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Created July 1, 2023 18:26
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GG18 - Fast Multiparty Threshold ECDSA with Fast Trustless Setup: (revised version)
Go vulnerability database:
govulcheck vulnerability scanner for Go:
io.finnet security disclosure for ECDSA and EdDSA threshold signature schemes (published on 28 Mars 2023):
ING-bank’s tss lib:
Binance’s tss lib:
Zengo-X tss lib:
Boneh, D., Gennaro, R., Goldfeder, S.: Using level-1 homomorphic encryption to improve threshold dsa signatures for bitcoin wallet security. In: Latincrypt (2017)
Gennaro, R., Goldfeder, S., Narayanan, A.: Threshold-optimal dsa/ecdsa signatures and an application to bitcoin wallet security. In: International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security. pp. 156–174. Springer (2016)
Joltify TSS:
Thorchain TSS:
ioFinnet threslib:
TSS-Lib audit report in 2019:
Alpha-Rays: Key Extraction Attacks on Threshold ECDSA Implementations:
GG20 - One Round Threshold ECDSA with Identifiable Abort:
TSS-Lib release 1.2.0:
Multiple CVEs in threshold cryptography implementations:
UC Non-Interactive, Proactive, Threshold ECDSA with Identifiable Aborts:
TSS-Lib GenerateXs function, line 273:
TSS-Lib patches the hash collision vulnerability: usage in TSS-Lib:
Go 1.2.0 release removed math/big from the standard crypto module:
Verichain report on the critical key extraction vulnerability on fastMPC client used on Multichain:
fastMPC implementation:
Verichain claimed to discover new critical key extraction attack on popular TSS: ​
Flippo’s note on the release of Go 1.2.0:
Go crypto nistec module:
govulncheck raw scan results
# Set the go version to 1.16 before to have
go version
go version go1.16 darwin/amd64
govulncheck ./...
govulncheck is an experimental tool. Share feedback at
Using go1.16 and govulncheck@v0.0.0 with
vulnerability data from (last modified 2023-04-11 17:40:07 +0000 UTC).
Scanning your code and 167 packages across 16 dependent modules for known vulnerabilities...
Your code is affected by 6 vulnerabilities from the Go standard library.
Vulnerability #1: GO-2023-1568
A path traversal vulnerability exists in filepath.Clean on
Windows. On Windows, the filepath.Clean function could transform
an invalid path such as "a/../c:/b" into the valid path "c:\b".
This transformation of a relative (if invalid) path into an
absolute path could enable a directory traversal attack. After
fix, the filepath.Clean function transforms this path into the
relative (but still invalid) path ".\c:\b".
More info:
Standard library
Found in: path/filepath@go1.16
Fixed in: path/filepath@go1.20.1
Platforms: windows
Call stacks in your code:
ecdsa/keygen/test_utils.go:125:28: calls path/filepath.Dir
Vulnerability #2: GO-2022-1039
Programs which compile regular expressions from untrusted
sources may be vulnerable to memory exhaustion or denial of
service. The parsed regexp representation is linear in the size
of the input, but in some cases the constant factor can be as
high as 40,000, making relatively small regexps consume much
larger amounts of memory. After fix, each regexp being parsed is
limited to a 256 MB memory footprint. Regular expressions whose
representation would use more space than that are rejected.
Normal use of regular expressions is unaffected.
More info:
Standard library
Found in: regexp/syntax@go1.16
Fixed in: regexp/syntax@go1.19.2
Call stacks in your code: calls, which eventually calls regexp/syntax.Parse
Vulnerability #3: GO-2022-0533
On Windows, the filepath.Clean function can convert certain
invalid paths to valid, absolute paths, potentially allowing a
directory traversal attack. For example, Clean(`.\c:`) returns
More info:
Standard library
Found in: path/filepath@go1.16
Fixed in: path/filepath@go1.18.3
Platforms: windows
Call stacks in your code:
ecdsa/keygen/test_utils.go:125:28: calls path/filepath.Dir
Vulnerability #4: GO-2022-0524
Calling Reader.Read on an archive containing a large number of
concatenated 0-length compressed files can cause a panic due to
stack exhaustion.
