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Created June 4, 2023 00:36
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Generated by
@use 'sass:map';
@use 'sass:list';
@use 'sass:selector';
@function to-string($list, $glue: '') {
$result: nth($list, 1);
@if length($list) > 1 {
@for $i from 2 through length($list) {
$result: $result + $glue + nth($list, $i);
@return $result;
$tokens: (
'color-red': #ff0000,
'color-blue': #00ff00,
'color-green': #0000ff,
'size-40': 2.5rem,
'size-48': 3rem,
'size-56': 3.5rem,
'shadow-2xs': var(----shadow-2xs)
$sizes: (
$colors: (
$MIXINS: ();
@mixin define-mixin($name) {
$internal-name: inline-#{unique-id()};
$MIXINS: map.set($MIXINS, $name, $internal-name) !global;
@at-root {
%#{$internal-name} {
@mixin define-mixins($name, $prefix, $prop, $map) {
@each $item in $map {
$key: $name + '-' + $item;
$value: map.get($tokens, $key);
$var: var(--#{$key}, $value);
@include define-mixin($prefix + '-' + $item) {
#{$prop}: $var;
@include define-mixins('size', 'p', 'padding', $sizes);
@include define-mixins('size', 'm', 'margin', $sizes);
@include define-mixins('color', 'color', 'color', $colors);
@include define-mixins('color', 'bg', 'background-color', $colors);
@mixin apply-mixin($names...) {
@each $name in $names {
$internal-name: map.get($MIXINS, $name);
@extend %#{$internal-name};
.element {
@include apply-mixin('m-40', 'p-40', 'color-red', 'bg-green');
.element {
padding: var(--size-40, 2.5rem);
.element {
margin: var(--size-40, 2.5rem);
.element {
color: var(--color-red, #ff0000);
.element {
background-color: var(--color-green, #0000ff);
"sass": {
"compiler": "dart-sass/1.32.12",
"extensions": {},
"syntax": "SCSS",
"outputStyle": "expanded"
"autoprefixer": false
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