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Last active September 10, 2016 11:45
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LOCA, 16th degree downscaled climate data (2016-04-02) S3 data Peek
# A simple example showing how to extract and plot some of the LOCA downscale
# climate projections data; data downloaded from the LOCA S3 cache copy.
# This example does spatial and temporal plots, for entertainment and
# coding educational purposes only. See for the official
# distribution and general information about the data.
import sys, os
import random, urllib2
import pprint
import requests
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.dates import DateFormatter
import numpy
NIST_NET_ZERO_RESIDENCE_LOC = (39.138356, -77.219574)
# google maps view:
# An Assessment of Typical Weather Year Data Impacts vs. Multi-year
# Weather Data on Net-Zero Energy Building Simulations
# Comparing the Energy and Economic Performance of the NIST NZERTF
# Design across the Mixed-Humid Climate Zone
import netCDF4
except ImportError, e:
sys.stderr.write(str(e)+"\n\nYou need to install\nhdf5 (,\n"+\
"netcdf (,\n"+\
"netCDF4 (\nfor this example to run.\n\n")
def plot_data_temp_spatial(dat, data_min, data_max, fnameout, datlab):
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (12, 8)
plt.imshow(data, vmin=data_min, vmax=data_max, origin='lower','jet',18))
plt.colorbar(drawedges=True, ticks=numpy.linspace(data_min,data_max,10), orientation='horizontal', extend='both', pad=0.05, shrink=0.8).set_label(u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}C')
plt.title('Temp '+str(datlab))
def plot_data_temp_time(dat, tms, fnameout):
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (12, 8)
monthsFmt = DateFormatter("%b '%Y")
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot_date(tms, dat, '-')
if __name__ == '__main__':
# stage a local copy (for simplicity)
remote = ''
localfnm = os.path.split(remote)[1]
if not os.path.exists(localfnm):
localfd = open(localfnm, "w")
r = requests.get(remote)
# open the local file
ncfd = netCDF4.Dataset(localfnm)
# print some metadata
# probe (convert to python datetimes) and print the available time steps for this file
dtms = netCDF4.num2date(ncfd['time'][:], units=ncfd['time'].units, calendar=ncfd['time'].calendar)
for i,d in enumerate(dtms):
print "[%d] %s" % (i, d)
# randomly choose a time step
step = random.choice(range(len(dtms)))
print 'selected step', step, dtms[step]
# get variables handle
var = ncfd.variables['tasmax']
# get the fill value/no data value
na = float(var._FillValue)
rawdata = var[step,:,:]
# convert var units (kelvin to Celsius)
print 'var units', var.units
data =, rawdata-273.15)
print 'plotting map...'
plot_data_temp_spatial(data, -10.0, 40.0, localfnm+".%04d.png" % step, dtms[step].strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
# now look through the time dimension, but we need to find the location index we're interested in (convert coords)
latidx = (numpy.abs(ncfd['lat'][:] - NIST_NET_ZERO_RESIDENCE_LOC[0])).argmin()
lonidx = (numpy.abs(ncfd['lon'][:] - (360.0 + NIST_NET_ZERO_RESIDENCE_LOC[1]) )).argmin()
# get the data at y,x over all time steps in this file (convert units)
rawdatat = var[:,latidx, lonidx]
data =, rawdatat-273.15)
print 'plotting time series...'
plot_data_temp_time(data, dtms, localfnm+".%04d_%04d.png" % (latidx, lonidx))
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