More info:
Standard library
Found in: compress/gzip@go1.16
Fixed in: compress/gzip@go1.18.4
Call stacks in your code:
tss/message.go:114:33: calls, which eventually calls compress/gzip.Reader.Read
Vulnerability #5: GO-2022-0435
A crafted scalar input longer than 32 bytes can cause
P256().ScalarMult or P256().ScalarBaseMult to panic. Indirect
uses through crypto/ecdsa and crypto/tls are unaffected. amd64,
arm64, ppc64le, and s390x are unaffected.
More info:
Standard library
Found in: crypto/elliptic@go1.16
Fixed in: crypto/elliptic@go1.18.1
Call stacks in your code:
ecdsa/signing/finalize.go:71:20: calls crypto/ecdsa.Verify, which eventually calls crypto/elliptic.CurveParams.ScalarBaseMult
ecdsa/signing/finalize.go:71:20: calls crypto/ecdsa.Verify, which eventually calls crypto/elliptic.CurveParams.ScalarMult
ecdsa/signing/finalize.go:71:20: calls crypto/ecdsa.Verify, which eventually calls crypto/elliptic.p256Curve.CombinedMult
ecdsa/signing/finalize.go:71:20: calls crypto/ecdsa.Verify, which eventually calls crypto/elliptic.p256Curve.ScalarBaseMult
ecdsa/signing/finalize.go:71:20: calls crypto/ecdsa.Verify, which eventually calls crypto/elliptic.p256Curve.ScalarMult
Vulnerability #6: GO-2021-0319
Some big.Int values that are not valid field elements (negative
or overflowing) might cause Curve.IsOnCurve to incorrectly
return true. Operating on those values may cause a panic or an
invalid curve operation. Note that Unmarshal will never return
such values.
More info:
Standard library
Found in: crypto/elliptic@go1.16
Fixed in: crypto/elliptic@go1.17.7
Call stacks in your code:
crypto/ckd/child_key_derivation.go:117:31: calls crypto/elliptic.Unmarshal
=== Informational ===
Found 27 vulnerabilities in packages that you import, but there are no call
stacks leading to the use of these vulnerabilities. You may not need to
take any action. See
for details.
Vulnerability #1: GO-2023-1705
Multipart form parsing can consume large amounts of CPU and
memory when processing form inputs containing very large numbers
of parts. This stems from several causes: 1.
mime/multipart.Reader.ReadForm limits the total memory a parsed
multipart form can consume. ReadForm can undercount the amount
of memory consumed, leading it to accept larger inputs than
intended. 2. Limiting total memory does not account for
increased pressure on the garbage collector from large numbers
of small allocations in forms with many parts. 3. ReadForm can
allocate a large number of short-lived buffers, further
increasing pressure on the garbage collector. The combination of
these factors can permit an attacker to cause an program that
parses multipart forms to consume large amounts of CPU and
memory, potentially resulting in a denial of service. This
affects programs that use mime/multipart.Reader.ReadForm, as
well as form parsing in the net/http package with the Request
methods FormFile, FormValue, ParseMultipartForm, and
PostFormValue. With fix, ReadForm now does a better job of
estimating the memory consumption of parsed forms, and performs
many fewer short-lived allocations. In addition, the fixed
mime/multipart.Reader imposes the following limits on the size
of parsed forms: 1. Forms parsed with ReadForm may contain no
more than 1000 parts. This limit may be adjusted with the
environment variable GODEBUG=multipartmaxparts=. 2. Form parts
parsed with NextPart and NextRawPart may contain no more than
10,000 header fields. In addition, forms parsed with ReadForm
may contain no more than 10,000 header fields across all parts.
