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HyeonWooKim / 9426.cpp
Created January 8, 2017 09:19
BOJ 9426 중앙값 측정
using namespace std;
int w[250001];
int n, k, t, ans, tmp;
long long sum = 0;
multiset<int> low, high;
multiset<int>::iterator it;
HyeonWooKim / 11559.cpp
Created December 15, 2016 12:09
11559 Puyo Puyo
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
HyeonWooKim / 1343.cpp
Created December 12, 2016 16:25
BOJ 1343 폴리오미노
using namespace std;
int main()
HyeonWooKim / 1761.cpp
Created December 12, 2016 16:20
BOJ 1761 정점들의 거리
using namespace std;
class Node
HyeonWooKim / 1063.cpp
Created December 11, 2016 17:34
BOJ 1063 킹
using namespace std;
class Node
int x, y;
HyeonWooKim / 2533.cpp
Created November 29, 2016 15:27
BOJ 2533
using namespace std;
int dp[1000001][2];
bool visited[1000001];
vector<vector<int> >v;
int dfs(int cur, bool adp)
HyeonWooKim / 1780.cpp
Created November 28, 2016 10:08
BOJ 1780
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;
int w[2222][2222],d[3];
void dfs(int x, int y, int k)
bool f = true;
int cmp = w[x][y];
for (int i = x; i < x + k && f; i++)
HyeonWooKim / 1629.cpp
Created November 28, 2016 09:55
BOJ 1629
using namespace std;
int main()
long long b,e,m,o=1;
HyeonWooKim / 2447.cpp
Created November 28, 2016 09:45
BOJ 2447
char s[3000][3000] = { 0 };
void dfs(int depth, int w, int h)
if (depth == 1)
s[w][h] = '*';
HyeonWooKim / 9946.cpp
Created November 28, 2016 01:25
BOJ 9946
using namespace std;
int main()
for(int i=1;;i++)
string a, b;