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Hyunwoo Moon HyunwooMoon-developer

  • Los Angeles, CA
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QUIZ Topic : Movie
quiz 1:
Who is the actor who plays the role of Joker in the movie 'Joker'?
1. Joaquin Phoenix
2. Robert De Niro
3. Anthony Hopkins
4. Brad Pitt
answer: 1. Joaquin Phoenix
1. Write an analogy to describe the relationship between clients and servers.
The simple is a client request and server response.
Let's think we are in a restaurant.
We are customers(client), we find the menu and then place the order.
Then the waiter takes the order and goes to the kitchen(server) to deliver the order.
The order is then cooked and brought back to the customer.
This series of processes can be seen as the appearance of the client and the server.
And in this process, the client sees the food, but the process of making the food is not seen.
This cooking process is only visible on the server and the client sees the result.
Visit the YouTube API documentation discussed above and find the subscription list endpoint documentation.
List 1 required parameter and 2 optional parameters for this endpoint.
For each parameter listed, state the data type and give an example of the allowed values.
required parameter : part(String){contentDetails, id, snippet, subscriberSnippet}
optional parameter: forChannelId(String), maxResult(0-50, default: 5)
Visit the Google Maps Geocoding API documentation found here:
Construct the full URL for requesting the geographic coordinates of The Statue of Liberty in JSON format.
Do the same for your own address.
Q1. What situations would be good to use context?
A: we can avoid passing props through intermediate elements , pass down props to deeply nested components.
Q2. If you need to pass a prop down 1 or 2 levels, is context necessary?
A: Context provides a way to share values like these between components without having to explicitly pass a prop through every level of the tree.
Context is primarily used when some data needs to be accessible by many components at different nesting levels. Apply it sparingly because it makes component reuse more difficult.
Q3. Can you pass a component instance as a prop to avoid the need for context?
This project aims to manage money in income and expenses.
How many people work in the Sales department?
A) 4
List the names of all employees assigned to the 'Plan Christmas party' project.
A) 'Toby Flenderson'
List the names of employees from the Warehouse department that are assigned to the 'Watch paint dry' project.
How are the syntaxes async and await useful when writing JavaScript code?
A) An async function is a function declared with the async keyword.
Async functions are instances of the AsyncFunction constructor, and the await keyword is permitted within them.
The async and await keywords enable asynchronous, promise-based behavior to be written in a cleaner style, avoiding the need to explicitly configure promise chains.
With respect to Knex, how does the transaction method relate to BEGIN and COMMIT syntax in PostgreSQL?
A)Used by knex.transaction, the transacting method may be chained to any query and passed the object you wish to join the query as part of the transaction for.
Should the client or the server take more security precautions?
A) Yes, with the use of pseudonymized data, security precautions are required.
What's the difference between local storage and session storage?
A) Session storage is the same as local storage except that the data doesn't persist outside of the tab (session).
The difference between local and session storage is that while local storage is always available in any tab and window of the same machine's browser, session storage isn't.
Session storage is only available in the browser tab that the data was saved in, as soon as that tab is closed, the data is gone.
As a result, session storage gives us an extra security feature for the frontend.
name : Your Moon online shopping mall
1. As a user, I can register and login the app.
2. As a user, I can view the items in the shopping mall.
3. As a user, I can select itme's color or quantity.
4. As a user, I can add items to the list.
5. As a user, I can delete items in list.
6. As a user, I can contact with admins.
7. As a user, I can set up the contact and delievery place.
8. As a user, I can use place an order.