This limit may be adjusted with the environment variable
More info:
Found in: mime/multipart@go1.16
Fixed in: mime/multipart@go1.20.3
Vulnerability #2: GO-2023-1704
HTTP and MIME header parsing can allocate large amounts of
memory, even when parsing small inputs, potentially leading to a
denial of service. Certain unusual patterns of input data can
cause the common function used to parse HTTP and MIME headers to
allocate substantially more memory than required to hold the
parsed headers. An attacker can exploit this behavior to cause
an HTTP server to allocate large amounts of memory from a small
request, potentially leading to memory exhaustion and a denial
of service. With fix, header parsing now correctly allocates
only the memory required to hold parsed headers.
More info:
Found in: net/textproto@go1.16
Fixed in: net/textproto@go1.20.3
Vulnerability #3: GO-2023-1571
A maliciously crafted HTTP/2 stream could cause excessive CPU
consumption in the HPACK decoder, sufficient to cause a denial
of service from a small number of small requests.
More info:
Found in: net/http@go1.16
Fixed in: net/http@go1.20.1
Vulnerability #4: GO-2023-1570
Large handshake records may cause panics in crypto/tls. Both
clients and servers may send large TLS handshake records which
cause servers and clients, respectively, to panic when
attempting to construct responses. This affects all TLS 1.3
clients, TLS 1.2 clients which explicitly enable session
resumption (by setting Config.ClientSessionCache to a non-nil
value), and TLS 1.3 servers which request client certificates
(by setting Config.ClientAuth >= RequestClientCert).
More info:
Found in: crypto/tls@go1.16
Fixed in: crypto/tls@go1.20.1
Vulnerability #5: GO-2023-1569
A denial of service is possible from excessive resource
consumption in net/http and mime/multipart. Multipart form
parsing with mime/multipart.Reader.ReadForm can consume largely
unlimited amounts of memory and disk files. This also affects
form parsing in the net/http package with the Request methods
FormFile, FormValue, ParseMultipartForm, and PostFormValue.
ReadForm takes a maxMemory parameter, and is documented as
storing "up to maxMemory bytes +10MB (reserved for non-file
parts) in memory". File parts which cannot be stored in memory
are stored on disk in temporary files. The unconfigurable 10MB
reserved for non-file parts is excessively large and can
potentially open a denial of service vector on its own. However,
ReadForm did not properly account for all memory consumed by a
parsed form, such as map entry overhead, part names, and MIME
headers, permitting a maliciously crafted form to consume well
over 10MB. In addition, ReadForm contained no limit on the
number of disk files created, permitting a relatively small
request body to create a large number of disk temporary files.
With fix, ReadForm now properly accounts for various forms of
memory overhead, and should now stay within its documented limit
of 10MB + maxMemory bytes of memory consumption. Users should
still be aware that this limit is high and may still be
hazardous. In addition, ReadForm now creates at most one on-disk
temporary file, combining multiple form parts into a single
temporary file. The mime/multipart.File interface type's
documentation states, "If stored on disk, the File's underlying
concrete type will be an *os.File.". This is no longer the case
when a form contains more than one file part, due to this
coalescing of parts into a single file. The previous behavior of
using distinct files for each form part may be reenabled with
the environment variable GODEBUG=multipartfiles=distinct. Users
should be aware that multipart.ReadForm and the http.Request
methods that call it do not limit the amount of disk consumed by
temporary files. Callers can limit the size of form data with
More info:
Found in: mime/multipart@go1.16
Fixed in: mime/multipart@go1.20.1
Vulnerability #6: GO-2022-1144
An attacker can cause excessive memory growth in a Go server
accepting HTTP/2 requests. HTTP/2 server connections contain a
cache of HTTP header keys sent by the client. While the total
number of entries in this cache is capped, an attacker sending
very large keys can cause the server to allocate approximately
64 MiB per open connection.
More info:
Found in: net/http@go1.16
Fixed in: net/http@go1.19.4
Vulnerability #7: GO-2022-1143
On Windows, restricted files can be accessed via os.DirFS and
http.Dir. The os.DirFS function and http.Dir type provide access
to a tree of files rooted at a given directory. These functions
permit access to Windows device files under that root. For
example, os.DirFS("C:/tmp").Open("COM1") opens the COM1 device.
