h:119
function core.get_natural_light(pos, tod)
local param1 = core.get_node(pos).param1
local daylight = param1 % 16
if daylight == 0 then
return 0
if daylight == math.floor(param1 / 16) then
daylight = find_sunlight(pos)
tod = tod or core.get_timeofday()
local sun_factor = time_to_daynight_ratio(tod)
return math.min(math.floor(sun_factor * daylight / 1000), 15)
function core.get_artificial_light(param1)
return math.floor(param1 / 16)
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