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Last active March 16, 2024 17:40
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  • Save Hyuto/f3db1c0c2c36308284e101f441c2555f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Hyuto/f3db1c0c2c36308284e101f441c2555f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Generate metadata from custom trained YOLO-NAS model to help achieve best performance on inferencing with ONNX.
Generate metadata from custom trained YOLO-NAS model to help achieve best performance
on inferencing with ONNX.
$ python -m <CHECKPOINT-PATH> \ # Custom trained YOLO-NAS checkpoint path
-t <MODEL-TYPE> \ # Custom trained YOLO-NAS model type
-n <NUM-CLASSES> # Number of classes
import argparse
import json
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
logging.basicConfig(format="%(message)s", level=logging.INFO)
SUPPORTED_YOLO_NAS_TYPE = ["yolo_nas_s", "yolo_nas_m", "yolo_nas_l"]
def parse_opt():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Export Custom Trained YOLO-NAS Model Metadata.")
required = parser.add_argument_group("required arguments")
"-m", "--model", type=str, required=True, help="Custom Trained YOLO-NAS checkpoint path"
"-t", "--type", type=str, required=True, help="Custom Trained YOLO-NAS type model"
"-n", "--num-classes", type=int, required=True, help="Custom Trained YOLO-NAS num classes"
"--export-onnx", type=str, help="Convert model to onnx (path with extension)"
opt = parser.parse_args() # parsing args
opt.model = Path(opt.model)
opt.type = opt.type.lower()
# path checking
if not opt.model.exists():
raise FileNotFoundError("Wrong path! Model Not Found!")
if opt.type not in SUPPORTED_YOLO_NAS_TYPE:
raise NotImplementedError(
f"Type: {opt.type} isn't supported.\nSupported YOLO-NAS type: {SUPPORTED_YOLO_NAS_TYPE}"
if opt.export_onnx:
opt.export_onnx = Path(opt.export_onnx)
if not opt.export_onnx.parent.exists():
raise FileNotFoundError("Wrong path! Export directory not found.")
# logging
args = vars(opt).items()
"🚀 \033[1m\033[94m"
+ "Generate Metadata: "
+ "\033[0m"
+ ", ".join([f"{x}={y}" for x, y in args if y is not None])
return opt
def get_preprocessing_steps(preprocessing, processing):
if isinstance(preprocessing, processing.StandardizeImage):
return {"Standardize": {"max_value": preprocessing.max_value}}
elif isinstance(preprocessing, processing.DetectionRescale):
return {"DetRescale": None}
elif isinstance(preprocessing, processing.DetectionLongestMaxSizeRescale):
return {"DetLongMaxRescale": None}
elif isinstance(preprocessing, processing.DetectionBottomRightPadding):
return {
"BotRightPad": {
"pad_value": preprocessing.pad_value,
elif isinstance(preprocessing, processing.DetectionCenterPadding):
return {
"CenterPad": {
"pad_value": preprocessing.pad_value,
elif isinstance(preprocessing, processing.NormalizeImage):
return {
"Normalize": {"mean": preprocessing.mean.tolist(), "std": preprocessing.std.tolist()}
elif isinstance(preprocessing, processing.ImagePermute):
return None
elif isinstance(preprocessing, processing.ReverseImageChannels):
return None
raise NotImplemented("Model have processing steps that haven't been implemented")
def main(opt):
from import models
import as processing
net = models.get(opt.type, num_classes=opt.num_classes, checkpoint_path=opt.model.as_posix())
dummy = np.random.randint(0, 255, (1000, 800, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
labels = net._class_names
iou = net._default_nms_iou
conf = net._default_nms_conf
preprocessing_steps = [
get_preprocessing_steps(st, processing) for st in net._image_processor.processings
imgsz = np.expand_dims(net._image_processor.preprocess_image(dummy)[0], 0).shape
res = {
"type": opt.type,
"original_insz": imgsz,
"iou_thres": iou,
"score_thres": conf,
"prep_steps": preprocessing_steps,
"labels": labels,
filename = f"custom-{opt.type}-metadata.json""Export metadata to: {filename}")
with open(filename, "w") as f:
if opt.export_onnx:"Export ONNX model to: {opt.export_onnx}")
model=net, input_shape=imgsz[1:], out_path=opt.export_onnx.as_posix()
if __name__ == "__main__":
opt = parse_opt()
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@Sridharanraja, @Hyuto. I have this same error, i.e UnpicklingError: invalid load key, '\x08'. Any solution to this issue? Thank you

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The script DOES NOT accept onnx file format. ONLY pt

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