Both os.DirFS and http.Dir only provide read-only filesystem
access. In addition, on Windows, an os.DirFS for the directory
(the root of the current drive) can permit a maliciously crafted
path to escape from the drive and access any path on the system.
With fix applied, the behavior of os.DirFS("") has changed.
Previously, an empty root was treated equivalently to "/", so
os.DirFS("").Open("tmp") would open the path "/tmp". This now
returns an error.
More info:
Found in: net/http@go1.16
Fixed in: net/http@go1.19.4
Platforms: windows
Vulnerability #8: GO-2022-1098
Erroneous message decoding can cause denial of service. Improper
checking of maximum witness size during node message decoding
prevented nodes in Lightning Labs lnd (before 0.15.2-beta) to
More info:
Found in:
Fixed in:
Vulnerability #9: GO-2022-1095
Due to unsanitized NUL values, attackers may be able to
maliciously set environment variables on Windows. In
syscall.StartProcess and os/exec.Cmd, invalid environment
variable values containing NUL values are not properly checked
for. A malicious environment variable value can exploit this
behavior to set a value for a different environment variable.
For example, the environment variable string "A=B\x00C=D" sets
the variables "A=B" and "C=D".
More info:
Found in: syscall@go1.16
Fixed in: syscall@go1.19.3
Platforms: windows
Vulnerability #10: GO-2022-0969
HTTP/2 server connections can hang forever waiting for a clean
shutdown that was preempted by a fatal error. This condition can
be exploited by a malicious client to cause a denial of service.
More info:
Found in: net/http@go1.16
Fixed in: net/http@go1.19.1
Vulnerability #11: GO-2022-0537
Decoding big.Float and big.Rat types can panic if the encoded
message is too short, potentially allowing a denial of service.
More info:
Found in: math/big@go1.16
Fixed in: math/big@go1.18.5
Vulnerability #12: GO-2022-0531
An attacker can correlate a resumed TLS session with a previous
connection. Session tickets generated by crypto/tls do not
contain a randomly generated ticket_age_add, which allows an
attacker that can observe TLS handshakes to correlate successive
connections by comparing ticket ages during session resumption.
More info:
Found in: crypto/tls@go1.16
Fixed in: crypto/tls@go1.18.3
Vulnerability #13: GO-2022-0527
Calling Glob on a path which contains a large number of path
separators can cause a panic due to stack exhaustion.
More info:
Found in: io/fs@go1.16
Fixed in: io/fs@go1.18.4
Vulnerability #14: GO-2022-0525
The HTTP/1 client accepted some invalid Transfer-Encoding
headers as indicating a "chunked" encoding. This could
potentially allow for request smuggling, but only if combined
with an intermediate server that also improperly failed to
reject the header as invalid.
More info:
Found in: net/http@go1.16
Fixed in: net/http@go1.18.4
Vulnerability #15: GO-2022-0522
Calling Glob on a path which contains a large number of path
separators can cause a panic due to stack exhaustion.
More info:
Found in: path/filepath@go1.16
Fixed in: path/filepath@go1.18.4
Vulnerability #16: GO-2022-0520
Client IP adresses may be unintentionally exposed via
X-Forwarded-For headers. When httputil.ReverseProxy.ServeHTTP is
called with a Request.Header map containing a nil value for the
X-Forwarded-For header, ReverseProxy sets the client IP as the
value of the X-Forwarded-For header, contrary to its
documentation. In the more usual case where a Director function
sets the X-Forwarded-For header value to nil, ReverseProxy
leaves the header unmodified as expected.
More info:
Found in: net/http@go1.16
Fixed in: net/http@go1.18.4
Vulnerability #17: GO-2022-0493
When called with a non-zero flags parameter, the Faccessat
function can incorrectly report that a file is accessible.
More info:
Found in: syscall@go1.16
Fixed in: syscall@go1.18.2
Vulnerability #18: GO-2022-0477
On Windows, rand.Read will hang indefinitely if passed a buffer
larger than 1 << 32 - 1 bytes.
More info:
Found in: crypto/rand@go1.16
Fixed in: crypto/rand@go1.18.3
Platforms: windows
Vulnerability #19: GO-2022-0433
encoding/pem in Go before 1.17.9 and 1.18.x before 1.18.1 has a
Decode stack overflow via a large amount of PEM data.
More info:
Found in: encoding/pem@go1.16
Fixed in: encoding/pem@go1.18.1
Vulnerability #20: GO-2022-0289
When a Go program running on a Unix system is out of file
descriptors and calls syscall.ForkExec (including indirectly by
using the os/exec package), syscall.ForkExec can close file
descriptor 0 as it fails. If this happens (or can be provoked)
repeatedly, it can result in misdirected I/O such as writing
network traffic intended for one connection to a different
connection, or content intended for one file to a different one.
For users who cannot immediately update to the new release, the
bug can be mitigated by raising the per-process file descriptor
More info:
Found in: syscall@go1.16
Fixed in: syscall@go1.17.5
Vulnerability #21: GO-2022-0288
An attacker can cause unbounded memory growth in servers
accepting HTTP/2 requests.
More info:
Found in: net/http@go1.16
Fixed in: net/http@go1.17.5
Vulnerability #22: GO-2022-0236
A malicious HTTP server or client can cause the net/http client
or server to panic. ReadRequest and ReadResponse can hit an
unrecoverable panic when reading a very large header (over 7MB
on 64-bit architectures, or over 4MB on 32-bit ones). Transport
and Client are vulnerable and the program can be made to crash
by a malicious server. Server is not vulnerable by default, but
can be if the default max header of 1MB is overridden by setting
Server.MaxHeaderBytes to a higher value, in which case the
program can be made to crash by a malicious client. This also
affects and HeaderValuesContainsToken
More info:
Found in: net/http@go1.16
Fixed in: net/http@go1.16.4
Vulnerability #23: GO-2021-0347
On 64-bit platforms, an extremely deeply nested expression can
cause regexp.Compile to cause goroutine stack exhaustion,
forcing the program to exit. Note this applies to very large
expressions, on the order of 2MB.
More info:
Found in: regexp@go1.16
Fixed in: regexp@go1.17.8
Vulnerability #24: GO-2021-0317
Rat.SetString had an overflow issue that can lead to
uncontrolled memory consumption.
More info:
Found in: math/big@go1.16
Fixed in: math/big@go1.17.7
Vulnerability #25: GO-2021-0243
crypto/tls clients can panic when provided a certificate of the
wrong type for the negotiated parameters. net/http clients
performing HTTPS requests are also affected.
More info:
Found in: crypto/tls@go1.16
Fixed in: crypto/tls@go1.16.6
Vulnerability #26: GO-2021-0242
Rat.SetString and Rat.UnmarshalText may cause a panic or an
unrecoverable fatal error if passed inputs with very large
More info:
Found in: math/big@go1.16
Fixed in: math/big@go1.16.5
Vulnerability #27: GO-2021-0239
The LookupCNAME, LookupSRV, LookupMX, LookupNS, and LookupAddr
functions and their respective methods on the Resolver type may
return arbitrary values retrieved from DNS which do not follow
the established RFC 1035 rules for domain names. If these names
are used without further sanitization, for instance unsafely
included in HTML, they may allow for injection of unexpected
content. Note that LookupTXT may still return arbitrary values
that could require sanitization before further use.
More info:
Found in: net@go1.16
Fixed in: net@go1.16.5
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